Secret Potassium Supplement - 2024 UPDATE | STILL VERY Cheap and Effective

7 months ago

It’s still true. This is still the cheapest potassium source around but I need to clear up a couple of details that I didn’t explain well enough in the video from a couple of years ago. An incredibly useful potassium source is Cream of Tartar that you can get from your supermarket. So, it’s very easy to access for most of us and it is also very very cheap! Now. In just a minute I’ll explain the portioning or dosing of the powder but first I need to state very clearly. This is not a ‘therapeutic’ dose I’m describing here. Anyone with a medical condition requiring specific potassium supplementation should follow their doctors’ instructions. This source is most useful for those who want to improve or balance their electrolyte levels, help relieve cramping and sore muscles or help reduce nervy muscle conditions such as restless leg syndrome. And of course, ask your doctor first before taking any new supplement type. Now, as far as balancing electrolyte levels goes. It is very common for people to add sodium and magnesium to their diet or drinks but forget about potassium. Over time, this strategy can lose its effectiveness because we may not be getting enough potassium to keep up with a high sodium and magnesium turnover. The result of that imbalance can be continued muscle discomfort and cramping because food is generally NOT a good source of potassium. Modern foods have had a lot of the potassium bread out of them. Even bananas and avocados don’t contain much potassium any more. Off the shelf electrolyte drinks also appear to be low in potassium. For people who have very high potassium requirements, like those who do heavy work in the heat and those on very low carbohydrate diets, commercial electrolyte drinks tend not to contain enough potassium.

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