Going Clear, Part 15 – Paul Haggis phony narrative

7 months ago

Going Clear, Part 15 – Paul Haggis phony narrative

So, this is where we get into where I believe that we have got a really phony narrative going on. “Because Haggis stopped complaining, Davis felt that the issue had been laid to rest. But far from putting the matter behind him, Haggis began an investigation into the Church. His inquiry, much of it conducting on line, echoed the actions of the lead character he was writing for Russell Crowe in The Next Three Days, who goes on the Internet to research a way to break his wife out….” I mean this is such patent patronizing. He’s using his own created character to make him look like a hero in a movie. Right? And the reason why I covered all this business on the foundation of the homosexuality and the emphasis, this big emphasis, on Haggis being so suddenly – you know, he’s like that inspector in Casablanca, “I’m shocked and dismayed.” That’s being communicated all through here.

This is false. He didn’t begin an investigation after this little tête-à-tête with Tommy Davis over Proposition 8. He sat on his butt. Wright says “what is so striking about Haggis’ investigation is that few prominent figures attached to the Church of Scientology have actually looked into the charges that have surrounded their institution for many years.” Again he’s going to lionize and dramatize this altruistic nature that sets Haggis apart from the rest of these scum celebrities who won’t look, right. Again, I’m telling you, he didn’t do that. This is false.

What in fact actually happened was, several months after, if not a year after this whole intro that he, that Wright created, I got a mailing list that had Paul Haggis’ email address on it and I started an anonymous communication with him directing his attention to media that I had participated in. Okay? And I did it very cleverly to draw his interest and to get him talking about it. Before he even knew who I was. Okay? And this cat and mouse game went on for several days, okay? And he read the media. Then he began his investigation. And they have communicated the sequence all the opposite.

Now, to give Larry Wright a break, before Larry Wright saw me, I think it was after the New Yorker article, but it could have been before, but I think it was after, Paul Haggis phoned me and he said “Marty can you do me a big big big favor?” Because he knew that Larry Wright was choosing me as the person that was going to be sort of the Church. Sort of be the surrogate—just so his due diligence would be done. So that he could say he got all of this—because I was very pro the technology of Scientology even though I had issues with the organization. And Hubbard, and L. Ron Hubbard. Okay? And so Paul also knew I was a huge part of the narrative, of this story that has been constructed here, created through the imagination and delusion – to steal a phrase from Larry Wright – of Larry Wright. But I’m giving Larry Wright a break because Paul Haggis called me and he said, “Marty can you do me a big favor?” I said, what is it? He said, “Look for the sake of my image with my daughters, can you please avoid telling Larry Wright that you were the person, that you prompted me to go do an investigation into the Church.” And I told him, look man, I’m not going to lie to him. But I will deceive him. I will not originate it unless he specifically asks me, point on and I will bob and weave but I’m telling you, if I get asked straight up, I’m not just going to outright lie for you. Oh and he was just profusely thanking me and thanking me because it was very important for his image with his kids. Now, in retrospect, I think it was very… now that I see the very productions that have been made with the movie and all his and the way the whole campaign has rolled out, I’m pretty sure he could give a rat’s ass about his kids. It’s important for his public image because he rode this sort of pro-gay rights wave as a PR vehicle and as to paint himself as heroic. Do you understand what I am saying? And it was critical—this critical passage right here—it was critical to the whole false narrative. And that is why he has got to really pump it up, “What is so striking about Haggis’ investigation is that no prominent Scientologists have ever charted and trail-blazed the land that he decided unilaterally to go blaze.” Problem is, he didn’t. Didn’t happen.

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