Brain Invaders - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Season 3 Episode 7

7 months ago

In this Season Finale of Season Three of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Jesse and the crew investigate “a sinister plot that’s spreading across the country, and will soon target you”- the “Brain Invaders” Conspiracy.

Whether fueled by paranoia or fact (or both), government-run mind control is one of the most popular topics in conspiracy theory culture today. Alex Jones, David Icke, and many other conspiracy theory figures often talk about the severe mind control techniques already in place, being run by the government, and advancing in efficacy as quickly as the technology that makes them possible. The backbone of many a conspiracy argument is that we don’t live in reality anymore, we live in a “matrix,” a fabricated reality, and that in order to truly understand the world you need to understand the methods by which your perception of it is shaped. The mainstream media and its technological tools (internet/social media, TV, movies, etc.), themselves, are often accused of being at the heart of an effort by government and industry to manipulate and control the minds of their citizens/workers/consumers.

Jesse begins his investigation by meeting with Dr. Terry Robertson, a physician who claims to have been seeing a lot of patients lately with the same strange set of symptoms. “Well, I’ve been collaborating with some other physicians and former D.O.D. scientists that have been looking at citizen complaints, that they may be being subjected to what’s known as psychotronic weapons and bio-communication technologies. The complaints seem to be increasing. I’ve specifically been working with one self-reported group of over a thousand of what are called targeted individuals,” says Robertson. “Targeted individuals- define that for me. What is a targeted individual?” asks Jesse. “This is a moniker that these people have put upon themselves. They believe they are specifically targeted,” says Robertson.

“Targeted individuals- they’re the ones saying they’re being harassed and tortured by voices in their heads. The ones who are mocked as the people in tin foil hats,” says Jesse, in voice-over. Robertson explains that these aren’t just crazy people, but tend to be highly educated, with 50% of them having a college degree, and over 12% have post graduate degrees. Robertson also explains that not only can individuals be targeted, but also large groups. “How could they do this to thousands of people at one time?” asks Jesse. “Well, governor that’s why I came to you- to help find the people that could answer that,” says Robertson....

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