When Gaius Julius Caesar, the guy you mistakenly call Julius Caesar, when he conquered Gaul,

6 months ago

When Gaius Julius Caesar, the guy you mistakenly call Julius Caesar, when he conquered Gaul, today's France, he killed a million of the Celtic population that lived in Gaul. They leave, exactly how bad was it? There were three million Gauls. He killed a third of the population. He enslaved another million. And then he turned and looked at the remaining million and went, welcome to the Roman Empire, sorry, Republic, because they haven't made it an empire yet, have they? That was the Roman way. The Romans were different in how cruel they were, so when they arrived in Dacia, they killed and enslaved everyone. In fact, they were so thorough about destroying Dacia, you don't know where Dacia is. It was actually erased from history. I'll tell you where it is. It is Romania, because the Romans erased it from existence and then named it after themselves. And it still holds a new day.#JuliusCesar#republic#Roman

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