Gospel of Luke #13 - Preach the acceptable year of the Lord (7-21-2024)

7 months ago

Exposition of the Gospel of Luke - Chapter 4 vs 14-30
Jesus, after about a year of ministry in Capernaum and the surrounding area, returns to His hometown and goes to the synagogue in Nazareth on the Sabbath to preach and teach. He reads from Isaiah 61:1-2a and then declares to all in attendance that this prophetic Scripture was in-fact fulfilled in their sight and hearing. Initially, they all were touched by His anointed teaching, but soon took offence by the message Jesus delivered to them.
Jesus told them that no prophet is accepted in his own country/hometown, referring to the recorded truth of such in 2 Chronicles chapters 24 & 36.

All those in attendance (family and life-long friends) were angry , offended, and triggered (skandalon) unto wrath because of their unbelief. Ultimately the angry mob tried to kill Jesus, however He simply went His way unharmed physically.
We all must understand that when we make the quality decision and choose to answer the call to make Jesus the true Lord of our life, many times those that we know the best and the longest are not excited about our choices, and they too could become triggered, offended, and full of wrath towards us.

Teacher: R.C. Smith

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