Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, The Relationship between Black Men and White Women (Full Interview 1973)

6 months ago

Dr Frances Cress Welsing and Alvin Francis Poussaint, M.D discuss the relationship between Black Men and White Woman. Both considered experts on a wide range of issues involving the black community and the study of the psychological effects that racism has on black people in their relation to white people and the world.
The threat of white-black racial amalgamation coupled with post-slavery black competition in social and economic spheres struck fear into the hearts of white men across the South and compelled them to reassert their power over both their' women and the black men who were their competition. Much of the Southern public was blinded with fear and rage at the idea of a black man with a white woman. A lynching was most likely to occur in cases where a black man had been convicted of outraging' (raping) a white woman, though a lack of conviction did not mean whites presupposed an accused negro's innocence.

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