Hagzilla Joy Behar Shaming Trump For Saying God Watched Over Him Goes So Wrong It's Biblical

7 months ago

Posted • July 19, 2024: We know you know that we know you know Joy Behar is a boil on the butt of humanity but she just keeps saying more and more horrible things. Maybe it's a character and they think this garbage brings in the viewers? Or maybe she really is just a horrible, ugly, vindictive, crass, vile, hateful, divisive, hag. Also, plenty of people believe God watches over them … it's not narcissistic at all. The View's Joy Behar did NOT like that Trump said God was watching over him at his PA rally. -- Behar: "I was raised Catholic. I'm a Christian girl. When something like this happens to you...and you say something like 'God was watching me,' that is a very un-Christian thing to say. It's very narcissistic." -- Navarro: "God should’ve pulled the plug on that mic yesterday!" (…)

• More at: Twitchy - HAGZILLA Joy Behar Shaming Trump for Saying God Watched Over Him Goes SO Wrong It's Biblical

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