Diplomatically Immunity: Honey, I Shrunk the Holocaust

7 months ago

White House Counsel Claim Lack of Notice on Motion for Sanctions to Counter Latest Move by Litigation Hobbyist

[FOB FREEDOM, July 21, 2024] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

Most people believe that manipulating viruses is inherently dangerous, and, at least under the rule articulated in Fletcher v. Rylands in 1868, “[i]f a person brings, or accumulates, on his land anything which, if it should escape, may cause damage to his neighbour, he does so at his peril. If it does escape, and cause damage, he is responsible, however careful he may have been, and whatever precautions he may have taken to prevent the damage.” However, if a virus had evolved naturally, as many prominent scientists have claimed, what are ya gonna do? Take God to court?

However, one former biological warfare planner says, as long as you’re not dealing with an infectious dose, you could literally catch coronaviruses all day in your mouth, because it’s not exactly like juggling hand grenades with the spoons popped off. And, in one FOIA case, originally filed in July 2021, after the White House had not only failed to respond at all to a FOIA request, and then went further to task the Intelligence Community, which is not an independent investigative commission, but rather just a military staff section that does what it is told, to redouble efforts focussed on consideration of only two possible scenarios regarding the very subject the FOIA request had posed, and just one week after the deadline to issue a response had tolled. And, somehow escaping any press attention at all, a case presently before the federal district court in D.C. has prompted attorneys for the White House to file a notice regarding a motion for sanctions under Rule 11, citing as authority a failure to receive proper notice so they could attempt to correct the problem under Rule 5. Had it been any other matter, not involving the deaths of almost 1.2 million Americans, and over seven million worldwide, during a presidential election, maybe there would have been some kind of official press statement, but rather the White House has, unchallenged, asserted a presumptive claim of executive privilege, reserved for matters of national security, which should trigger Exemption One under the FOIA regarding classified information. However, as of now, and so for over three years, the official position of the Government is that it can neither confirm nor deny that it owns the virus for which the most likely scenario involves a natural spillover from an animal host to a human, or that may have, you know? Escaped.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE! https://rumble.com/vp2uk1-attorneys-need-not-apply-you-have-the-right-to-remain-silent.html.

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