VSRF Live #135: Canada’s Privacy Warriors!

7 months ago

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This week on VSRF LIVE Steve speaks with Canadian physician Dr. Sonja Kustka, whose license is currently in jeopardy under Canada’s oppressive public health regulator, The Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Kustka has been accused of engaging in “disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional” conduct after simply acting in the best interest of her patient and her individual circumstances during the pandemic; treating her with well-known and repurposed drugs.

During the course of her ordeal with the Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons, the College engaged in several personal health privacy violations, breaching the sacred patient-physician relationship and acting with impunity in order to remove Dr. Kustka from the practice of medicine.

Joining Dr. Kustka are her attorney, Paul Slansky and the former patient, now turned patient-advocate, Leslie Peel. Additionally, Attorney Umar Sheikh, who is currently trying the tragic Sean Hartman case (@Answers4Sean) among other notable Covid19 vaccine deaths, will also weigh in on the tragic state of affairs. Together, the guests will tell their unique harrowing tales as they fight to maintain their basic human rights in Canada’s ever growing, oppressive healthcare regime.

Join us for this fascinating discussion and as always

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