Article 4938 Video - The French Foreign Legion - Friday, July 19, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

7 months ago

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Article 4938 Video - The French Foreign Legion - Friday, July 19, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

People often ask, "Why should I have to declare my political status? Isn't it obvious that I am an American? I was born here, grew up here...."

Let's give an analogy.

Back between 1880 and 1940, things were really tough in North Africa. Various tribal powers and principalities were vying for control. There was a lot of religious persecution and "barbarism" --- as in Barbary Pirates, and it fell to the French Colonialist Governments to try to deal with the problems.

Their answer was the French Foreign Legion. This elite corps within the French Armed Forces is formed of foreign volunteers, who later receive French citizenship as a reward. As these people are not French, they are technically mercenary forces.

And around 1900-1914, new recruits were few and far between, a circumstance that led to many young men being abducted and forcibly press-ganged into that service.

So now, with that background, imagine that you are a young adventurer on a steamer in 1908 and you are bound from Marseilles, France to Cairo, Egypt. Your ship is caught in a storm and crippled on the Mediterranean and in the morning, pirates swarm the decks, take you captive, and here you are in North Africa, assumed to be a volunteer in the French Foreign Legion....

Never mind that some money changed hands between the Legion and the Pirates and that in modern terms, you have been "human trafficked".

In this example, you've been kidnapped off the High Seas, and from there deposited on a foreign land mass, and conscripted into a mercenary force under duress.

In our present very similar situation, you have been human trafficked, too, only this has occurred on paper. It has the same result.

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