Hulk Hogan, Donald Trump & Rex Kwon Do

7 months ago

Howdy y'all! Today's the best day of the week—it's Friday, and you're in luck 'cause this episode of Critters For Dinner is a real humdinger. Patton kicks things off with her famous southern critter dinner, then we hop right on the Trump train before Jason goes all out with his hilarious Rex Kwon Do impersonation.

If you're a long-time fan, you're gonna love this episode. If you're new, well, this is a prime example of what we do best—touch on serious topics and then go off the rails for some good ol' fashioned fun. Critters For Dinner is available on all podcast platforms, and you can watch us on X, Rumble, YouTube, and Spotify. Subscribe to one or all of 'em and help support the show.

You can also help us out by orderin' gear from our merch shop or simply sharin' our links and engag'n with our content on X. We're mighty lucky to have such a fantastic group of fans we call the Critters Crew. Thanks a heap for all your support!

Today's shoutout goes to Giblets on X. He's a cool dude, and y'all should be followin' him. Have a great weekend, stay safe, and enjoy the show. See y'all!

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