Because of You - Lives Transformed & God's Love Shared

7 months ago

🙏 Thank You for Joining Us Today! 🙏

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being here! Your presence truly matters. Amidst life's busyness, you chose to gather with God's people to hear His Word, serve others, and praise His name. Thank you!

📖 Scripture Inspiration 📖
Paul's words to the Thessalonians resonate with how we feel about you: "So we have been greatly encouraged in the midst of our troubles and sufferings, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives us new life to know that you're standing firm in the Lord."

👥 Incredible Testimonies 👥

Jerome and Shanna's Life Group: From 40 people in a garage to 85 diverse members! Jerome, a former drug dealer turned successful programmer and Bible memorizer, and Shanna, a mentor and missionary, lead a group that's transforming lives.
Steve's Journey: At 62, after losing his wife and battling cancer, Steve found hope and purpose through our church. His story is a testament to God's sufficiency and the power of community.
Alex's Redemption: Alex's life turned around after a simple, welcoming gesture at Life.Church. From feeling guilt and shame to being baptized and actively involved, her journey shows how God uses ordinary actions for extraordinary impacts.

🌍 Global Impact 🌍

YouVersion Bible App: Thanks to your generosity, the app is on over 700 million devices worldwide! Our mission is to get God's Word to everyone, everywhere, every day.
Church Planting in Zambia: Witness how YouVersion is transforming remote communities by providing God's Word in their language, giving dignity and hope.

🙌 Irrational Generosity 🙌
Your giving and serving make a massive difference. From providing free Bible resources to supporting global church plants, your actions have eternal impacts. Stories like Dani's from Oaxaca, Mexico, highlight how your generosity supports pastors and communities worldwide.

🎉 Looking Ahead 🎉
We're just getting started! With new opportunities to serve, love, and spread God's Word, there's always more to do. We reject the label of a mega church; we're a micro church with a big mission. As long as there’s one person without Christ, we’ll never stop lifting His name.

🌟 Special Thanks 🌟
A special shout-out to everyone serving in host teams, LifeKids, Switch, ops, worship, and life groups. Your dedication transforms lives. Your simple, ordinary actions create extraordinary spiritual impacts.

🎧 Tune In and Get Inspired! 🎧
Don't miss these incredible stories and testimonies that showcase God's power at work. Be encouraged and reminded of how much your presence and participation matter.

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