Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning

7 months ago

Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning, Part I

We Hold These Truths

Jul 29, 2014
We Hold These Truths has released our, 29 minute, award winning documentary for free viewing. Out of 700 international films submitted to the 4th Ammar Popular Film Festival in Tehran, Iran, in January, 2014, our film, Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning, Part 1, has been given a special award along with two other documentaries. This film exposes what should be three, obvious truths: 1. The US has a war based economy that is dependent upon the support for its many wars by Christians under the influence of Christian Zionism. 2. Christian Zionism is a corruption of traditional Christianity that has been promoted for just over 100 years, through the Scofield Reference Bible. 3. The Palestinians have been under a brutal military occupation by Israel since 1967. An example of this brutality was an Israeli attack on Gaza that killed four and wounded 40 in 2002, that was witnessed, videoed and reported by Charles E. Carlson, the Writer/Director of this documentary. This attack was four years before Hamas came to power and 12 years before Israel's current attack on Gaza, "Operation Protective Edge." This planned operation has turned into a genocidal assault on Gaza with the Israelis bombing hospitals and schools, and civilian casualties hovering around 75%, while destroying the infrastructure of the world's largest, open air prison (Bob Simon of CBS News described Gaza this way in 2009 in an interview with Charlie Rose).

Key moments
6:03 How Does One Tell Who Christian Zionist
9:56 Present-Day Israel
10:21 The Scofield Reference Bible
12:55 What Exactly Scofield Reference Bible

Reading List
*Against Our Better Judgment How U.S.
*Christian Zionism Armageddon?
*Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star Texe
*Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed
*Culture of Critique Kevin Macdonald
*The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Pappe
*Expulsion Palestinians Concept Transfer
*From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyenot
*Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom
*The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
*Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs
*International Jew World’s Foremost
*Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo
*Israel Lobby U.S. Foreign Policy John J
*Israel: Our Duty...Our Dilemma T W Pike
*Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews
*The Jewish Encyclopedia
*Jewish History, Jewish Religion Shahak
*The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today
*Jewish Revolutionary Spirit E M Jones
*Judaism Discovered Michael A Hoffman
*Judaism’s Strange Gods Michael A
*Life American Jew Israel Jack Bernstein
*Secret Relationship Blacks Jews
*Shabtai Tzvi Labor Zionism Holocaust
*Synagogue of Satan Updated Expanded
*Temples that Jerusalem Forgot E Martin
*The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler
*To Eliminate the Opiate Volumes One &
*Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black
*Two Hundred Years Together Aleksandr
*Ugly Truth Anti-Defamation League
*Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? Chamish
*You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel

40 beheaded babies (14:03)

1948 Creation Catastrophe (1:25:14)

Britain Started Arab Israeli Conflict (52:35)

Christian Zionism Tragedy Turning (28:59)

Day Israel Attacked America (8:02)

Gaza Bombardment (9:19)

Gaza Concentration Camp (7:34)

How Israel Helped Create Hamas (6:11)

Mystery of Israel Solved (1:03:22)

What Christians Aren't Taught Zionism (16:40)

What the Media Won't Tell You Israel (10:23)

Zionism Christianity Unholy Alliance (1:35:41)

Israel/Jew/Zion Odysee

Israel/Jew/Zion Rumble

Israel/Jew/Zion YouTube
Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Christian Zionism, The Tragedy & The Turning, jew, zionist, zionism , communism, bolshevism, jews, khazars, fake jews, synagoge of satan, israel, Palestine, christians, islam, jews, jews, jews, demons, demon spawn, satanic, evil , pure darkness and dispair, hell, is real hell, idf, terrorism, 2024, bible, end times, truth, changing the bible, balfour , syces picot, war, conspiracy, mystery , history, Free Palestina

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