China's Real Estate Collapses in a False China Dream

2 months ago

07/20/2024 Sky News explores the realities of China's property crash. The Evergrande Apartments on the edge of Changchun are in ruins. The owners of the Evergrande Apartments, who spent all their money buying the apartments, are frustrated and disappointed, but afraid to speak out for fear of getting in trouble with the police. They say the Chinese government sold them a false dream about China.
#housingcollapse #realestate #chinadream #Evergrande
07/20/2024 天空新闻探访中国房地产崩塌现况。地处长春市郊的恒大公寓已经烂尾,业主倾尽所有购买了恒大公寓,结果所有承诺都成了泡影,他们沮丧失望却不敢发声,因为可能会惹上警察。他们称,中共政府向他们兜售了一个虚假的中国梦。
#房倒银塌 #房地产 #中国梦 #恒大

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