CrowdStrike - The real reason (read description)

7 months ago

Since White Hats own Blackrock...
Blackrock owns Crowdstrike...
Crowdstrike took down Internet...
White Hats Orchestrated Outage...
Crowdstrike is linked to Dominion... Dominion linked to election fraud ...
Crowdstrike had servers in Ukraine... and you wonder how Trump knew...

TRUMP (45-47) HAS IT ALL!!!

REMEMBER: BRICS+ was architected by Trump and the White Hats...
EO13818 captured Blackrock, Vanguard, Statestreet, JPMORGAN, and ALL Central Banks...

First White Hat took over The Fed...
Then Twitter 1.0...
Then Blackrock, Vanguard, Statestreet... and more...
Then we used Blackrock to shove over the top ESG down everyone's throats to awaken them...
We then used the Aladdin AI system created by Blackrock to:
- Gather evidence on all illegal banking and investment transactions
- Methodically crash the FIAT economy/currency
The Fed slowly increasing rates drove up inflation aiding the controlled economy crash...
BRICS+ is the partnership "we" have with global leaders to support the takedown of global deepstate...
We used The Great Reset playbook against them by accelerating the plan...
The reset will happen...
But it's controlled by us...


CrowdStrike is the same company Hillary Clinton and the DNC hired to bury wiki leaks dump and frame trump to seed Russia collusion
BlackRock and vanguard are the biggest shareholders

...and here's another beauty, an old video but once again "Future Proves Past", once again President Trump was 100% correct...this fine man doesn't tell lies, he either tells it straight or he speaks in code. Remember the "China Virus"? There are several oblasts (towns) in Ukraine that have the word "Chyna" as a prefix to a second word for the town. 46 bioweapon labs in Ukraine, working on gain of function to target Russian and Slavic blood types, biolabs funded by the deep-state...

🚨🚨Remember when Trump said Crowdstrike had the DNC server in Ukraine to hide it from the government?

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