Daren and Rhoda Mehl Short Testimony July 20, 2024

7 months ago

Daren and Rhoda Mehl speak about Daren's journey out of Gay Christianity and being restored to heterosexuality in marriage with Rhoda. It wasn't immediate change, but once the truth of God took hold, things began to transform quickly. Through genuine repentance, mortification of sin, and transformation through praying and reading of the Bible daily, Daren experienced his same sex attractions to men diminish and then disappear as he believed God that he was fully a man, not less than other men, and those evil desires were replaced with healthy and godly compassion for other guys. Having his needs met in Jesus through his wife Rhoda, through close brothers in the church, and through relationship with God, Daren lives as a fully sanctified man, a heterosexual man.

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