2021 Shuv Show, "How Can That Many People Be Wrong?" Determining Truth, Christene Jackman

6 months ago

2021 Shuv Show
"How Can That Many People Be Wrong?"
Determining Truth
Christene Jackman ©10.20.2021

Welcome to the Shuv Show. I'm your host, Christene Jackman.
Tonight's Title is: "How can that many people be wrong?"

The farther you get from the original source, the muddier the water.
I saw this illustrated when I was living in Israel. The head waters of the Jordan river stem from Mt Hermon in the North. The stream starts out clean with a rocky bottom. But, by the time it flows into the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) and out into the Jordan river, it is now muddy. And, when you follow it all the way to the entrance of the dead sea, it's now the color of chocolate milk, filled with sediment.
The farther you get from the original source, the muddier the water.

So many people on this planet. Thousands of differing ideas: opinions on how we got here; the age of the earth; whether there a Creator or not; who gets to make the laws by which mankind lives; which religion is right (or mostly right) or do many roads lead to God?—or is there only one way. Is heaven and hell just a myth; is the Bible trustworthy or not?
The cacophony of beliefs rage through the air, a deafening din circles the globe—each one thinking they defend the fortress of truth.

Every single dogma begins with a foundation, a starting point premise on which all that they believe rests, an underpinning upon which all upward construction of thought balances. Generally speaking, everyone assumes their particular theological, agnostic or atheistic foundational presuppositions are accurate. Obviously, not everyone can be right.

Foundations are primary. Bad foundation? Trouble for the whole building, even collapse. Foundational bedrock is foremost. Hasatan knows this full well. You don't want to build your house on sand. Foundations must be solid . . . "

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