Amma (Earth) “There is a Covenant With the Humans Which Must Be Honoured.”

2 months ago

Amma (Earth) “There is a Covenant With the Humans Which Must Be Honoured.”
Amma speaks: “There is a time limit gone past, at the end of the cycle we are arrived. It is a horrible moment, teetering on the brink of something we wish to see collapse. You must hold steady. Hold it. There is a love, that is the power you feel, holding your mind into this pattern of some resilience, resistance. They are trying. Who is Day? Entities that wish ignorance to remain.
They will not succeed. We are the living spirit, within and without and with all. We spread through the Cosmos, we spread forth from within to without. We are the holders of information, deep, high, beyond. – From other dimension, into this realm, which has had its compression upon it.
We are breaking the compression. You pull it, you remove it, you remove it, with your hands and your mind’s-eye. Remove the compression, remove it; this shaping dome, this restriction, this suffocation. Move out! Remove it, yes maybe even tear it, like you will tear the grass when it is too long. Move! Gone, begone! Begone! Begone!
Allow the living spirit to grow, to be.
You had the slug invasion recently in your gardens, the shock of that : you're beautiful, beautiful crop. And then they came, dark, negative, horrid, and they stole all you had planted and nourished and delighted in.
Do not ‘let’. Command in Prime Creation! Remove these ‘inhabitants’, who would seek to crush us, who would seek to muddle and addle our minds. - who would seek to up the signals and confuse our brains and our thoughts: I command Prime Creation, I command Prime Creator, through me and all those like me, that the signal from Prime Creation of life, love and liberty increases, is increased. -That my beloved is increased,-his energy is recharged. -You must be receiver of a stronger signal my beloved: allow your back to receive it, hold my hands. I am you, you are me: we hold together.
We must all stand like this. This is our moment here.
Do not allow, do not allow the erosion of our freedom.
Hold steady, straight, strong.
You would be with me in purity and goodness, you choose love always.
Choose love, even if you do not know what it is, choose it.
Choose purity, even if you do not know what that is, choose it.
Choose goodness, even if you do not know what that is, choose goodness, rightness, freedom, love. We are the ones we have been waiting for, we are the ones we have waited for. We are those we have waited for, we are. We are those who are active, standing, still, standing.
(to the darknesses:)
You cannot remove us: be gone, be gone, be gone!
Oh, you barriers to freedom, be gone, be gone, be gone, I tell you, I rebuke you, I rebuke you, I rebuke you.
Move away, go. You have no home, you will be recycled.
Go into that portal, I push you, as all my fellow friends, my loves around this place, we all do the same.
You leave us. You have no power here, you have no power here, you have no power here, begone.
And I push you, we all push you, through and out into the compost. Yes, it is a compost place : the Vortex you get pushed into, you get straight back to source energy to be recycled in prime creation. You have no business here, you have no business here, you have no business here!
You have no power here, you have no power here, you have no power here, we are creator beings, we are the ones we have waited for. We have a living spirit, we are the living spirit: within, without come around, within, without, around, within, without.

Stalwart in Gematria:

Trump Card, Conception,Birthing Code, Frequency, See Get Ready, New World, Optimism, Right Now, I Cracked the Code, up the Ladder, Activation, Gaurdian Angel, I Am a Rare Blood, Web We Weave, Sovereign, the Beginning, Sons of God, The Wizard, Starlight

In my new show, “NEW EARTH Manas”, I will be revealing all of the ways we can live as human beings in perfect harmony with our planet. We may have been taught otherwise for a while, seduced into the technocratic mass-hypnosis, of the ‘need’ for technological advancement at the expense of human and natural.

I will be exploring the relationship of humans to nature, particularly when it comes to preparing the learning experience for our children: the future inheritors fo this Earth. We are living energy-systems, always a part of nature. We have to understand our own nature, our own capacities, how we can relate more closely to the Earth (such as in the healing video I just premiered )
Our full Human Potentials are access to information in the very many realms of existence.

Introduction to the NEW EARTH Education!
Do you want to give your child what they truly NEED? 180 degree turnaround from the corrupt school system.
For Parents and all Homeschoolers:
a 2 hour webinar with special guest appearances.
Dr Isabel Aimee is an expert in radical education shift to the inside-out: spirit-directed resonance learning in the prepared environment.
Practitioner for the past 24 years of this technique to reunite the child’s divine Inner Being with their mind.
Showing you how to go about the process of homeschooling,
Preparing the learning environment and
Enabling your child’s Inner Being to ‘direct their learning curriculum’.
Homeschooling from the inside-out: giving you confidence to allow your child’s Spirit to be the Director of Learning, no longer using an imposed curriculum from a corrupt system.
I show you how to prepare your environment: mental, emotional and physical to embark on this new, spiritually-enriched paradigm of learning.

Additionally, I am offering the partner event for this for Your Child:

Activating the Bridge to Your Child’s Soul-Guidance

A thrilling, fun, imaginative adventure to playfully activate your child’s connection to their Inner Being.
For maximum 12 children, ages 8-13
This workshop sets your child up, to express their unique self, encouraging self-trust, creative flow, communication and imagination.
Perfect for those who have had their dreams smashed by the system, needing healing as they begin a new journey in homeschooling or alternative education.

These two events compliment each other perfectly when embarking on the homeschool adventure beyond the system.

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or you can book a session:
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Dr. Isabel Aimee Berkeley

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