Act For America (2024)

8 months ago

Act For America
Copyright 2015 Spurrhouse Music
Writers: Caylan Hascall, Cathy Spurr
Arranger & Producer: Dave Spurr
Lead Guitar: Bob Holt
All Other Instruments: Dave Spurr
BG Vocals: Cathy Spurr, Kelly Noel
Lead Vocals: Caylan Valves

This video is our own rendition featuring many, but not all of America's Heroes. This video is dedicated to all who love our courntry, our freedom, and our American way of life granted to us by the grace of our Lord and Savior. May we once again as a nation bless God.May God once again bless America.

This video is not ednorsed by or affiliated with Act For America (, Brigitte Gabriel, or any other known figure, nonprofit, or business shown in this video.

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