Rambo Dee Elite presents - Cooking Excellence in Home made Burger !

6 months ago

This is a Burger that is so tasty you could have another straight after!
Ladies and Gentlemen I present my Home made Burger !
Recipe -
Minced Pork, Lamb or Beef you decide.
Place mince in bowl then add Worcestershire sauce followed by finely cut onions.
Cayenne pepper and Black pepper.
Light salt or don't add any (I prefer none at all)
Mix well (use your hands)
mix mix mix
Now add a little olive oil.
Mix Mix Mix
Now make them in the shapes you like (round or Square)
Heat up your grill for about three minutes now place your burger on the grill and leave for 5 mins at least
turn over
wait another 5 minutes - check it
Flip it- Press it get those fats working and juices flowing.
Your now have a great burger - some may prefer longer or shorter cooking - but this burger will make your friends love you.
I served with Mashed Carotts.
Fries also made on the grill.
I have first layer of cheese and onion placed my burger on top.
Then I added Tomatoes another layer of onion and Jalapenos- WOW

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