2022 Shuv Show, "We Don't Have a Button For That," Insights & Humor, Christene Jackman

5 months ago

2022 Shuv Show
"We Don't Have a Button For That."
Various insights and a humorous look at my super powers
Christene Jackman 1.3.2022

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. First one of 2022, entitled: "We don't have a button for that." I'm your host, Christene Jackman. Although I keep awareness of the Gregorian Calendar, my focus is the Biblical Calendar, which is a lunar/solar calendar—one that keeps track of the Feasts of the Lord. It's the calendar of the Father, of Messiah Yeshua, also known as the Jewish calendar. When Messiah Son of David returns to rule and reign, guess which calendar be sitting on His desk and in His phone? Might as well get with the program now and be ready. I'm just sayin'.

I'd like to discuss a couple points tonight. First up: a plug for learning Biblical Hebrew . . . Another of the wonderful benefits of studying the Foundational Books in their original language of Biblical Hebrew is you will have a richer experience, see insights that cannot be seen in English. Let me share a small example from the story of Joseph who was sold into Egypt as a young man by his jealous brothers. Read Gen chapters 37 thru 50 . . .
Okay, on to my second item for discussion: "We Don't Have a Button for that." Or "My Super Power."
Of course, I mean that tongue in cheek. It's time for a little humor. I actually have two super powers.

1. My RBF: resting crabby face, which I first discovered as a child while being chased by my brother with a broom. Fed up, I whirled around and leveled a stone-determined glare at him that rivaled Clint Eastwood, RBF face fully unfurled. He cowered, dropped the broom and fled. My brother didn't feel lucky that day.

Maybe I should consider taking up acting. I could just play myself: a crabby faced lady that all the neighborhood kids are afraid of, "Yeah. That's old lady Jackman's house. She has like 20 cats and turned the last Fedex Driver to stone." And All I'd have to do is "act naturally." Turn a negative into a positive.
I often wondered if I could get disability pay for my RBF.
Why do you think you don't see my face on the Shuv Shows 😊 I don't want to scare you off.

2. I do have another super power which is the opposite of the other one. This super power is: Not always taking no for an answer from sales clerks and wait staff. In the nicest possible way, I seem to have the ability to turn their no into a yes . . . "

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