BANKS ARE COLLAPSING AGAIN! - Your Money Isn't Safe! - HUGE Power Shift As CBDC Approaches

4 months ago


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Josh Sigurdson talks with Mark Gonzales about the collapse of 40 Chinese banks as we see a massive consolidation leading up to the Great Reset. We've never seen a financial power shift the likes of what we're witnessing right now and every person's bank account is at risk. With 40 banks collapsing in China and essentially vanishing from thin air, it's clear that there is a massive consolidation effort going on. They need to get rid of the small banks in order to get rid of debt and monopolize the system. It's the only real path towards a new global financial system and it's exactly what's being planned for BRICS and the new world reserve currency system. This will likely lead to a global CBDC system and you will not own your money. Some time ago, we reported on the Silicon Valley Bank collapse. This was just the beginning. We see the same thing happen before every banking crisis. The difference this time is it's on a historic scale never seen before as we see for the first time in the modern age a complete shift of financial power from the west to the east as the dollar collapses and loses most support. All the while, there are serious talks about bail-in regimes where your money is essentially taken out of your bank account to pay off debts. With the underfunded FDIC, you will not get most of your money back. You could face a total loss. The banking system is essentially warning us of what they're doing and most are not paying any attention. They find the subject "boring." Well, we find it to be one of the most important things facing us today and we will continue to try and warn as many people as possible. Every cent you have is at risk. You are at risk of becoming a slave to the new technocratic tyranny being built up like walls around us. There are solutions. It just takes you taking them seriously.

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