My Old Hamster Care Vs. Current Care: My Hamster Care Mistakes

2 months ago

Hello everyone! A few weeks ago it was me and Cream Puff’s one year anniversary on July fifth, making it one year since I had him. I thought I would film my hamster care journey to reflect on the past year with my hamster and how far I have come. It took me a long time to realize that my hamster care needed a change, and I was doing a lot of things that were harmful to my hamster rather than helpful. I just want all of you guys to know that it is ok to make mistakes, as long as you change them and learn from them. Nobody in this world is perfect! This past year made me finally realize that, and there is still more to learn! I’ve learned so much this past year and I can use that information to give my hamster a healthier and happier life. A couple weeks ago, I noticed my hamster had diarrhea and it was due to all the sunflower seeds he was eating! His diet had way to many, so then I proceeded to take all of the sunflower seeds out of his food container and he is way better now. I hope you all can learn from my mistakes, because that is the beauty that comes out of making them!

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