Melbourne Freedom & Information Rally - 20 07 2024

5 months ago

Horrifying Government Numbers Below - Funding to LGBTQIA+.
What is the + ?

Display Image who likes and believes the Australian government should neglect Australia and the needs of Australians in order to send $1.3 billion Australian tax dollars to wars which have nothing to do with Australia or any Australians.
Her stand is we need to send billions of dollars to natzi's in Ukraine and have 600,000 men murdered in order to defend western democracy.
Even the men and women in Ukraine are not wanting western funding of the war because it is causing the war to continue which nobody wants and more of their people are being killed.
Is killing 600,000 Ukrainian men in order to defend communist dictatorships in the west worth it ?
Or should we rather end the war, stop the funding of continuous wars and change to a direct representative government with fixed 2 to 3 term limits before the representative goes back to what they were doing prior to being a politician, and where 4 times a year all laws past by upper and lower house must go individually as a referendum to the people to see whether they say yes or no in order for it to become law or not and where each representative must answer before their local people who they represent every 3 months in order to be allowed to continue by the locals in order to continue being a politician and politicians can be kicked out and replaced as a politician at any time should the local people they supposedly represent loose faith in them, and replace them with someone else. ?

If Australia took the billions of $$ the Australian government sends over seas every year and spend it in Australia in the needs of the people in Australia, then Australia would the healthiest and happiest and most intelligent and innovative and productive people and country on earth.

The man who is a walking encyclopedia and the woman thinks she probably knows more than him.
She knows more than him is fact check false, she does not know more than him. He is a walking computer brain on legs with a unmatched wealth of knowledge and ability to cite facts and numbers and sources able on the go.

Remember this nutjob said she was perfectly happy to send 1.3 billion Australian tax dollars to murder innocent men and women and children in Ukraine, and because of sending 1.3 billion dollars to Ukraine which means because of that funding not being spent in australia which means people will die in australia, that woman she was perfectly happy to send the money to Ukraine which would cause people in both Australia and Ukraine to die. She said yes to that. That is pure evil.

She also cares nothing that Australia sends 370 million a year to Indonesia and

Table 1: total Australian ODA, 2018–19 to 2020–21, ($ million), by region
Region 2018–19(a) (actual) 2019–20(b) (estimate) 2020–21(b) (estimate)
PNG and the Pacific 1 252.5 1 381.4 1 440.6
Global and other ODA(c) 1 339.2 1 187.4 1 260.6
Southeast and East Asia 1 089.6 1 005.8 1 009.9
Middle East and Africa 347.5 199.8 93.0
South and West Asia 343.2 266.2 193.4
Latin America & the Caribbean 7.1 3.3 2.5
Total ODA 4 379.1 4 044.0 4 000.0

since July 2022
$6m - Sudan and the region for lifesaving humanitarian assistance in response to the conflict
$18m - Türkiye and Syria following the devastating earthquake including food, shelter, clean water and sanitation
$10.2m - Pakistan to provide emergency food, nutrition and livelihoods support following devastating floods
$35m - Horn of Africa and Yemen to help address food insecurity
$135m - Myanmar and Bangladesh for humanitarian assistance
$15m - Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, to assist people affected by the Syrian conflict
$12.8m - Vanuatu for essential supplies to respond and recover from Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin
$2.7m - Kiribati for drought assistance ensuring access to safe drinking water
$500k - Tuvalu in response to drought and acute water shortages, including items for water purification and storage

Climate Change and Environment 2022 - 2023 budget 137.2 Million Dollars, 2023 - 2024 budget 142.2 Million Dollars

Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (including LGBTQIA+) 2022 - 2023 budget 97.7 Million Dollars, 2023 - 2024 budget 101.2 Million Dollars


What is the + in the LGBTQIA+ ?
1) MAPS - Minor Attracted Persons - Pedophilia
2) Beasteality - Sex with Animals and People
3) Incest - Sex between Immediate Family Members
Taught in schools and universities, including educational videos and images to show and instruct each of the above of the LGBTQIA+.
Abomination, in your country, in your state, in your schools, private and public.
Also Gender Affirming care, and administering of the same chemicals to children which they use to castrate sex offenders, all in the name of gander affirming care.
Dont worry about it, the school education system can and are allowed to do this without parental knowledge or consent.
All funded by the government.
If you are paying tax to the government, then you are assisting the government funding this.

This woman by her own words fully supports this as she supports the government funding of these things as shown in the governments own data from their own website.

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