6 months ago

People, get off your know-it-all high horse. Do your research on Israel, Khazars, Ashkenazis, Hamas, etc. Tired of schooling others. Do you know how they chose the name for ISIS? Israel Secret Intelligence Service. There is a video on this channel that shows it being explained. I get comments about how I must be or am a "jew hater". NOPE! I'm a "Christian"-Hebrew (Messianic). One who has "crossed over" (the meaning of "Hebrew") to be grafted into the family tree of Israel, in essence becoming a so-call "jew", which is a misnomer that can only be applied to the tribe of Judah (kingly caste), Levites (priestly caste). After that are the "ten lost tribes". The only time the tribe of DAN is not mentioned is in Revelations. Ever wonder WHY? Do your research!
What happened on October 07, 2023 is a tragic horror show of the worst type and unforgivable. 🔥👹🔥☠️ We have been lied to about EVERYTHING!
P.S. Did you ever see the/my copy video of the blackbird removing the Israeli flag after this bloody slaughter? Research how BIRDS play a role in the Bible.

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