2 months ago

The US is a circus, is it not? Faced with imperial implosion as witnessed by over half a million homeless people, unaffordable healthcare, crumbling infrastructure while the military is earmarked to receive a trillion dollars annually, the ruling class has turned to spectacle and neon lights as a distraction. In this video, former wrestling star Hulk Hogan endorses Donald Trump in his trademark shirt-ripoff fashion.

Birds of a feather flock together. That means while Hogan was sacked from WWE over allegations of racism after he referred to his daughter’s Black lover using the N-word, Trump, during his previous presidential term, was quoted referring to African states as “shithole countries”. More recently, during a televised debate with his main rival for the US presidency, Joe Biden, Trump referred to labour intensive, low wage gigs as ‘Black jobs.’

But really, are the Democrats any better?

Was it not Biden who played a pivotal role in authoring the 1994 Crime Bill, which disproportionately put Black men behind bars and fuelled the ever-sprawling prison industrial complex? He also opposed attempts to desegregate school buses. During a 1977 Senate Judiciary hearing Biden said, “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.”

Regardless who occupies the White House, no US presidential candidate seems to have a bonafide or even hint of a Black People’s Agenda. But no worries, brothers and sisters, here comes Hulk Hogan, leaping about and ripping his shirt to shreds, ready to save the day!

Credit: NBC News

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