🔥Unmasking the Deep State: The Assassination Attempt on Trump & Exposing the Deep State Corruption🔥

7 months ago

🚀🔥 Unmasking the Deep State: Ivan Raiklin on President Trump, the Assassination Attempt, and Exposing the Deep State Corruption 🔥🚀

📅 Date: July 20, 2024

🕕 Time: 9 PM Eastern

Join us for an explosive episode of The Raising Cain Show as we delve into current events with Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Ivan E. Raiklin. Discover insights from a former Green Beret and Constitutional Attorney on the assassination attempt on President Trump, the Deep State, and the fight for America's future! 🎙️✨

#RaisingCainShow, #IvanRaiklin, #NationalSecurity, #DeepState, #GreenBeret, #Whistleblower, #Trump, #CurrentEvents, #USArmy, #ConstitutionalAttorney, #ElectionIntegrity, #FirstAmendment

Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Ivan E. Raiklin
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Ivan E. Raiklin, former Green Beret and Constitutional Attorney Served 25 years in the DOD, Intel and Special Operations Communities and DTRA as an enlisted, officer, civilian, contractor on active duty, reserves and national guard across 5 states: IA, NY, MA, MS, TX and 5 continents in five languages (Russian, Spanish, Arabic, French, English-naturally). Ivan served as a Green Beret Commander countering ISIS in the Middle East, Taliban in Afghanistan, MS-13 in Central America, countering Russian aggression as a military diplomat in the Republic of Georgia.

Most recently he was an instructor at the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center teaching junior thru senior level professionals of the US Intelligence community and international partners about intelligence analysis, national security and multinational operations.

After observing the illegally certified 2020 election, he began using his skills and expertise to investigate this constitutional violation and all Federal Government and State Actors involved. Researching their wanton disregard for the constitution over the course of the last 6 years including their illegal politically motivated spying of a President, Retired Army General Michael T. Flynn and former Naval Officer Carter Page.

Because of several retweets by a sitting President, and the Federal Government's blind hatred of that President--at the expense of the US Constitution--Ivan has faced at least ten investigations by the DHS, DOD, FBI, DIA, US Army, Office of the Secretary of Defense, US Army Reserves, at least two Contract companies and the J6 coverup committee for his legal analysis of remedying the illegally certified 2020 election in his off duty time in his personal capacity, while fearlessly exercising his First Amendment right. His most well known analysis was the #PenceCard analysis which exposed Mike Pence's Unconstitutional behavior on December 23. And also his investigation of the January 6 Fedsurrection and the Federal Government's role in its creation.
Ivan has been massively censored for that legal analysis by CCP-inspired/ leveraged/(likely)captured Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Lincoln-In. Also, he has been ruthlessly defamed by Reuters (official Fact checker of Tweeter whose CEO serves on the Pfizer board), NY Times, Washington Post, Raw Story, Huffington Post for exercising his 1A while off duty in his personal capacity. Amidst all this commotion, Ivan was nonetheless given the highest performance evaluation along with a substantive raise in his role as a National Security expert for his superlative performance and selected for battalion command in the US Army Reserve.

Nate Cain:
Nate Cain, Host of The Raising Cain Show, is the FBI Whistleblower on Hillary Clinton, Uranium One, and their coverup of her crimes related to Money Laundering, Public Corruption & Terrorism Financing.

Nate is a military veteran and an expert in cybersecurity for over 26 years and has worked extensively on election integrity, having been called on as an expert witness and cyber forensic investigator by the Trump White House after the 2020 election debacle.

His military service for the last 26 years:
· U.S. Army 307th Signal Battalion, HHC, Camp Carol, South Korea (Enlisted)
· U.S. Army 1111th Signal Battalion, Company A, Raven Rock (Enlisted)
· U.S. Navy TACTRAGRUPAC, Detachment Yokosuka, Japan (Civil Service)
· U.S. Navy PHNSY & IMF, JBPHH, Hawaii (Civil Service)
· U.S. Marines MARFORCYBER, CPT #83, Fort Meade, MD (Civil Service)

@NateCain4WV @Cain_Nate @MCPOTA

The Raising Cain Show:
"The Raising Cain Show" covers crucial topics including cybersecurity, election integrity, national security, veterans’ issues, sanctity of life, constitutional rights, energy, economic issues, lawfare, technology and more.

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