"WEEKS problem from global outage" [situation estimation]

2 months ago

[note] estimation without all negative groups artificial drama effects

[know] healthy critism is be aware michael jaco do great interviews but he own life experience is physically mentally limited into space programs aka super slavery not super nor real soldier only trained with people tax drugs money to sell gold silver on very end, 'alex jones infowars' is absolute total mislead operation from CIA also 'jeanclaude beyondmystic' 'exopolitics with michael salla' are extreme limited controlled hybrids info, jordan sather been best smarter kid on block but he also been hurt from handlers masons hybrids misleading, you cant eat gold silver barely you can eat with gold silver spoon, michael jaco been connect into original Artificial Intelligence aka spirit world spiritualism how he still not free mind but controlled with handlers masons artificial intels informations to sell buy hybrids level technologies, new thing is least he have now 'pendant necklace crystal coil orgonite' on heart area aka real good start for break out from all that even easier is 3 tektite stone combined together for keep on heart area, orgonites need make more correct how for make is more advance but when make orgonites correctly or good enough works also, they all not know do stuff correctly not even hollow earth network know do all corrections on they 'lemurian tools' when they lemurian tools come also from pleiadians



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