Prophet Julie Green - A Total Reset of A Government - Captions

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In this prophetic word through Julie Green, God declares that a total reset of the government is imminent, and that victory is assured for his people. He reassures them that their freedoms are given by Him and cannot be taken away by the government. He promises to bring judgment upon those who have sought to harm the nation and its people, and to restore it to its intended state of beauty, unity, and blessing. God encourages his people to celebrate their independence from the establishment and globalist agendas, as he prepares to bring about a great restoration and cleansing of the nation.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Today’s Scriptures:

Ps. 118:24
2 Cor. 2:14
Gal. 5:1
Neh. 8:10
Hag. 2:22
Dan. 4:28-35
Prov. 26:28
Dan. 5:13-31
Ex. 13:3
Rom. 10:17
Ex. 14:13
Num. 11:23
Ps. 33:10
Prov. 16:18
Ps. 34:7
Phil. 4:19


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org



Good Morning! I just want to thank each every one of you for joining today's live show. I am so excited for you to be here because I'm so excited. This is a day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. I know most of you guys saw the yesterday and the day before that with the supreme court and their ruling and how everything is going exactly the way God has said it.

This is the point in time where we have been seeing the prophetic words We've been hearing what God's been saying He's been teaching us how to stand how to fight that good fight of faith And now we're starting to see so many things that he has prophesied for us Years ago now coming to pass right in front of our face It is worth the wait It is worth what we have been going through to see what God is doing for us in our nation And as I was praying this morning the lord had actually given me another word I have two other words I was going to do or one of them But the lord had given me an actual specific word For this nation for the time that we are in Which is celebrating our independence.

But God wants us to celebrate this independence day a little bit different than what we have celebrated in the past. And I will get to that word in a minute, but what we are going to do is we're going to keep holding our heads high, no matter what discouragement and what you are dealing with, you have to realize that God is bigger than your problem and God is.

The problem solver. God is awesome. He's magnificent. And I know our enemy is pounding people in their minds with their thoughts. It's not enough. They can't do it. We're never going to win. It's too big. It's too impossible. It's too dark. It's too overwhelming. And God is saying to us, this is where we play that have that into play that firm focus foundation on the father.

The enemy is pounding us with all these different problems and God is saying this is where the firm focus foundation is coming in This is where you have to focus on me and not your enemy This is where God says we have to focus on his word what he has promised in his word What he said he's faithful in his word that he will do no matter what You are experiencing right now.

This is part of the darkness that we've been dealing with Which is a spiritual darkness, and a heaviness, and a weight, and your enemy just, like, again, your thought patterns, and all these different circumstances in your life, and he's just grilling you with them. And that's where we have to open our mouth, and say, and speak the words of God.

Remember, he went on yesterday, And he talked about decrees and declarations and why they are so important and why so many people have to be talking about them because we need to be in agreement. With what God is saying and God is doing he is awakening the this nation He's awakening the body of Christ even in this shaking God is Awakening the whole entire world to realize that he is that still the great I Am in the word I've said this multiple times But the Lord wants me to enunciate it again.

He wants me to speak at it again. He wants me to say it again. Because we need to get it down into our hearts once again that God is bigger than anything we see. We have to have that focus on him and not the tyranny and not the situations and not everything that the enemy is doing. He wants you to magnify the enemy.

Wants you to magnify him and what he's doing against you. But this is where God's people have to say, no, I'm not going to magnify that problem. I'm gonna magnify the problem solver, which is God. And he's declared and decreed. It is word that he always caused me to triumph. So I will agree with God that I have the victory, and this is what this prophetic word is about.

And I'm gonna show you the scriptures that he was giving to me in a lot of 'em. Act actually in the book of Daniel today, where he was showing me where I needed to go to to teach in a day, which is the book of Daniel. And so I will get to those scriptures. After I read this prophetic word, so again, I want to say this don't magnify your problem magnify the problem Solver and the problem solver is God He is the solution to every problem that you're facing in your life today God is a solution to every problem that we are experiencing or we're facing in the world today or in our nation in our governments God is our solution.

Now, also I know what we seeing with the Supreme court ruling, what we're seeing with the mainstream media, what we're seeing with even yesterday, remember how God has spoken in the last it was like last week, I think it was the one last week where he gave it to me. It might've been two weeks ago.

Where he talked about how his David would not go to jail or not go into prison And that was not what he had for him. And he also he mentioned something yesterday God, look what happened even yesterday. They pushed off his hearing or his sentencing Excuse me his sentencing until september Things are falling apart just as God spoke.

I'll get more into those indictments. I will get more into the fallout of everything that we're seeing with all that, what the enemies have done against our country, what they're doing against president Trump. I will get more into that more later today with Pastor Dave. I will be on with Pastor Dave today.

At 11 o'clock, okay, and so you can watch us on there and i'll make sure that the team will send out the the Links for that. I don't know if it'll be on rumble today so but just in case I can put out the rumble links they can put out the his glory. me I think it's his glory dot me tv. I know they know that so if you guys could share out those links I would greatly appreciate that for all the people who are watching.

It's important to watch today. All right. Now I want to get to this prophetic word. This is again It was awesome when he was giving me this morning he's changed it the last few mornings. Once again, you know, again, you think you have a plan, but God's plan is always a better plan. So that's the reason why I always go with God's plans because it's, it's his ministry and it's, it's his it's his way.

That's what, that's all I want. It's his way. So, all right, this prophetic word is called a total reset of a government, a total reset of a government. And I actually received this this morning. So this one says, My children, can't you see your victory? Can't you see your enemies falling apart in front of your eyes?

Don't you see my words coming to pass and prophecies are being fulfilled. I've spoken these words so you would know that I Am the one who is bigger than your enemies. And everything that you see they have done and are doing to you now. This is *my* land. It's *my* nation. And I have *blessed* it. Because it was given to me by the ones who founded this nation.

My children, celebrate your Independence Day. Not just from Great Britain. You start to celebrate your Independence Day from the establishment. Start to celebrate your Independence Day from the globalists and their agendas. My children celebrate your freedom, your freedoms that I, the Lord have given to you.

Your government did not give you your freedoms. I will remind you again. They cannot take them away. They've tried to deceive you out of them, but they can't take away what I, the Lord have already done for you.

My children in the land of my Eagle: don't you see me moving across your nation as you watch the fireworks on your day of independence? See it as a sign of the fireworks I'm about to display before you. A crushing blow to the Biden and the party of the left, along with the entire establishment. Their power is slipping away and truth is prevailing. The judgment

they tried to pass down on so many will be passed down unto them.

I have seen the affliction. I have seen the stealing. I have seen the manipulation not only from the government; but from the mouthpieces in the media. They have mocked me. They have tried to destroy this nation and every person that went against them and their agenda. This is a time of my judgment against them.

This *is* the time where my hand will move and *remove* the ones that are against me to set this nation free from this great tyranny.

My children, your victory is at the door. Your victory is guaranteed. I've heard your cries and your prayers for this nation. Millions all over the world praying for the freedom in this nation from the ones who have tried to tear it apart. You see all the damage they have caused this nation? But remember, I *can* undo it _*all in a day*_

when I *have* my way!

I will say this again: _America the Beautiful_, you *are* _still beautiful in my sight_. I don't see you how you are now. I see you how you were *always* meant to be. I see you as a *blessed* nation as a *united* nation. I see you as a *powerful* nation. Justice *will* prevail. Liberty and freedom *will* be celebrated as never before.

I see people looking to me again and inviting me back into the places I used to be in. When I Am in these places, goodness and justice, freedom and liberty and joy can be received again, says the Lord.

Watch the fall of the indictments that I have told you repeatedly would fail. Watch prisoners wrongfully imprisoned be set free! Watch jobs restored. Watch all that I will do for you to restore you as a nation, to turn your mourning into joy once again.

As you see shaking, as you see an overreach of power, as you see chaos in your streets,

as you see unprecedented and unconventional things take place. Remember, I Am your victory and your enemies defeat.

America, you are mine. You will experience that again. But in a greater degree. Removals have begun a cleansing has started a total reset of a government will be seen and it will be undeniable. It could not have been done by anyone other than me.

My children, I Am your victory. So receive this joy. And celebrate this time and expect my glory to flood your nation to bring a great restoration of what rightfully belongs to you, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. So as we celebrate the 4th of July, it's not just about picnics. It's not just about people having pool days.

It's not just about days off. And it's not just about the fireworks. This is something that God is telling us. A price has been paid, not only by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He paid the price for our freedom. As we know and as we've read in the Bible, so many times before in Galatians 5 in verse 1.

Okay, let me read it. And then I will read you some of the things that he was showing me in the book of Daniel. Galatians 5 and 1 and it says, In this freedom, Christ has made us free and completely liberated us. Stand fast, then, and do not be hampered, and held asnared, and submit again to a yoke of slavery, which you have once put off.

We realize, as a nation, we realize, as children of the Most High God, we have been enslaved. We've been in a great bondage. We have been deceived. We were had a lack of knowledge of what was truly going on But God is showing us what has been going on. He's been showing us what's been going on in the body of christ He's been showing us what's been going on in our governments and governments all around the world God has been showing us we have not been living the life that he has intended us to live Because of the sacrifice that jesus has made for us.

He said he's going to turn our mourning That's sorrow. That's suffering. He said to turn it into joy and remember that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Some people, when we celebrate these holidays, people are just happy for a day off. It's not just a day off. It's to celebrate what our founding fathers did.

Remember that was the American revolutionary war. That was a war. We got our freedom. It looked like from great Britain, at least for our time. We celebrate their sacrifice. How they had the odds were stacked against them. They had the greatest empire or the greatest government in the world at that time.

The greatest nation in the world at that time. The superpower of that world coming against them. They were outnumbered. They were outgunned. And it looked like all hope was lost. There was only 3 percent of people at that time that was actually fighting in this war. Save a nation. I don't know the percentages now, but I do believe there's more than just 3 percent fighting for our country.

It's not about fireworks. People lost their life fighting for us to keep our freedom, not only from other governments, but from our own. We have a wonderful, wonderful country. It was founded upon the word of God, the love of God, the freedom to serve God. And over time, the enemies have tried to rip that away.

And God is saying to us today, don't just celebrate. Your freedom from Great Britain, and we will see more in the coming months and throughout this year. We're going to see more of how some of that wasn't even true, how they got back in.

We had freedom for a time, but not the freedom that God truly wanted us to have as a nation. The deep state was embedded long, long ago. We've only been seeing the fruits and the, you know, some of the things that they have done and they've wanted for our country. Back since the beginning it's taken them this long But it doesn't take God long to turn our nation back to where it needs to be Especially if we are the ones that are Praying and standing for this nation and believing God and inviting him back in you're going to start seeing people fall Yes, you are God has given them time to repent And they didn't, you're not going to just see people fall in our government.

You're going to see more people fall in the body of Christ. Cause remember God judges. And he has to judge his own, his own body. That their hearts are not for him. You're going to hear of people that are not for him, but they look like they were. We have been praying for people to keep looking to God and not look to a person.

People will disappoint you. They will let you down, but God will not. In this time of independence, this is something that the Lord reminded me of. He gave me a word a while back and it was back in, let me put this over here.

This was back in February.

This is part of it, and I can read the whole thing. This is from February twenty it was, I heard it on February 9th. The video was published on the February 21st. It's called A Great Awakening in the United States, and it was part one. My United States, arise in my name. Arise in my authority, and take what is yours.

You do not need to fight this war alone with your natural strength, intelligence, or weapons. All you need is me. This battle raging between good and evil is growing in intensity now. So grow in my knowledge about how to fight back with my strength, my ability. It's time for you to have your nation back.

It's time for America, my United States to come alive in me. Don't you see my children? I'm the missing key to your absolute freedom and complete destruction of the deep state and the globalist agenda and every foreign government against you. I'm the great I Am and my eagle is about to soar higher than ever before.

I will leave your, I, it will leave your enemies in the dust. It will leave your enemies in the dust, never to control you or enslave this nation like this before. Or like this again, say every day, we are one nation under God, not one under nation under man, we will no longer be held or enslaved by any rogue government.

We are free now in Jesus name. It is time my children to have confidence in my name and the authority that I have given you. This is a time for my nation to live and not die to prosper and not lack to be free and not enslaved. No man is bigger than me. And they will find that out. Say it the Lord. Of hosts, but also up above in that same word, this is from February 9th.

Listen to what he's saying here. To my children in the land of my eagle, read the declaration of independence. There are many things you should know then and use against this unruly, rogue government to stop them from terrorizing you and destroying your cities and destroying your nation and stealing your freedoms.

I Am here to say my children, you have my words and my authority. So take out every last one of them. They know the laws of this nation. Now it's time for you to be aware of them so they can no longer twist them and use them against you. We have to know our freedoms. I was just talking about that yesterday with Alphabets when I was on their show yesterday.

We have to know the freedoms and the rights we have. Because if we don't it can be taken away But we also have to know first and foremost our rights as children of the most high God Because it was being taken away. It was being deceived Lied about in the church or hid from the church So the church would not know the power and authority in him and they have and then they come after everyone who talks about it How dare you talk about authority?

How dare you talk about faith? How dare you talk about your blood covenant rights as a child of Most High God. It's amazing to see what people truly believe. But is it the word of God? So God is saying to us in this time, who are we believing? Are we believing what we're seeing right now? Are we believing what truly is the enemies and what they're doing, or will we truly believe that God is doing something behind the scenes?

I know we're seeing it in this country. Look what's going on in France, how God is talked about. Macron, he is in trouble now. Because there is nationalists growing in that nation and want freedom from that globalist agenda in that country. You see what's going on in Canada and what they're trying to do against Trudeau.

People are not Standing for the tyranny and for the globalist government in their governments. They don't want that tyranny anymore. They don't want these people, these rogue, tyrannical governments to control their nations anymore. People want freedom. God said that there was a what he said that there was people that were.

I have to, I have to go back to that prophetic word a long time ago. He says there was people that were rising up and they were fighting back for their, for their faith. They're fighting back for their freedoms. Revolution. I think he said, I think it was a righteous revolution or something. I have to go back to see what he said about it.

You can see that growing all over the globe. Nationalists and people who wanting, wanting freedom. These presidents are winning. These people are being removed all over the place. All the ones who are against God are starting to be removed. There's a movement going on that the enemies cannot stop. I even saw a picture on Time Magazine.

I don't remember if it was last week or whatever it was. And Time Magazine had Trump 2024, Trump 2028, and so on and so on. They said the Trump era will not end with Trump. Why? Because it's not president Trump. It's not the movement. Yes, he is right now being chosen by God. And he's the one who is that God has put in that position, but that movement is God's movement.

That movement is the power of God, the revelation of God, the truth that God is giving us, the exposure that we're seeing, and we're knowing what rightfully belongs to us. It is truly amazing to see all the things that God is doing. No matter how many times the devil has mocked, no matter how many times the people have mocked God's prophetic words or mock God's people who are saying these words all over the place, all over the world, you're seeing God's word come to pass.

And that's something that the enemy cannot steal away from you. The knowledge of what God said before and seeing it in your news. Now, We are winning and the enemies are losing and what he reminds us of in this prophetic word over and over and over again to celebrate our victory. We have victory in Jesus.

Now, also, there's a lot of people that, in the body of Christ, again, God doesn't deal in governments. He doesn't deal with kings and presidents. And that's not true. Haggai chapter 2. In verse 22 and i'm gonna go to go read some in daniel. Haggai 2 in verse 22. I will in the distant future overthrow the throne of kingdoms I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms and the unGodly nations I will overthrow their chariots and those who ride in them and the horses and the riders shall go down everyone by the sword of his brother Even what we saw last week how God talked about that You It was last Wednesday morning.

He gave me that prophetic word and I was on with pastor Dave. And he said that Biden would fall by his own sword. Look at the ramification after that debate. He's he fell by his own sword. Now you're seeing it. People in his own party are calling for him to step down and for him to be removed. And for him not to be the nominee anymore.

God is the one. I'm going to read you something else in here that was a great revelation even Nebuchadnezzar had. Go to Daniel chapter 4. And as we know with, in Daniel chapter 3, I'm just going to refer to it, turn to Daniel 4. I'm going to reference Daniel chapter 3 and how King Nebuchadnezzar With Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in that fiery furnace saw the fourth man He saw the Son of God show up for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego He had a revelation of the power of Almighty God.

It was so supernatural It was so unprecedented. It was so unconventional and it was so undeniable He knew didn't we throw three people in there? They're not dead They're walking or and we throw we threw three people in there bound They're walking around with and there's four men in there instead of three and the fourth man looks like the son of God So we had that revelation.

Look what happened shortly thereafter of what happened in Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar Let's start with

Nebuchadnezzar and verse 20 Daniel 4 and verse 28 Daniel 4 and verse 28 And this came at this came upon King Nebuchadnezzar at the end of the 12 months, he was walking about the royal palace of Babylon. The King spoke saying, is it not this great Babylon that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power for the honor of my majesty?

Do you see King Nebuchadnezzar forgot about God? Now, all of a sudden King Nebuchadnezzar is he's taking credit. It's my kingdom that I built. Look how powerful I Am. Look at what I have done. Verse 31. While the word was still in the king's mouth. So he was still bragging about it. A voice fell from heaven.

King Nebuchadnezzar to you it is spoken. The kingdom has departed from you. So what you had will now be taken away. So did he really have that power he thought he had? No. Verse 32. And they shall drive you from, and, and they shall drive you from men. And your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field.

They shall make you eat grass like oxen and seven times shall pass over you until you know that the most high rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he chooses.

Do you see what they said here, what the scripture is saying right here? They shall make you eat grass like oxen. Seven times shall pass over you. That means seven years. Until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whoever he wants to or he chooses to. So whose choice is it to be a king or a president or a ruler of a country?

It's not a man. God is the one who will choose who he gives it to. That's why even what he talked about in 2020, he allowed that to take place for the destruction of the establishment. It was not for their benefit. It was not for them getting what they wanted. It was for their downfall, for their destruction.

I'm going to keep reading here in Daniel 4. That very hour the word was fulfilled concerning Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven from men and ate grass like oxen. His body was wet with dew of heaven, till his hair had grown like eagle's feathers and his nails like a bird's claws. He went insane and was acting like an animal.

He mocked God. Verse 34. At the end of time, of that time, I Nebuchadnezzar lifted my eyes to heaven and And my understanding returned to me and I bless the most high and praise and honored him who lives forever Look at the revelation that nebuchadnezzar had his dominion in the everlasting dominion And his kingdom is from generation to generation verse 35 all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as Nothing.

He does according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, no one can restrain his hand, or say to him, what have you done? So if you look at this, no one can restrain his hand. What has God been telling us that he's going to do? He's going to move his hand. Hand across our land who is going to refrain who is going to stop his hand from moving No one

king nebuchadnezzar went from that haughty spirit and then he went okay And then he realized God was God and then he somehow forgot it again And then he went to being a crazy beast Living for seven years as a crazy lunatic and as an animal and then he got to come to himself and realize God truly is a God and the creator of all the earth.

He's the one who anoints. He's the one who points people in power. And so you've had religion and if you've had churches that talk about God doesn't care about politics, God does not care who is in control of nations or is in leadership. That is a farthest thing from the truth. There is nowhere in the Bible that says that nowhere, but it was a twist of a word that people believed.

And that's why God is showing he does care who's in leadership because if people, as it talks about in Proverbs, I think Proverbs 26 and 28 talks about when they, when the evil rule. The people mourn, but when the good people rule, they rejoice. The people rejoice when people are good that are in leadership.

I'm just paraphrasing. So God does care if people are ruling with liberty and justice and life and freedom, or people are not,

God does care. Look what happened to go to Daniel five. And I, this was something that we read. I don't know. It was like a couple of weeks ago or a month ago. When God had brought back to me the story of King Belshazzar. Now, King Belshazzar also mocked God. You know, it was his kingdom. And he's the best.

And he could do whatever he wanted. And then he took the cup, the cups from the temple that was destroyed, and they were drinking wine out of it.

Look what happened.

Look what 13. Let's, let's see here. Daniel 5 verse 13 then Daniel was brought in before the king the king spoke and said to Daniel Are you that Daniel who is one of the captives from Judah who my father the king brought from Judah verse 14? I've heard you from the Spirit of God is in you and that the light and understanding is excellent wisdom are found in you I will tell you that kings When leaders of nations, including the Pharaoh, with Joseph, in times of hardship or times of their, their fear was growing, they turned to God's mouthpiece.

There's a reason God always has a mouthpiece.

Look what it says on here. Verse 15, Now the wise men, the astrologers, have been brought in before me. They should read the writing and make known to me an interpretation. But they could not give the interpretation of that thing. So he tried to use his own people to figure out what God was saying, but he can't.

You can't use somebody who's not with God to understand what God's saying. You have to have somebody chosen by God. They will interpret what God is telling them. Look what happened with Jonah. Jonah had to go to Nineveh to tell Nineveh what they were supposed to do and then set up keep going in their wicked path.

They turned back to God and they repented. You look at Pharaoh. Moses sent Pharaoh. Pharaoh didn't listen. Look what happened to Pharaoh. Look what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. King Nebuchadnezzar was brought down like a crazy man for seven years and wandered around like a beast until he came to his senses.

And honored God. Now Belshazzar, Belshazzar, his life was also ended as well. Look what happened in verse 16. I've heard you the this is Daniel 5 I've heard of you that you can give interpretation and explain Images and now if you can read the writing and make known to me an interpretation You shall be clothed with purple and have chain of gold among your neck and you shall be the third rule in the kingdom He was trying to bribe Daniel to interpret God's word

There have been people in the body of Christ that have been bribed and that's why we pray for the body of Christ to be whole and one with Jesus because he's the head. Verse 17, Daniel didn't take it. Then Daniel answered and said before the king, let your gifts be for yourself and give your rewards to another, yet I will read the writing in the king and make known to him the interpretation.

He could not be bribed. He was following God. Verse 18. O King, the Most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar, your father, a kingdom and majesty, glory and honor. So Daniel was reminding Belshazzar that his father, King Nebuchadnezzar, was given to him that great kingdom because of God. And he's reminding Belshazzar of that.

Verse 19 and because this majesty that it gave him all people's nations and language languages trembled and feared him Whomever he wished he would have executed Whoever he wished he kept alive whoever he wished he set up and whoever he wished he put down then verse 20 But when his heart was lifted up and his spirit was hardened in pride He was disposed from his kingdom throne and he was taken from his glory from him glory can be taken from from people who will not Accept and receive the report of the Lord and what God is saying.

That's why we pray for our leaders, the real ones. The one that God has. Verse 21 Then he was driven from the sons of men his heart was made like a beast and his drawing was with the wild donkeys They fed him like grass like an oxen and his body was wet with the dew of heaven Till he knew that the Most High God rules in the kingdom of men and appoints over it whomever he chooses There it is again.

God appoints whoever he chooses What has God been telling us? Elections were not going to save our country. God is the one that will save our country. We can't look to a man. We have to look to God and God alone. God appoints who he wants to appoint. chooses for that appointed time. But we as a nation and we as a body of Christ all over the world have to look to God and God alone to save us.

We can't look to an individual to save us. You can't do that. God is our savior

22, but you his son belches are have not humbled your heart Although you knew all this

i'm sure because God's a very merciful and loving God I'm sure he gave time for king belches are to turn from his wicked ways and belches are chose not to God is giving people in our government all and people all around the world. He's given them time to repent He's given them time to turn away from their wicked ways You And they're not some have repented and some will be spared the ones who have not Will not

verse 23 you have lifted up yourself above the lord of heaven They have brought the vessels of his house before you and you and your lords your wives and your concubines Had drunk wine from them you have praised the Gods of silver and gold and bronze and iron and wood and stone Which you do not see or hear or know and the God who holds your breath in his hand and owns all your ways You have not glorified can take the breath

again. God will not be mocked And Belshazzar was mocking God. He was serving the God of everything else except for the one true God.

And this interpretation was written, mene, mene, tekel, ufarsin. This is an interpretation of each word, mene, God has numbered your kingdom and finished it. That means God is the one who numbers the days. He's the one that has the times and the seasons. He's the one who knows that when they lift up, they will also know the days they will come down.

God knows the end from the beginning.

Verse 27, Tekel, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. Verse 28, Perez, your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and the Persians. Then Belshazzar gave the command and they clothed Daniel with purple and put a chain of gold around his neck and made a proclamation concerning him that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom.

Belshazzar's fall. It's too late. That very night, Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans was slain. And Darius and Mede were slain. We see the kingdom being about 62 years old and it goes on belches are did not get it and belches are Was removed and you look at pharaoh exodus 14

Remember he was given all these opportunities to let God's people go God knew he wasn't going to do it So God wanted to show his mighty power against pharaoh but also show his mighty power for his people So as people would know that he was the one true God Why do you think he keeps going and telling us to go read the book of exodus People keep asking this question.

Why do we keep reading the book of Exodus? Just like, you know, like why there's a lot of person that I follow all the time and he preaches faith Why do you keep talking about faith? Why do you ask him? Why do you keep talking about faith all the time? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God We have to know who God is what he will do This is the greatest example in the Bible about God saving a nation in a day from the hands of the wicked We have to remind ourselves.

That's why he says in Exodus 13

Exodus 13 in verse 3 and Moses said to his people earnestly remember this day in which you came from out of Egypt out of the house of bondage and the bondman by the Strength of the hand of the Lord remember he's talking about the hand again By the strength of his hand. Remember what Nebuchadnezzar said, No one can stop that hand.

How did God save his people out of Egypt? He saved them by the moving of his hand. By his mighty hand. And Moses was saying to his people, Don't forget what he did. God is telling us right now, don't forget what he did in Egypt. Don't forget what he does to kings that mock him and that try to Arise himself up above him.

It doesn't go well for them. Again, I'm reading you the Bible. I'm reading you my opinion

Articles and newspaper, the news will tell you that. This is the Word of God and some people don't like to hear it But even the enemies have to hear it. Verse 13. This is Exodus 14 and verse 13. Remember, he just said in the previous chapter, earnestly remember what God just did for you. And it was not very far after that they forgot what God did for them.

Exodus 14 and 13, Moses told the people, fear not, stand still, firm, confident, and undismayed. See the salvation of the Lord. Which he will work for you today for the Egyptians used to have seen a day. You shall never see again They just got out of Egypt They just saw all the judgments and all the plagues against the Pharaoh and all of his people But they forgot because they they came into another impossible looking situation and they forgot about the God who nothing is impossible They forgot about El Shaddai

verse 14. The Lord will fight for you. You shall hold your peace and remain at rest What does God do? He fought for them. They held their peace maybe for a short time You And then they forgot it again.

And obviously, you know, they're wandering around the wilderness. God proved himself to them and even numbers and numbers when, after they got water and after they got manna and they, now they wanted meat. They were complaining to Moses. They want meat. So Moses went to God and said, God, how are we supposed to get meat?

We're out here in the wilderness. There's not enough meat out here. And God said, has my hand whacked short? We have to realize the power of the hand of God. We have to have that revelation of who God is and what he will do. His hand moves, his hand removes, and his hand restores.

Let's go to he's telling me to go back to Psalm 33 again. He has us go over these scriptures. A lot, because so many people have been lied to for so long and didn't realize how God does care about leadership in nations. Because a leader can either drive a nation to God or can drive a nation from God. So why would God not care who is in leadership?

Why would God not, not, not care who the judges are in your nation?

Why would God not care about our governors or our senators and, and who's in our country? And our capital. Why would God not care about that? There's nowhere in the Bible, again, that he says he doesn't. I'm showing you all the scriptures and the stories, even just some of them today, of how it shows that God does care.

Psalm 33 and start with verse 8. Let all the earth fear the Lord, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. I promise you when he gets done doing all what he's about to do in our country and around the world, we're going to stand in awe of him. Amen. We're going to stand in awe of the power of Almighty God.

I already am in awe of all that he's already done. And this is just the beginning. And he keeps telling me, I just got started. I'm just getting started about what I'm about to do for the body of Christ. I'm like, when we had that Holy Ghost and fire last month, I can't believe it's almost been a month ago.

And as I was driving home from that event, just loving on God and thanking him for what he just did. And he said, I'm just getting started. He's just getting started with pouring out His glory. He's just getting started with showing us what He can really do. We've seen a drop in a massive, large, like, bucket or even the ocean.

It's like one little drop of what truly what God is going to do. And that's why He keeps reminding us of how awesome He is. He keeps reminding us how powerful He is. He keeps reminding us how faithful He is. He keeps reminding us how He's full of justice. And he cares about justice Psalm 33 verse 8 let all the nation all the earth fear the Lord Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him verse 9 for he spoke and it was done He commanded and it stood still or stood fast.

God spoke what he spoke the world into existence He spoke what we see around the world and the stars and the heavens and, and we see all that. God spoke that. The world was created with the word of God. Who can be even close? To that kind of power. It sure isn't our enemies. They may look like it, it may appear that way, but they truly are nothing.

Verse 10 The Lord brings a council of nations to nothing. He makes the plans of the people of no effect. What has he been reminding us of lately? And he said remind me of this personally. It doesn't matter the plan of the enemy, against our country or against us individually. There is no plan of the enemy.

And there is no one bigger than our God. No one is bigger than our God. And we have to earnestly remember what earnestly means. To take it seriously. We have to earnestly remember that no one is bigger than our God. And when he moves his hand, just like King Nebuchadnezzar finally had that revelation of the power of Almighty God, and he was very, very humbled.

You think wandering around like a beast for seven years, you'd think it would humble people, and it did. And King Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar's son, knew it, but his heart was so prideful and so arrogant That he fell by that remember pride comes before destruction And a haughty spirit before a fall.

We are about to see a lot of people fall because they would not turn back to God Even if they've had opportunity after opportunity

psalm 34

And verse 7 psalm 34 and verse 7 He just showed me this scripture that I have to read it to you The angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him Who reverence and worship him with awe each and every one of them he delivers We've seen in many prophecies. We were talking about this yesterday on when I was on with Israel and chris when I was on Their show because one of the things that God was saying is that he talks about his armies He's been talking about military power.

Well, that's in more than one way. It's not just by natural military and natural force You gotta think, God is lord of angel armies, God has his own army of angels, but God has us. We are in the army of the Lord. He's our commander in chief. He's the one who leads his army. And remember, God keeps telling us that we are, there's more of us than there is of our enemy.

We cannot forget that. Let's go back and read over this word.

And again, watch that show from Alphabets yesterday. It truly was. I had a lot of fun. I, I love Israel and Chris, they're amazing guys. So, okay. First paragraph, a total reset of a government. My children, can't you see your victory? I mean, I, I don't know if you guys can see it, but I sure can. Can't you see your enemies falling apart in front of your eyes?

Just start watching the news and laugh. They are panicking. God said, they're going to start turning on one another. God said, they're going to start, they're in panic mode. You can see the panic rise in these people. They are petrified. God even said, I'm going to give it out. There was a prophecy just from I think it was last month that God talked about as a, a ruling of a Supreme court that would make the deep state very angry.

Well, that was on Monday. That immunity case, you can see it. Don't you see my words coming to pass and prophecies are being fulfilled? I have spoken these words so you would know that I Am the one who is bigger than your enemy. And everything that you see they have done and are doing to you now. God is bigger than anything they have done.

The enemies have done in anything that they are doing now or plan to do. God will see us through.

And I love what he says right here too. I mean, I love it all, but this is my land. This is my nation and I have blessed it.

This is God's land and it's his nation and he said he's blessed it now for a long time We didn't see a lot of that blessing in full manifestation Like it should have been because the country was turning away from God. You had a government that removed God from everything and was trying to say that we weren't a christian a judeo christian Nation when we are

look what he says. He says here because it was given to me By the ones who founded this nation You You go back to our first president, George Washington. He gave this country to us on the day of his inauguration. He gave this country to God. The first act of the first president of this nation was to pray and give this nation to God.

They prayed for four hours. At a church. I've told you before at the church that is still standing today down in Manhattan, that even the twin towers did not take away a lot of other things that were destroyed on 9 11 that day. But that church was not,

he said, my children celebrate your independence day. Not just from Great Britain. So we sent, we celebrate 4th of July because of the ending of the Great Revolutionary War, the American Revolutionary War, and we celebrate our freedom from Great Britain. That's why July 4th is so important to our country.

It was our freedom from that nation. But he says, look, you start to celebrate your independence from the establishment. You start to celebrate your independence from the globalists and their agenda. So tomorrow we, as a nation, as we are celebrating our independence, And we remind ourselves why we see, why we are seeing the fireworks display and why we have the day off.

God is saying realize. You are celebrating now your independence day from now on you celebrate the independence day now i'm from great britain But you send your in to celebrate the independence day from the establishment and you celebrate the independence day from the globalists celebrate that Even before we fully see it.

God is telling us to celebrate it

My children celebrate your freedoms that I the lord have given to you your government did not give you your freedoms I will remind you again. They cannot take them away. They have tried to deceive you out of them You But they cannot take away what I have already done for you. God's already done it for us.

I gotta open up something. Hold on.

I gotta see where I put it.

He wants me to read part of the Declaration of Independence. So I'm gonna.

We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal. They're endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, And the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men deriding their just powers from the consent of the governed that when any, any form of government becomes destructive.

Of these ends,

it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and institute a new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as of them shall see most likely to affect their safety and happiness. Do you see why God had this written? You know, this was not just written by man.

This was written, I know, by the unction of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, that we have these, this power in this nation, that if we have an unruly and rogue government that will not hold up our Constitution, that will not hold our rights, our unalienable rights, The life liberty in the pursuit of happiness We have the right to overthrow them and to get rid of them and he says right here to have a new one This is our declaration of independence.

We have More freedom than we thought we had we are waiting for elections We are waiting for people to be persecuted. We are waiting for these things and God says look you don't have to wait You've been giving the power you've been given the right to do these things So now do them. And trust that God will move his hand.

He'll restore our land. He'll restore our freedom. He'll restore our justice system. He'll restore our liberty and everything that God has already designed for us to have.

Again, they can't take away what I the Lord have already done for you

Look what it says here my children in the land of my eagle Don't you see me moving across your nation? I can see him. I can see the removals Look at the the we put out those prophecy being fulfilled And in progress of all the ceos and the cfo's and all these people around the globe that are just stepping down from all these Places of power presidents and governments.

They're falling apart. God is moving It may not have been as fast as we wanted, it may not have been how we wanted, but God's way is better. Then he says right here, as you watch the fireworks on your day of independence, see it as a sign of the fireworks. I'm about to display before you. God's going to put on a show.

And it's going to be the best show that we have ever experienced. And the fireworks, I believe, are taking down of a rogue, tyrannical government and a deep swamp in our capital and bringing a new one. Can you imagine the celebration? Can you imagine the fireworks? And I know some people are saying that's just too good to be true.

Is it? God has done it before. Read in the Bible where he saved nations. Read in the Bible where he intervened. He cares about your freedom. He's the one who gave it to you. He's the one who sent his son to die for you. Do you think he's just going to stand by and watch people take it away? And be okay with it?

He's not.

So again, I want to read this again. As you watch the fireworks on your day of independence, see it as a sign of the fireworks I'm about to display before you. I can just I just smiled when he told me that this morning. He says a crushing blow to the Biden and the party left along with the entire establishment. Their power is slipping away and truth is prevailing. Look what else they said. The judgment they tried to pass down on so many. We passed down unto them. They tried to destroy so many people that were against them.

Look at the people they took over all over social media all over the place. Well, because they were saying things that they didn't want you to hear. Why else would they shut people up? What are they afraid of? They're afraid of the truth.

Like I was telling people one day, I was like, okay, I was taken off YouTube five times. What are they afraid of? What are they afraid of? If I'm some crazy lunatic, and if none of the words that the Lord has given, they're not, none of them are true, supposedly, then why would you care?

Why do you write articles? Why do you write these things? Why? Crazy lunatic, why would you pay attention? Because they know it's not true.

God is winning. And God, Word, and what he's given to us, and prophecy, are coming to pass. And they will be completely undeniable. And there are some things that look like they didn't come to pass, or weren't going to come to pass, or look like those things were wrong, and God says, I'm going to really show you what's going to all come to pass at one time.

We're going to have a lot of celebrations. These things start to celebrate. He's telling us tomorrow start to celebrate. I have seen the affliction. I have seen the stealing I have seen the manipulation not only from the government but from their mouthpieces in the media He knows dude. They're like in total panic mode You can see the anger and some of them foaming at the mouth.

God said you can see them panicking You can see them freaking out. You can see them like, like they're just going crazy. Nothing they're doing is working. We're not believing them anymore. They have mocked me. They have tried to destroy this nation and every person that they went against them and their agenda.

Look at Steve Bannon. Look what they did to Peter Navarro. Look what they did to Rudy Giuliani. Ridiculous! Look what they did to all the January Sixers. Ridiculous! Unconstitutional injustice just going rogue. These governments are just ridiculous and God's saying don't just watch He says this is a time of my judgment against them This is a time where my hand will move and remove the ones that are against me and set this nation free from this great Tyranny read the scriptures that just God was just given to us this morning

Alright, I'll go back and read that one.

Daniel 5.

What did Nebuchadnezzar say right here in Daniel 5 when he came to his senses in verse 35? Daniel 5 35 all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing He has according to his will and the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth No one can restrain his hand or say to him. What have you done?

Who's in control God who can take down governments? And bring up a new one? God. Who can't stop him? The enemies of Almighty God. There's nothing in their arsenal that can stop God. Nothing. This is the time of my judgment against them. This is a time where my hand will move and remove the ones that are against me to set this nation free from this great tyranny.

My children, your victory is at the door. Your victory is guaranteed. I have heard your cries and your prayers for this nation. He has told us that so many times before. He's reminding us He's heard the cries of his people. He's reminding us that he's heard our prayers. Not only has he heard our cries, heard our prayers, but he's answering them.

Millions all over the world praying for the freedom in this nation from the ones who have tried to tear it apart. It's not just people in this country praying, it's people, people from all over. You see all the damage they have caused this nation, but remember, I can undo it all in a day when I have my way.

Look at Kevin Nebuchadnezzar. He went crazy for seven years. Acting like an animal, and one day he came to his senses, and one day he realized who God truly was, and he got his kingdom back. He can save a nation in a day. I just seen in the comment section he turned Saul into Paul. Yeah, that's why you can't judge a person by their past.

Any person can change. Saul was a horrible person. But God saw who Saul could turn into if he turned to God and he turned into Paul.

Let's keep reading.

My children, your victory is at the door. Your victory is guaranteed. I've heard the cries and the prayers of this nation. Millions all over the world are praying for the freedom of this nation from the ones who are tearing it apart. You will see all the damage they have caused this nation. Remember, I can undo it all in one day when I have my way.

It's important to read that again. It's God can do it all in one day when he has his way, we have to let him have his way. I will say this again, America, the beautiful, you are still beautiful in my sight. I don't see you how you are now, a nation divided, a nation in turmoil, a nation that is broken. I see you how you were always meant to be.

I see you as a blessed nation. God sees us as a blessed nation. He sees us as a blessed nation. A united nations. That's why we are called the united states We're supposed to be united and our enemy has gotten into our government a long time ago with that establishment and tried to divide Divide in race divide in finances divide with religion divide with everything Every divisive spirit you could possibly think of they put in that government They try to put in this nation and try to put it all over the world They tried to destroy the church with the vision And God says unity.

God wants us to believe and stand and pray for that unity. I see you as a powerful nation Many people may see us as a weak nation right now. God says I see you as a powerful nation. Justice will prevail. Liberty and freedom will be declared as never before. I see people looking to me and inviting me back into the places I used to be in.

When I was in these places, goodness, justice, freedom, liberty, and joy can be received. Again, says the Lord. If we let God back into our government, Then we'll have blessing back in our government. We let God back in our government. We'll have truth instead of lies and deception We let God back in our government.

We'll have our freedoms back. We'll have justice back We'll have everything that's good. We will have back because we're letting him back in and we're not believing that lie that we believed for so long now getting he indictments falling sometime early last year I don't remember exactly when it was but now he's mentioning it again Watch the fall of the indictments that have told you, I have told you repeatedly they would fail.

Because God has told us in many different prophetic words that the indictments will fail. Because of that hearing or because of that verdict or that case that the Supreme Court just ruled on with Trump's immunity as a president, it destroyed every case in one fail swoop. Boom. Just like that. That's the reason why they had to push off.

His sentencing because now they got to try to figure out that verbiage Or around some they're gonna try to figure out something around it to try see if they can wiggle their way around it and then you have now people from our government apparently that want to impeach

the supreme court more than half the supreme court for ruling that way. I mean these people are just crazy They're out of their minds. I'll tell people like aoc. Good luck with that. Good luck with impeaching You know majority of the supreme court Good luck. All right. Now he says As you see shaking as you see an overreach of power as you see chaos in your streets as you see unprecedented unconventional things take place Remember, I Am your victory and your enemy's defeat now.

He's saying this you can go. Okay. We're talking about victory We're talking about celebrations and we're talking about the fireworks. We're all excited and then he goes Well, there's a shaking and then there's an overreach of power and then you'll see chaos on your streets And you're like, wait, what?

But he just said, we're going to have this. We can still celebrate despite anything we see in the street. We can still celebrate this fight. Anything that we see with the shaking, we can celebrate and still sit and so get, receive our victory, even though no matter what they do. And no matter what the shaking is going to bring, that shaking is bringing us our victory and our enemies defeat.

God said it's going to be darker before it gets brighter. It doesn't matter what it's going to look like. God is saying once you see it get darker and once you see the shaking and shaking violently, you know that is the end of the enemies. Of almighty God remember I Am your victory and your enemy's defeat That is one thing that we cannot forget God is our victory and our enemy's defeat

America, you are mine. You will experience that again in a greater degree what a nation that people know It's a nation, one nation under God. And we're going to experience that even greater than we did before. Removals have begun. We've already started to see that. A cleansing has started. A total reset of a government will be seen and it will be undeniable.

It could not have been done by anyone other than me. No one's going to get the credit for this. No one is going to get the credit for what God's doing

my children. I Am your victory. So receive this joy Celebrate this time and expect my glory to flood your nation to bring a great restoration of what rightfully belongs to you Say it the Lord your redeemer.

What are we supposed to do? This is a time to celebrate start to celebrate right now Even if you're not from this country you celebrate in your country You celebrate the freedoms that Jesus bought and died and paid for. You may not have a founding fathers like us, or, you know, you may not have your country started out like our country did, but you still have your Lord and Savior that paid for your freedom, no matter what country you live in and every single one of his children are important to him, no matter where they live, and he wants you to be free in your nation.

He wants you to call your nations free. He wants you to receive the blood covenant that we have with him. He wants us to take this truth and not give into it and not let our enemies ever again deceive us out of what is rightfully ours to have.

So I want to pray today over this nation, over the body of Christ. I want to pray over you, no matter where you are, that you receive what God has for you. And that you can receive and start to celebrate because the shed blood of Jesus Christ, what he has done for you, the price that was already paid for you, he laid down his life for you, so you would be free.

That price has been paid. And freedom is not free.

But we have the right to that freedom because that price has already been paid. Pain is already ours now. So heavenly father, as I lift up every person, the sound of my voice, father, God, I thank you right now that we will start to celebrate this independence day. We celebrate father God, that we are free.

We have our independence from that establishment. We have our independence. From the globalists and their agenda. We can celebrate father. God, we have freedom from our enemies. We thank you that we have justice ruling and reigning in our land. Once again, we have our rightful president back. The one who won the one who was anointed, the one who was appointed from you and father God, I thank you no matter where they are, anywhere your children are all throughout the nations.

I thank you father God, that they have their freedoms. That Jesus paid for. I thank you right now, Father God, that they have the joy, which is their strength. The impartation of joy. Just overflow them. Fill the overflowing. Because God, you said in your word in Philippians 4, 19, that you liberally supply.

Fill the overflowing, our every need, according to your riches and glory, by and through Christ Jesus. And people need joy today father God people need peace today We thank you that you've given us our freedom today and we stand in this land and we stand across the countries Father God all over the world that we take back our freedom that we take back our justice that we take back our liberty That man cannot take it away.

Father God, we thank you this day. You have your way. We thank you, Father God, that you have the final say in our lives, that you have a final say in our nations. You have the final say, Father God, in our justice system. You have the final say with our government and you take down one and you will lift up another and no one can stop your hand from moving.

Your mighty and your powerful hand. Father God, we will not forget like our ancestors did. We will earnestly remember your power, your goodness, and your faithfulness to your children. So we thank you for, we are one nation under God, and I thank you for blessing this nation.

And no matter what happens, We are in this world, but we are not of it. We call down the plans of the enemy. We call down their overreach. We call them down. Father God, we thank you. As they do that, as they overplay their hand, as they do those overreaching of power, I thank you, father, God disposes of even more in this hour, because you said you bring the council of the nations to nothing.

And their plans have no effect and we thank you for it. We celebrate your love. We celebrate father God what you did with jesus christ. We thank you that he is our lord and savior We thank you father God for the sacrifice that he made for us that we would not have to suffer We won't forget it and we thank you for it jesus name.

Amen. Amen. Don't forget jesus He's the most important person you ever pay attention to And he's the one who did it for you.

Nothing can stop the power of that name. And nothing can stop the blood that was shed for us and our freedoms. So I hop

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