Analysis of the Statement of Archbishop C. M. Viganò on the situation in the Church /Part 1: Vatican Council II/

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Quoting from the Statement by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “… this cowardly and culpable surrender began with the convocation of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and with the underground and highly organized action of clergymen and laity linked to the Masonic sects, aimed at slowly but surely subverting the structure of government and magisterium of the Church in order to demolish Her from within.”
This painful truth of the hidden plan to destroy the Church from within could not have been spoken of before, because the Second Vatican Council became literally an idol. “Secundum Vaticanum” and “Nostra Aetate” was the mantra of almost every theological discipline and almost every class in the theological faculties. Scripture and the whole Tradition were reinterpreted in the spirit of Vatican II. To dare to truthfully expose the heresies of Vatican II would be to completely disqualify oneself. Archbishop Viganò could not express this truth clearly in the past either. It is only now that the time has come for him, as a long-time, high-ranking Vatican official, to expose it publicly, clearly and responsibly.
Yet even today, when the disastrous fruits of this Council are clearly visible, it is still considered a crime to point out the pernicious heresies and suicidal agenda and spirit of Vatican II. For this exposure, Bergoglio and his sect are, as it were, pronouncing a false excommunication against Archbishop Viganò. At the same time, they also accuse him of not recognizing a manifest heretic as pope in accordance with the Church’s teaching. There is no denying the fact that Bergoglio is subject to multiple latae sententiae excommunication and anathema for a false gospel according to Gal 1:8-9 and is outside the Church of Christ. On the other hand, as far as Archbishop Viganò is concerned, the pseudo-excommunication only confirmed that he had nothing to do with Bergoglio’s sect and that he was and is in the Church of Christ.
Former US nuncio reveals that the Second Vatican Council was connected to highly organized underground action of liberal and heretical prelates, priests and laity linked to the Masonic sects. So, the Second Vatican Council had two aspects, the official, that is, the meeting of prelates, and the unofficial, that is, the action of heretics and liberals who pursued a plan to change the spirit and doctrine of the Church according to the Masonic blueprint. To this day, many are unable to accept this harsh truth and they remain in the artificially created intoxicating aura of Vatican II.
Quoting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “…the documents of the secret sects demonstrate the existence of an infiltration plan conceived in the nineteenth century and carried out a century later, exactly in the terms in which it was conceived.”
The Archbishop shows that plans to internally disintegrate the Church are also embedded in the documents of the secret sects dating back to the 19th century. However, he does not take this fact as the main argument. The main argument is the heresies of Vatican II, its heretical spirit, and the visible fruit of this poisoned root today. Therefore, in this atmosphere, the pseudo Pope can afford to publicly dedicate himself to Satan and publicly bless the sin of sodomy, for which God threatens fire from heaven. Another fruit of Vatican II is that the believers, drunk with the spirit of aggiornamento, no longer perceive these crimes of the highest calibre. This spiritual blindness is a sign of the curse which, according to Gal 1:8-9, has fallen on the Church. Catholics today have eyes and do not see, have ears and do not hear. The only solution is for every Catholic, layman, priest or bishop, to repent in this area and call heresy heresy, both Bergoglio’s and Vatican II’s. Without this, there can be no renewal of the Church.
Quoting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “Similar processes of dissolution had previously taken place in the civil sphere, and it is no coincidence that the Popes were able to grasp in the uprisings and wars that bloodied the European nations the disintegrating work of international Freemasonry.”
Both the Masons and the heretical modernism condemned by St Pius X were responsible for the demoralization of Christian nations in the civil sphere. The pre-conciliar Popes had thought and moral principles based on Scripture and the tradition of the Church. They were therefore able to grasp the disintegrating influence of the Masons even behind the uprisings and wars in Europe.
After Vatican II, the Masonic principle of covertly placing their own people in charge of the state, who then serve not the nation but Masonic goals, was transferred to the Church. Just as secular governments self-destroy their own nations, so the Church hierarchy self-destroys the Church.
An atmosphere was deliberately created in which it was impossible to even say out loud that there were any Masons at all, because one would immediately be branded as a conspirator. Similarly, one was not allowed to point out the heresies of the Council, because anyone who did so would be declared an enemy of the Church. The Masonic backroom causes governments to wage war against their own people, and this is the principle of the Deep State. The war against the Church, with the goal of her self-destruction, is being waged by the Church hierarchy, and this is the principle of the Deep Church.
Quoting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “Since the Council, the Church has thus become the bearer of the revolutionary principles of 1789, as some of the proponents of Vatican II have admitted, and as is confirmed by the appreciation on the part of the Lodges for all the Popes of the Council and of the post-conciliar period, precisely because of the implementation of changes that the Freemasons had long called for.”
The Great French Revolution (1789) is intrinsically linked to the Freemasons who started and led it. Perhaps no one doubts that today. Archbishop Viganò openly says that even the proponents of Vatican II did not hesitate to admit that the Church had become the bearer of the Masonic revolutionary principles. This statement is evidenced by the appreciation on the part of the Lodges for all the Popes of the Council and of the post-conciliar period, precisely because of the implementation of changes that the Freemasons had long called for.
Quoting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “Change – or better still, aggiornamento – has been so much at the centre of the conciliar narrative that it has been the hallmark of Vatican II and has posited this assembly as the terminus post quem that sanctions the end of the ancien régime – the regime of the “old religion,” of the “old Mass,” of the “pre-council” – and the beginning of the “conciliar church,” with its “new mass” and the substantial relativization of all dogma.”
The Archbishop stresses that the motto of the Council was change or aggiornamento, which affected the roots of faith and morals, including Sacred Scripture and Tradition. Under the banner of this change, everything pre-conciliar was suddenly obsolete. The pre-conciliar Church did not adapt to the world, but was the pillar of truth, the leaven and the salt of the world. The post-conciliar Church, with its aggiornamento, merged with the spirit of this world. This change was radical, so radical that all that was pre-conciliar was despised. It approved the end of the ‘ancien régime’ – the so-called old pre-conciliar religion. And what did the new ‘conciliar Church’ bring? The relativization of all dogma!
Quoting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “Among the proponents of this revolution appear the names of those who, until the pontificate of John XXIII, had been condemned and removed from teaching because of their heterodoxy. The list is long and also includes Ernesto Buonaiuti, the excommunicated vitandus, a friend of Roncalli, who died unrepentant in heresy.”
It should be known that Angelo Roncalli, i.e. John XXIII, was also on the list of modernists at the time of St Pius X. Because of this he was punished by Pius XI and sent as legate to Bulgaria and then to Turkey, where in fact the Catholic Church is almost non-existent. But some time later, through the influence of the Masons, he was appointed nuncio to France. The mayor of Lyon at the time was the Mason Édouard Herriot, who was also president of the National Assembly. He did not spare any enthusiastic praise for the nuncio Roncalli. Soon afterwards, again thanks to the Freemasons, Roncalli became Patriarch of Venice, and also in line with their intentions he succeeded in taking the papal office. His Pacem in Terris is in full compliance with the Masonic project.
Quoting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “I consider it an honour to be ‘accused’ of rejecting the errors and deviations implied by the so-called Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, which I consider to be completely devoid of magisterial authority due to its heterogeneity compared to all the true Councils of the Church, which I fully recognize and accept, just as I fully recognize and accept all the magisterial acts of the Roman Pontiffs.”
The Archbishop considers it an honour to be “accused” of rejecting the errors and deviations implied by the so-called Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. He openly declares that the Council is completely devoid of magisterial authority due to its heterogeneity compared to all the true Councils of the Church. On the other hand, the Archbishop makes it clear that he fully recognizes and accepts all the true Councils of the Church as well as all the magisterial acts of the Roman Pontiffs. Bergoglio, by contrast, in his motu proprio Ad theologiam promovendam of 1 November 2023, introduced a paradigm-shift principle, stating that everything contrary to what he had decreed was null and void.
Bergoglio has been the greatest actor in implementing the changes of the Second Vatican Council, so consistently that sin can no longer be called sin, and instead sin is publicly blessed, as established in his Fiducia supplicans. He has turned the Gospel of Christ into a sodomite, climate, covid antigospel, morality into antimorality, and he has even succeeded in deluding the participants in the Synod on Synodality into believing that they have yet to learn what direction the Church will take in the 21st century.
Quoting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “I convictedly reject the heterodox doctrines contained in the documents of Vatican II and which have been condemned by the Popes up to Pius XII, or which contradict the Catholic Magisterium in any way.”
Archbishop Viganò professes to be in full communion with all the Popes up to Pius XII and therefore rejects all the heterodox doctrines, that is, heresies, which were condemned by these Popes and are contained in the documents of Vatican II. What were they specifically? The positive-sounding term “respect for other religions”, i.e. pagan cults, was used to promote the heresy of syncretism with paganism. It implicitly includes reverence for the demons worshipped by pagans and all forms of occultism. Woe to anyone who would truthfully express that this is a sin against the first commandment!
The declaration Nostra Aetate thus became an instrument for the destruction of true mission and the transition to so-called dialogue, which in turn meant antimission within the Church. This heresy was implanted by John Paul II in Assisi in 1986 and implemented by Francis with the enthronement of the Pachamama demon in the Vatican and with the heretical Amazon documents, which Cardinal Brandmüller referred to as not only apostasy but also stupidity. The highlight is that Bergoglio publicly dedicated himself to Satan under the guidance of a sorcerer in Canada. In doing so, he implemented radical changes that grow out of the root of the Second Vatican Council.
The Council tacitly approved the heresy of modernism condemned by St Pius X, and thus opened the door to it in all theological schools immediately after the Council. It became official doctrine, though it calls into question not only the divine inspiration of Holy Scripture, but the very divinity of Christ, His atoning death for our sins on the cross, the real and historical resurrection, and all the miracles contained in the Bible, including the Gospels. Everything must be understood only symbolically, eschatologically or supra-historically. Divine truths are spoken of only by questioning and denying them.
As for the ambiguous vocabulary of the Council, today Bergoglio uses it briskly just as the mainstream: the truth is that he tells lies, lies, and more lies.
Quoting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “I find it disconcerting to say the least that those who are trying me for schism are those who embrace the heterodox doctrine according to which there exists a bond of union ‘with those who, being baptized, are honoured with the name of Christian, though they do not profess the faith in its entirety or do not preserve unity of communion with the successor of Peter’ (LG 15).”
The Archbishop points out that those who are trying him for the so-called crime of schism are those who embrace the doctrine according to which there exists a bond of union with those who recognize no pope. Archbishop Viganò recognizes all the true Popes, but in accordance with the teaching of the Church he does not recognize a manifest heretic who has usurped the papacy. To separate from a manifest heretic is the duty of every bishop, priest and believer. This was the position of the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and St Bellarmine put it briefly as follows: The Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church.
What a farce as the one who expels the Archbishop from the Church, so to speak, is himself expelled by his heresies. Archbishop Viganò, by contrast, is faithful to the Catholic teaching and does not deny the institution of the papacy, which is being grossly abused and de facto destroyed by Bergoglio. It is beyond doubt that such “expulsion” of the Archbishop is a farce.
Quoting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “I wonder how readily one can challenge a Bishop for the lack of communion which is also claimed to exist with heretics and schismatics.”
This show trial is absurd and ridiculous. The Archbishop, as he says, is accused of lacking communion with the Pope, while those who accuse him embrace the heresy according to which this communion exists with heretics and schismatics, who do not recognize the papacy at all. In fact, those who tried him excommunicated themselves by embracing the invalid Pope’s heresies. They are under an anathema – curse. In the event of sudden death, unless they repent and break with this curse, they will be eternally condemned. They are already outside the Church. The Archbishop, on the other hand, was and is in the Church of Christ. He has publicly separated himself from Bergoglio’s sect occupying the Church. Bergoglio has criminally and insidiously abused the highest office of the Church to transform the Catholic Church into a New Age antichurch.
Quoting Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “I equally condemn, reject, and refuse the heterodox doctrines expressed in the so-called ‘post-conciliar magisterium’ that originated with Vatican II, as well as the recent heresies relating to the ‘synodal church,’ the reformulation of the Papacy in an ecumenical key, the admission of concubinaries to the Sacraments, and the promotion of sodomy and ‘gender’ ideology.”
Archbishop Viganò, after giving concrete reasons why it was absolutely necessary to publicly condemn Vatican II, also condemns its fruits. The present disastrous state of the Church has its roots in Vatican II. Without it, this state of affairs could not have come about. The Archbishop specifically mentions the fruits of the heretical Council: 1) heterodox doctrines expressed in the so-called “postconciliar magisterium”, 2) heresies relating to the “synodal church” which resulted in the blessing of the sin of sodomy, 3) the reformulation of the Papacy in an ecumenical key, 4) the admission of concubinaries to the Sacraments and the promotion of demoralizing “gender” ideology.
All sincere Catholics express their gratitude to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Thanks are due to him for his courageous example of fidelity to Christ, His Gospel and the Spirit of truth. After 60 years, the Catholic world has now heard the truth about Vatican II. This Council was heretical and is at the root of the present catastrophic crisis. There will never be an internal renewal of the Church without admitting this truth! Every Catholic must therefore repent – call heresy heresy, apostasy apostasy, a false pope a false pope, and sodomy an outrageous sin!

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

15 July 2024

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