Words of Wisdom by Kai: True Kindness 🙏

7 months ago

Only when every aspect of your world is seen with beauty and love, when your whole being resonates with purity, then and only then can we say we are truly kind.

When I speak of kindness, I speak of the kindness of pure divinity, of the absolute truth where no error lays.

Absolute, unconditional love.

For good to see evil, it is no longer good.

For peace to see war, it is no longer peaceful.

For truth to see a lie, it is no longer the truth.

If I was to remove everything that is a lie in this world, there would be no world left.

For the truth does not lie in this world.

Truth, it is a state of being. It is not a perception, and it is not a choice.
It is beingness, total unity.

When all thoughts and all activity stops and you enter the stillness.

The more still you are, the closer you are to the truth.

My words have power. The wise will recognize it and this power of my words lies within you.

Enter the stillness, and in the stillness, you will naturally become kind.

Be at oneness with all that is.

Do not see a world of separation but rather one of unity.

Enter the stillness and from the stillness you can create anew.

Let’s all do just that.

True kindness.



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