Dr. Andrew Wakefield: It's the actual toxic load rather than just being one vaccine or another.

7 months ago

"The mercury in vaccines was a problem, aluminum in vaccines was a problem and so it became clear that it is very likely that it's the actual toxic load that a child is presented at a very early stage rather than just being one vaccine or another. I will never be able to discern the truth of that...

They have so many vaccines now that how do you even begin to untangle the complexity, the permutation of how was it this vaccine or this one and this one together or these three or these 15, we just don't know.
I think there's almost been a deliberate attempt to expand the program without doing the appropriate safety research in order to make it virtually impossible to target any specific vaccine...
It is related to the toxic load...there is an exponential increase in severe adverse reactions like autism with increasing load of vaccines. The more you're given at one time the greater the risk of an adverse reaction. This dose response effect is very plausible and is very strong evidence of causation...
I'm quite certain that the sheer volume of vaccines that are given to children is way in excess of being safe. I mean way in excess and it has never been subjected to any formal clinical trial. Is it safe to give multiple vaccines at the same time. Hasn't been done."

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