Verburg Family Crisis: The Weaponization of the Domestic Violence Statutes

7 months ago

The Domestic Violence Statutes in SC are being weaponized against parents. It appears that when the executive branch thinks that you are guilty that they can use whatever resource they have to make your life difficult, provoke you, and/or strip you of your rights. Are the Domestic Violence courts in SC a means by which for the governing to skirt their responsibility to secure the Constitutionally protected rights of the accused and treat them as guilty until proven innocent? Are the Domestic Violence statutes combined with the "opportunity and access" doctrine allowing innocent Americans to be abused by law enforcement and a complicit Domestic Violence court system?

Brian Verburg has had his firearms stripped from him and he has never been convicted of a crime. Brian has been arrested and charged on 3 separate occasions over the course of the last 4 years and he has never been convicted. He also contends that he has been denied his right to a jury trial after being denied his right to a speedy trial. As a matter of fact, every charge of violence made against him has been dismissed and/or expunged.

However, law enforcement used the dismissed cases to justify treating Brian as armed and dangerous while serving a warrant for "misdemeanor harassment," so that they could use the SWAT team to flashbang his living room, tear gas him, kick his doors in, and then confiscate his firearms. The details of this case are disgusting. Brian was not only stripped of his right as a father to see his son, but every phone call, text, or even driving by the home begging and pleading to speak to and see his child was used to create the police reports necessary to justify the harassment charge, a no contact order, and then the subsequent SWAT team assisted arrest.

Are the same tools that have been misused by our federal law enforcement to label Americans and use enhanced interdiction techniques being employed at the local, county, tribal, and state levels of government using the Domestic Violence statutes? Are Political Domestic Violent Extremists with NO connection to foreign terror, Familial Domestic Violent Accused, and Domestic Terrorists who have foreign terror organization connections being conflated, so that the same interdiction and investigative tools can be used on all of them?

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Mirrored from / Original Video Source: The New American -

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