7-20-2024 | Blount County Courthouse Solemn Assembly

6 months ago

Month of Prayer and Fasting for Tennessee – July 2024

Just recently, the Tennessee General Assembly passed House Joint Resolution 803 into law. The legislation was authored by TN Representative Monty Fritts (32nd District) as “A Resolution to seek God’s hand of mercy and healing to rest on Tennessee.” This also dedicates July 1st-31st as a Month of Prayer and Fasting for the State of Tennessee.

Month of Prayer and Fasting for Tennessee in July - The resolution is truly unprecedented. This resolution recognizes the sins of the state of TN; it also “ask[s] the Lord Jesus to heal our land” and “invite[s] the Holy Spirit to fill our halls of government, our classrooms, our places of business, our churches, and our homes…”

Read Full Document Here: https://www.pray4tn.us/
Representative Monty Fritts to Travel Across the State!

Representative Fritts has committed to traveling to all 95 Counties of TN during the month of July to assist the local Church anyway he can. The plan is to join together with leaders and members of the Body of Christ on the steps of each county courthouse to read the Resolution, explain the need for repentance and pray together. The hope is to create a “solemn assembly” (Joel 2:12-17) that is interconnected by the Spirit throughout the state.

The Body of Christ must Take It From Here:

Rep. Fritts is calling for the Body of Christ to turn to the Lord, and spend the entire month asking for the Lord’s mercy, not just the dates he visits the local courthouse. He is limited by the oaths and duties of his elected office, and he knows that for this to work, the Body of Christ must spread the word about this, organize gatherings and most importantly, make repentance a priority above all else.

What This Means for Blount County and Lionheart:

Blount County has held a Solemn Assembly on the steps of the Blount County Court House on Saturday, July 20th at 12PM (noon) EST. Several pastors and intercessors led prayer along with Rep. Fritts to stand before the Lord on behalf of Blount County.

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