Heaven Land Devotions - Stop Following False Prophets

6 months ago

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There have always been false prophets throughout the ages right up until now. It is evident that Satan has sent his same invading forces of lying spirits into the mouths of the modern day false prophets. They are seductive and love the wealth and prestige of celebrity. They have captivated the minds of untold thousands who take their words as the literal oracles of God.

"Their mouth speaketh great swelling [words], having men's persons in admiration because of advantage." Jude 1:16.

On the other hand there are many that have spent their entire private lives in the word and ceaseless prayer. These see right through them. They instantly do not recognize their Master's voice and they flee from them. They are no longer wolves in sheep's clothing. The wolves are now invited in among the body of Christ and revered.

There is a very real gift of prophecy and there are many that operate in this very special gift. They are typically hidden, meek and very quiet. They never bring attention to themselves. They shun attention.

Be careful as the days are rapidly getting darker and more perilous because deception is worse than ever and will increase. Be aware of who you are listening to and what you take in as the truth. You will find yourself slowly derailing off the well-lit path of the righteous far from the Lord.

“Every believer must test all teachers to-day, for himself, by the Word of God, and their attitude to the atoning Cross of Christ, and other fundamental truths of the gospel, and not be misled into testing "teaching" by the character of the teacher. Good men can be deceived, and Satan needs good men to float his lies under the guise of truth.”

― Jessie Penn-Lewis, War on the Saints: Original and Unabridged 1912 Edition

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