Norwegian trolls, myths and scary creatures from folktale

7 months ago

Our nature - full of Norwegian myths; beautiful, but life-threatening and very, very grim. It´s full of mysterious creatures and beings who have one thing in common; they are looking for you! They want to kill and eat you!
In this haunting video, recorded in a mystifying landscape, you will meet 4 of our most common and well-known beasts and beings. The first one is the most famous; Trolls. They are as old as the planet and they are all over the landscape: on mountains, in the wood and behind every rock or hill. They come in all sizes and their nose is their most powerful sense. Why? Because they can sniff us humans out – and when they get the smell of us, they start hunting us down. Chapters below.

The next one might seem like a beautiful woman. Actually, the most beautiful in the world. When you meet her, you might think you are lucky. But you are not. Even though she is both good and evil – as a man you are a lost soul if she sees you first. She will drag you down to her underworld, and you will be lost forever.

Out of the woods and close to the sea, you might think you are safe. Think again. Down in the depths, another horrible and mind blowing creature is waiting for an opportunity to kill you. The ghost has a single goal in life: to pull you into the water, below the surface and all the way to the bottom.

The last creature is so disgusting, bad and unfortunately far too relevant here and now today. She is descended from an ancient plague, the Black Death. She sweeps through the landscape and stops outside all houses and homes. She may be outside yours now. If she is, you must call 911 immediately.

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