E119 TLB Is the Bible the Word of God? Implications and Evidence

6 months ago

In this episode of the TLB podcast, host Justin Morris discusses the importance of thinking and living biblically in the information age. He introduces a three-filter approach for evaluating information: truth, compelling nature, and relevance. Justin then delves into the question of whether the Bible is the Word of God, offering seven implications if it is and seven evidences to support its divine origin. He covers topics such as manuscript reliability, historical precision, internal unity, fulfilled prophecy, eyewitness testimony, timeless authority, and supernatural authenticity. Justin concludes by emphasizing the transformative power of the Bible and encourages listeners to learn to think and live biblically.

00:00 Welcome to the TLB Podcast
00:08 The Information Age and Filtering Truth
00:43 Three Filters for Information
02:24 The Relevance of Biblical Thinking
02:42 Why Care About Thinking Biblically?
03:07 Is the Bible the Word of God?
03:26 Subscribe and Share
05:07 Getting into Today's Episode
05:29 Seven Implications if the Bible is the Word of God
06:06 Implication 1: God Has Spoken
08:14 Implication 2: Ultimate Authority
10:08 Implication 3: Objective Truth
11:51 Implication 4: Perpetual Relevance
13:00 Implication 5: The Standard of Truth
14:45 Implication 6: Trusting the Bible
17:30 Implication 7: Knowing What the Bible Says
19:08 Seven Evidences for the Divine Origin of the Bible
19:14 Evidence 1: Manuscript Reliability
20:09 Comparing Ancient Texts
25:09 Evidence 2: Historical Precision
26:28 Archaeological Evidence Supporting the Bible
27:10 Internal Unity of the Bible vs. The Quran
31:58 Fulfilled Prophecies in the Bible
35:17 Eyewitness Testimony and Timeless Authority
37:21 Supernatural Authenticity of the Bible
50:11 The Transformative Power of the Bible

Request a copy of study notes for this or any TLB episode at info@thinkandlivebiblically.com Be sure to include the episode number (e.g. E119).

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