7 months ago

This is a sermon about the council that every Christian needs to live a successful Christian life. Just like in physical warfare, a war council is absolutely vital and necessary for wars to be saved and won successfully - in the same way, the Holy Spirit is the Christians Council, but Gof also gives is each other (the body of Christ) to help us wage successful warfare on the enemy of our souls, and to watch over us so that we don't fall into the myriad traps of the devil, or even our own feelings and emotions.


It came to my attention that I misspoke and wanted to clarify the topic of the Trinity in the sermon:

Orthodox as opposed to heterodox or vertical Christian teaching of Christianity has maintained, from the beginning, that there is no hierarchy in the Triune God or Trinity. Jesus in his human incarnation and humanity was submitted to God the Father in heaven, but the second person of the Trinity, the Son, in eternity is not considered inferior or lacking in any way and is totally God and not in a chain of authority.

3 persons co-existing in one Godhead. They are all equally so much God, that the Father and Son together are not greater than the Spirit, the Spirit and the Son together are not greater than the Father, and the Father and the Spirit together are not greater than the Son because they are all individually totally and completely infinite eternal God.

#bornagain #evangelism #sermon #church


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‎ @BigNikMinistry

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