Proper Magical Operation or HERMETIC THEURGY

6 months ago

Get Poke Runyon's tomes online: Book of Solomon's Magic-
Hermetic Yoga Volume One-
Hermetic yoga Volume Two-
The Magick of Solomon-
Secrets of The Golden Dawn Cypher Manuscript- #affiliatelinks
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Carrol "Poke" Runyon is a modern master of ceremonial goetic and evocative magick of the western mystery tradition. This sytem is extraordinarily powerful for deepening the bridges between the psycho-physical and astral-spiritual levels of the human being. These "angels and demons" are aspects of our own beings within, and intelligent plasma entities that exist in the void space of the akasha or "aether" in the external world simultaneously.
Original description from Jewtube: THE MAGICK OF SOLOMON, 2nd Edition is a 85 minute DVD video documentary written and narrated by anthropologist and ceremonial magician, Carroll "Poke" Runyon, Magister of America's oldest continually operating Magical Lodge, the Ordo Templi Astartes (O.T.A.). The first part of the video offers a history of Western Magick, illustrated with graphics and displays, setting forth the author's theory, based on his own research and experiments, that visions of spirits obtained by magicians in medieval times were subjective and hypnotic rather than hysterical hallucinations. Runyon holds that the practical technique for achieving this was the visual distortion which occurs when a person stares at his or her reflection in a dark mirror. This technique is demonstrated and visions are simulated. The relationship of the "72 Rebellious Spirits" contained in King Solomon's legendary "Brass Vessel" to the Holy Angels who control them is explained and a hypnotic method for invoking these Angels into a Crystal Ball is demonstrated. According to the narrator, these two systems should be integrated for a proper spiritual balance. The video climaxes with the presentation of a complete Goetia Evocation Operation, in full ceremonial regalia, summoning the spirit Astaroth (actually the Canaanite Goddess, Astarte) to visual appearance in the dark mirror on the Triangle of Art.
🔴👉Get the Initiatic tomes of Hyperborean Wisdom and read in THIS ORDER ONLY ✳️(Upon doing so, you shall be transmuted into one of the Awakened Virya, a true WISE WARRIOR, watch all the videos on this channel from the beginning up until now.): This is the order that "Nimrod De Rosario" himself said is of utmost importance, to even grasp these Highest Truths!
For the PRIMER of this Gnosis that serves an introduction to Kameraden see: "The Gnostic Fragments": De Rosario
1.) The Secret History of the Thullegusselschaft-
2.)The Mystery of Belicena Villca (Mystery of the Hyerborean Wisdom)- Vol 1. Vol 2.
3.) Hyperborean Pontiff- Selected works of Nimrod de Rosario-
4.)The Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom- Part 1. Part 2.
Get Jose Aragon's work online:
Get Savitri Devi's tomes online here: - Lightning and the Sun Audiobook Cd - Ahkenaton or son of the sun - Long Whiskers and the Two Legged Goddess - A warning to the Hindus - Forever and Ever
Wake up to your power, your divinity and the venusian grace that is our truest state of being my dear brothers and sisters. Hear now the words of one of our awakened virya men, drop fiery nuggets of liberation knowledge coming from "The Hyperborean" stream, also called "The Golden Thread", if this cold fire resonates with you then watch my videos from the beginning of my channel up until now, and you will have the tapestry build that is necessary to receive The highest of all esoteric knowledge.. All thanks to the bitchute channel: Hyperborean_Wisdom for your vitally important uploads. Remain steadfast family..👉If you wish to support this continuing work for the liberation of all lost viryas into the ORIGIN: consider leaving me a tip through Paypal here: (It is greatly appreciated!)⚡️⚡️

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