7 months ago

What is this all about really ? It's about Humanities karma for consuming children.

It IS THE NEW TRENDING tactic now. To coin everything as FAKE, staged and paid off and pretend to be wise...Just laugh it off and move on to the next incoming event. It's a Replicators Characteristic - a lazy non analytical mind does that.

It's about innocent people lives being Distroyed like MK ultra lab rats (Matthew Crook). And everyone coining everything as 'fake' while making 'jokes'. Nothing funny here actually. Young Peoples lives being distroyed. Noone stands up for them until it happens to them.

It is Nations KARMA.

Nowhere to run, when homeland security surrounds your loved ones house tonight - and puts the blame on them, for whatever is made up.
For example, 9 Estonian soldiers, were sacrificed in Afganistan, and noone holds liability. Families left wondering what happened to their children. These are good people, just not aware of such things being possible. Time to educate them without sounding like a replocator.
This is the level of Evil that has been going on forever and people vote for it. When a seemingly good man (Trump), is capable to sacrificing Palestinian children and a young man (Matthew Crook) and put the blame on invisible enemies.

This is to help people understand Mind Control Technologies, like I was breaking down in MARKKUS ANSBERG'S talk and believe their loved ones, when hearing this, and the level of Hypnosis Technologies happening on the Masses daily.


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