My Weight Loss Journey: Tips, Tricks, and Results!

7 months ago

So With the weight loss I didn't really have a great deal of weight loss But like I said that one day I had a higher day of four thousand calories and a lot higher carbohydrates for that day this week when it clicks around i'm not going to introduce that so we'll see how that goes as i was explaining so that should break down and make that a little bit um easier but yeah so like i said that's uh quite well so we're in the week 20 there we're about to click into that so i don't really got much more to say with the weight loss like i said everything's working it's coming down um like i said i did my calories we did a slight adjustment so I dropped them down cleaned things up a lot more Like I said when I'm closer to when I'm nearly done with this part of the section I will show you what I'm eating then so you get a general idea but at the moment I'm just keeping it dark to myself but it's very clean food if you would have a basic understanding of clean food and so forth My high day is not as high now

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