[The Collapse of] The American Dream (Short Animation)

7 months ago

he American Dream is a 2011 animated film produced and written by Tad Lumpkin and Harold Uhl. At first glance, the movie seems to explain what concepts such as money and debt mean, while being complete arse at explaining how the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking work. At around half way through the film however, it deteriorates into a vast conspiracy theory, claiming, among other things, that the Rothschild family (called "Red-Shields" in the film) are controlling the Federal Reserve and that they were responsible for the assassination of JFK.

The film's official website once contained a list of "Good Guys"[1] who, according to the film's creators, try to fight the evil Rothschilds from taking over the world. The list was an assortment of right wing and libertarian think tanks, publications, and media personalities. Drudge Report and Alex Jones are listed among them. Jones himself has given a positive review of the film.[2] However others from varied political backgrounds, who weren't as easily as impressed as Alex, see the film as thinly veiled anti-Semitism.[3][4][5]

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