2 months ago

Joe Biden's presidency has been a disaster, rivaling some of the worst in American history. Like Jimmy Carter, Biden's weakness on the world stage has emboldened our enemies and compromised global security. His open-border policies have created a humanitarian crisis, surpassing the chaos of Obama's border surge. Biden's economic policies have fueled inflation, making everyday items unaffordable, reminiscent of Nixon's stagflation. He's repeated the mistakes of FDR's New Deal, bloating government spending and expanding bureaucracy.

Since taking office, Biden has:

- Unleashed a border crisis, with record illegal crossings and drug trafficking

- Fuels inflation, making everyday items unaffordable

- Weakened America's energy independence, begging for foreign oil

- Emboldened enemies, compromising global security

- Divided the country with partisan rhetoric

- Botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, abandoning allies and assets

- Ignored the growing China threat, compromising American interests

Biden's presidency has been a failure, putting America last and endangering our future. It's time for a change.

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