Always Getting Paid Tasks | SnowRunner (Session 69) [Noice]

7 months ago

As we get around to finishing with the basic baby extra tasks, we get to test out our new girl we adopted in the last session to see if she's capable of doing the dangerous deeds of swimming. We also get to see the aftermath of a destroyed train and its cargo, which leads us to helping out a farmer that attempted to ship his belongings out of state, only to then realize how dumb that was and just requested we ship them back to his place. He'll have to pay extra for the gas and making our girls tip over just to break his family heirlooms.

If you want to see what I do outside of gaming, check out my novel: Lore of The Endelment. Link to Amazon provided.

Mods Used (listed in order by mod name):
- 2001 KW C500 "Devastator" (by DIESELADDICT66)
- 714WM (by 8Y8DLZHQ9GE4GNK)
- AGL Scout Supplies Base (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Scout Supplies Year 1 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Scout Supplies Year 2 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Trailers and Addons Pack (by angrygingerlife)
- Azov 64131 Roof Rack (by matchbreakers)
- Azov Atom SE (by DocBugsy)
- Bart's "Swiss Army Knife" Paystar 5700TS (by bartelbi7)
- Crocodile Actaeon kung (by Horned_Cat)
- Crush Kill Destroy (by gargantuo)
- Even More Paintjobs (by Foreststrike)
- Free The Logs - Auto Load Logs on Mod/Tweak Trucks (by FOXCRF450RIDER)
- Gung (by Brasko)
- High Sadle Sideboard Semitrailer (by BigRichard2012)
- Mastadon fuel/repair addon. (by Brasko)
- Mega Cab HD (by JohnJohnHotRod)
- Mega Cab HD Maxx Addon Pack (by JohnJohnHotRod)
- MrBusses Wheel pack (by MrBusses)
- MS Trailer Pack (by Killofdev)
- Nemesis (by OlDrifter)
- Off Road Trailers (by FOXCRF450RIDER)
- Paystar 5600TS "Harvester" (by MrBusses)
- PLAD 450 SE (by DocBugsy)
- Pog Poghrims Saddle Crane (by Poghrim)
- Roof Rack Addon for Azoz 73210 (by matchbreakers)
- SnowRunner Cup (by CanuckRunner)
- Sparky's Unlocked Vanilla Addons & Trailers (by Sparky66)
- Suspension Damage Reduction (by LeonserGT)
- Tires and Cargo Plus Mod (by xzakat)
- Vanilla Mod Pack (by slickrick88)
- Western Star 6900 Twinsteer BHF (by BlueHawkOnFire)
- Western Star Quack Pack (by MrBusses)
- Wolf (by vasiab44)
- WS 6900 Road Train (by 87iceman)
- WS Twinsteer 6900 "Dreadnaught" (by MrBusses)
- Z2 Addon Flatbed "Boss Revival" (by zxp990)
- Z2 Universal Bridge (by zxp990)

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