Connecting Our Past of Lemuria to Present and Future - The Ultimate Lemurian Conference

7 months ago

A preview for Portal to Ascension event July 27 & 28, 2024

This is an invitation to an enlightening conference where our diverse line up 15 speakers will be sharing knowledge and wisdom from Lemuria. I hope you'll join us while we traverse this important era of time, bringing advanced technology and clear vision for our future through the hidden secrets and messages it holds!

Connecting to the time of Lemuria and having lived in Hawaii, opened insight and guidance that has helped me navigate life with greater understanding and purpose and we want this for ou as well. Register here

Welcome to Wellness Within, where you'll receive holistic medicine wellness tips and guided meditations. These include insights about homeopathy, shamanic journeys, energy medicine healing, soul retrieval, past life regression, interdimensional telepathy, channeling, and so much more. Wellness comes from within, so take the time to focus on and learn about your own mind and body.

Laurie has been practicing homeopathic medicine and facilitating shamanic healing groups, healing retreats, and workshops for over 25 years. As a transformational holistic health coach, channel, author, and educator, she is passionate about helping people restore their whole person and access their authentic selves. Check out
Laurie D.Wheeler, DiHom,CCH,DipGem, C.Ht, C.PLSR.

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