Extended TiHYDP Elden Ring (2022) - The First Run - KingDDDuke This is How You DON'T Play Alter Cut

7 months ago

Here's an older cut of TiHYDP Elden Ring I had saved in my drafts, but never rendered. I wasn't originally going to make it deaths only, but I underestimated how long Phil was going to play this for, so I changed my mind and trimmed alotta stuff off to keep the runtime short.

dsp,dspgaming,tihydp,lolcow,kingddduke,darksydephil,this is how you don't play,this is how you dont play,elden ring,dspgaming elden ring,tihydp elden ring,this is how you don't play elden ring,this is how you dont play elden ring,dsp dark souls,dspgaming dark souls,tihydp dark souls,tihydp fromsoft,dsp fromsoft,dspgaming from soft,dspgaming fromsoft,dsp from soft,tihydp from soft,fromsoft,from soft,dark souls,elden ring fail,dsp fail,dsp salt,dsp rage

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