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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. First Interview With Fox News As HHS Secretary

Sunfellow On COVID-19
RFK Jr.: We're not just in a health crisis, but a spiritual crisis. HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reveals how the Trump administration will make America healthy again on 'The Ingraham Angle.'
Original Fox News Interview:
See also:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Swearing In Ceremony At The White House As HHS Secretary
Establishing The President's Make America Healthy Again Commission Executive Order (February 13, 2025)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Confirmed As Health And Human Services Secretary!
Full, unedited hearing:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr videos on my Rumble channel:
Special Forces Whistleblower Reveals UAP Retrieval Program; Object Caught On Video (NewsNation)

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Whistleblower Reveals UAP Retrieval Program; Object Caught On Video
By Ross Coulthart
January 18, 2025
• Jacob Barber had a storied career in U.S. Air Force
• He and his team are now working to show UAPs to the world
• He hopes the stunning footage is just the beginning
In October 2024, an unknown man stepped out of the shadows, arriving in our nation's capital to deliver an important message about what the public calls "UFOs" and what the government calls "UAPs," or unidentified aerial phenomena.
His name is Jacob Barber, and he says for the past 30 years, he's worked in both an official and unofficial capacity for the United States government and its partners in the intelligence community.
What he knows, and what he's here to tell Congress, could change the world.
"We're in this rare opportunity in human history where it's very clear that we know that there are things flying in the sky that are unexplained and un-understood, and that's another one of the things that I'm uniquely providing information on," Barber said.
Others have alleged there's a secret government UAP retrieval program that's been going on for decades. People like David Grusch and Lue Elizondo. They say they've been told about it, they believe it exists, but they weren't a part of it themselves.
Barber, however, is different. He says he was part of that covert program that worked with alien spacecraft for years.
NewsNation checked Barber's records and confirmed that he was an airman in the U.S. Air Force who worked as an aerospace mechanic in the late 1990s. He was also recruited into Air Force Special Operations, known as "combat control." He would eventually go on to work in a nonofficial capacity for the Defense Department and the intelligence community.
Barber was a highly talented airplane mechanic who was deployed on a number of presidential support missions.
But Barber was no ordinary mechanic. Being recruited into the Air Force's Elite Combat Control unit meant he had a résumé that reads like something out of an action thriller: helicopter pilot, freefall parachutist, expert marksman and the recipient of a NATO top-secret security clearance — a legacy of his service in Bosnia, for which he won an award for heroism.
In addition to reviewing his official documentation, NewsNation spoke with three former special operations soldiers who corroborated Barber's credentials.
One of his most fervent supporters is Col. John Blitch, a Renaissance warrior who also holds a doctorate in psychology, was a Delta Force sniper and is one of the few men to hold doomsday in his hands while commanding a nuclear weapons battalion.
Blitch says he believes Barber's claim wholeheartedly and that the U.S. has "absolutely" recovered UAPs.
For Barber, he says "everything changed" for him around Sept. 11, 2001.
"I left the Air Force and was sent out to California at that time to begin establishing my cover basis as an independent contractor so that I can serve. What was coming down the line next for me was the path which led to the UAP subject," said Barber.
He says he was contracted as a helicopter pilot and was part of a team assigned to retrieve crashed aircraft at an undisclosed testing facility in the desert.
"A lot of the work we did was on what I call 'the range,' where the U.S. government and its private partners used to test all kinds of things — weapon systems and resilience to weapon systems of certain craft — and so you see a lot of exciting things," said Barber.
That's where Barber said he began to see strange things.
"It's always interesting out there," he said. "Things come in and out of sight. Things disappear for a moment and reappear. Things seem to move very quickly. Things change color. They change shape."
Barber said his team recovered "things that were exotic in nature."
"We know they were classified craft," he said. "And we recovered them and took them back to where they go."
Barber’s first encounter with nonhuman intelligence
"Just visually looking at the object on the ground, you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous. It was not human," he said.
Barber said he got his first glimpse of "not human" pretty quickly.
"I was a helicopter pilot, and I operate with a 150-to-200-foot-long line. So, I got within 150 feet of this object," he said.
That's when he saw it.
"I saw an egg, a white egg," he said. "There was no engine. There was no thermal signature. I was operating at night when I finally came in to pick it up. So, I'm working under night vision goggles at the time, and it was quite clear. I flipped them up, flipped them down and looked at it a couple of different ways."
Barber said the "metallic, pearly white" object was about the size of an SUV.
"I can tell you that the reaction by my team … we all knew we were dealing with something extraordinary," he said.
While Barber said he was never told the craft wasn't human, he's certain.
"I'll tell you that because of the reaction of my leadership structure and because of my experience working in that capacity, everyone involved was convinced that what we were seeing and dealing with was, in fact, exotic in its origin," said Barber. "I will also tell you that during this process, over the last couple of years, it's been confirmed to me by ranking members of the UAP Task Force that what we were working with that night was, in fact, NHI (nonhuman intelligence), and it was not a unique experience."
Barber said he still doesn't know what exactly the object was or where it may be housed now.
"It would be taken to a secure facility. But my role stops once I deliver it," he said.
That wasn't Barber's only brush with the unexplained.
"There was another object. One was the egg, the other is what I called an 'eightgon.' The eightgon was essentially a flying disc with what looked like eight delineated sections when looking down," said Barber. "And I can tell you what it looked like from looking down because that's primarily how I saw it. Because I'm a helicopter pilot. We did recoveries with the eightgons. There was more than one that made its way to the ground on this particular operation."
Barber said what happened next would be one of the most "profound" experiences he's had in his life.
"As I get closer to this site, I start feeling odd, I start feeling extremely emotional, and the closer I get, the more the emotion starts to overwhelm me," he said. "I feel this intense hybrid of sadness and happiness and beauty and song, and it was very disruptive to me because I had a very practical responsibility at the time to operate a helicopter in the mountains at night. And I began wondering, 'What was wrong with me?'"
Barber said it didn't feel like an emotional breakdown but rather something entirely different.
"I felt like something connected with me," he said. "I felt like something had tuned in to me and my soul and was providing me some sense of guidance on what to do and how profound what I was doing was. It was so overwhelming that I began to cry."
Barber said he had never experienced a feeling like that before.
"It was a very feminine energy. I'll tell you that it felt like the spirit of God, but not in any masculine sense. And it wasn't like a soul; it was like a frequency that I was connected with. And whatever that force was since that night, it has stayed with me. And as crazy as this sounds, it's what's guiding me now, and it's what's providing protection for me."
Barber said his mission that night came from no accidental crash. He claims the UAP was summoned by a special team with special abilities: the "Psionics."
Psionics, according to Barber, are people with a "predisposition for extratemporal abilities and sensitivities," more commonly referred to as people with alleged psychic powers.
"In the program, there was certainly a desire to explore the idea that perhaps UAP could be summoned, could be communicated with, could be controlled and could be persuaded to land, all by deploying people with psionic abilities to interface and communicate with the UAP," said Barber.
It's something Barber said he has witnessed firsthand — and it looks a lot like meditation. He firmly believes psionics are capable of making a mental and spiritual connection to technology.
It's something another decorated Special Forces operator and colleague of Barber says he has witnessed too.
"I've had the pleasure of meeting multiple psionic assets," said Don Paul Bales. "I've seen them function. I know that they're capable of doing what they're doing."
It's an established fact that the Pentagon has had an interest in psychic abilities — what it calls "remote viewing" — for military purposes. The famed Project Stargate spent years studying the subject and despite the CIA's official position that such studies yielded nothing.
Despite the wonder of it all, Barber claims that he and his team have suffered serious injuries.
Are UAPs bad for your health?
Barber tells NewsNation that these encounters could come with a staggering cost to his health.
"We transported what we called 'mystery boxes' all the time," he said. "I have no idea … it could have been empty. It probably wasn't empty, but we don't know what was inside the boxes."
Barber and his team, however, were authorized to use "lethal force" to protect their shipments should someone attempt to seize them.
"After this particular mission, I and everyone on my team got extremely sick, like physically ill, in the hospital," he said. "Within weeks after this, I lost every hair on my body, which they call alopecia. I also lost the skin on my arms, so the skin's actually falling off your body. I ended up developing a severe heart murmur that I'd never had before."
Last year, NewsNation's Ross Coulthart introduced Barber to Stanford University immunology professor Dr. Garry Nolan. He's been studying anomalous injuries among U.S. military personnel for years at the behest of the CIA. He agreed to review decades of Barber's medical records.
"The acute injuries were obviously severe," said Nolan. "I mean, the report reads like a bit of a horror show, to be quite honest. To me, the first thing that came to mind was (Barber) was exposed to some kind of radiation."
To this day, Barber is nervous that he may have some form of cancer.
Assuming Barber and his team were exposed to radiation emanating from the mysterious box they transported, could it have come from one of the many radioactive materials used regularly by the military?
Barber doesn't believe so.
"Can I put on my speculative hat for a minute? Okay, so if the Air Force, let's say, knew that what we were working with that night had any type of radiological signature, there's a whole set of processes that we're trained in on how to deal with that from a hazmat perspective and a containment perspective," said Barber.
"And the fact that none of that was apparent that night tells me they didn't know what was in the box, and it got turned on or turned off. It leads me to believe, in hindsight all these years, that it may have been something of nonhuman origin or exotic. Let's just say exotic. It may have been something exotic that activated or still had some fallout."
Barber remains under Nolan's care and is receiving proper evaluation and treatment.
Stolen hard drives?
It wasn't just the U.S. government interested in using Barber's expertise in UAPs and psionics; his skills were also needed by private companies involved in the program. His assignments soon took a turn from recovering UAPs to something more sinister.
"We were deployed on a particular task to recover what we call HVTs, or 'high-value targets.' Those high-value targets were Panasonic Toughbooks — the sensitive material that is on these Toughbooks has to do with sensor data, video that was illegally captured during some of these operations, some of which may be incriminating or classified now," said Barber.
Those laptops allegedly contained illegally obtained sensor data from the UAP recovery missions — sensor data that was illegally recorded during UAP recovery missions in violation of top-secret protocols. Barber said the company contracting him was determined to cover up the laptops' existence.
"We recovered our first two Toughbooks. We got back to our base location and then went through them and took photographs. Then we discovered that the hard drives were missing," he said.
Barber said the next piece of intelligence that came through led them to a lake where they found the hard drives in a sealed steel container 25 feet underwater.
"Yeah, so someone's going through a lot of effort in order to hide these things," he said.
What began as a straightforward recovery mission proved to be anything but simple, and Barber says things soon took a nefarious turn.
'Things got strange for me'
"The very next time we went out, things got strange for me. My spidey senses, my intuition, was on high alert because our intel contact changed; the rhythm and style of our intel changed. As we got closer to the day in which we were going to deploy, intelligence kept changing. That raised my concern, but we ended up going anyway. When we got there, the HVTs were gone, and it was clear that shots had been fired," said Barber.
Barber was worried he was in significant danger and possibly being set up.
"We were being prepared for the one thing that we've always offered employers, and that is plausible deniability and that we were perhaps going to be the hidden hand that gets severed," he said.
Bales, a Special Forces veteran who was working on Barber's team at the time, said he was concerned about a potential setup.
"Yes, setup is a mild term," Bales said. "The fact that people have lost their lives involved in this type of activity — and the links to which people have gone to suppress politically uncomfortable truths — is such that there is risk involved."
Barber was convinced his former employer, or someone pretending to be them, was determined to kill him.
Barber was then on the hunt, using his skills and vast network of contacts to determine who was behind this shadow war fought over those missing hard drives. He says the trail led him right to the top.
Last spring, Barber and his team were in Washington, D.C., conducting surveillance — and eventually confronting — one of their prime suspects.
"I reached out to the director of security for the particular organization and a sister organization and set up a meeting with them because there were only two truths in my mind: Either they were complicit, or they were compromised," he said.
Barber said he got in contact with the head of security of his former private aerospace company and was basically told to "forget it."
"If he had any knowledge at all, it was clear he was trying to distance himself from it," said Barber. "He didn't want to get involved. But he did provide some advice on where we should go."
Barber was no closer to finding out who wanted him dead, but he knew that he was no longer doing the mission he signed up for when he first enlisted.
To make it stop, he would need more than his handpicked team: He would need Congress, he would need funding, and he would need to go public.
Startling UAP footage
Barber says he has been recruiting individuals from within the program and forming a new team in coordination with government agencies. Barber would not name the various agencies he's recruiting from but hopes to "very soon."
His Skywatcher Team has already deployed on behalf of the U.S. government to investigate last year's drone sightings on the East Coast. But before that, they were on the hunt for something even more elusive.
In August of 2024, Barber and the Skywatcher Team conducted their own operation, with a psionic asset, to see if they could summon a UAP themselves. The team hoped to quietly gather evidence for Skywatcher but instead found themselves in danger once more.
According to the team, Barber says a UAP psychic dogfight erupted in the sky above them. He believes the craft summoned by the team was warring with a rogue UAP piloted by an unknown entity attempting to intercept Skywatcher's operation.
"And then things got a little weird," said Barber. "I'd say, four or five minutes into the operation, (the psionic) goes, 'Something's going on, something's wrong. Get me out of here.' And right about that time, our overwatch, Fred, looked up to the sky and saw a disc, a classic lenticular-shape disk."
What Fred Baker and the rest of the team saw was an oval egg — exactly like the one Barber had a previous encounter with.
NewsNation has independently obtained video recorded during one of those UAP retrieval operations. The extraordinary footage shows a view from the belly of a helicopter retrieving one of those mysterious eggs.
The egg resembles a UAP encountered by U.S. Navy fighters off the East Coast in 2015, suggesting a possible connection between these anomalous objects.
Aside from releasing data and footage like this to the public, the Skywatcher Team feels it also has to push the federal government to disclose what it knows about the UAP program — and any criminal activity that may have been perpetrated over the years to keep it secret.
NewsNation has confirmed that last fall, Barber met with staffers for U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, now Donald Trump's pick for secretary of state.
"I feel I was able to fill in gaps that have been there for a long time that no other whistleblower has been able to do," Barber said of the meeting.
NewsNation Video 1:
UAP recovery video shows ‘egg-shaped’ object: Exclusive | Reality Check
NewsNation Video 2:
Exclusive: Whistleblower details role in UAP retrieval program | Reality Check
NewsNation Video 3:
Whistleblower says he recovered egg-shaped craft, other UAPs | Reality Check
NewsNation Video 4:
Veterans say they worked with 'psionic' military assets | Reality Check
NewsNation Video 5:
Ross Coulthart exposes new UAP video and whistleblower: What's next? | Reality Check
UFOs and Extraterrestrials
Sunfellow on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)
Sunfellow Mystery Drones Resource Page
Mystery Drones Playlist on Rumble
TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution
UFO Revolution: Episode 1
UFO Revolution: Episode 2
UFO Revolution: Episode 3
TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution (Movie Trailer)
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Behind Enemy Lines (Part 2) by Justine Isernhinke
Behind Enemy Lines (Part 3) by Justine Isernhinke
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Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Steven Greer (Episode #331 - The Deleted Episode - March 3, 2013)
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Joe Rogan Experience #1597 - Joe Rogan Interviews Travis Walton
Jeremy Corbell on X
Jeremy Corbell on YouTube
Pastor Who Accurately Predicted First Trump Assassination Attempt Issues New Prophetic Warning

Sunfellow On COVID-19
On January 16, 2025, Jim Ferguson @JimFergusonUK writes:
ALERT: Pastor Brandon Biggs: A Chilling Warning for Trump's Safety
Pastor Brandon Biggs, the man who stunned the world with his astonishingly accurate prediction of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life, is raising alarms again.
Months before it happened, Biggs not only foretold the assassination attempt but described in exact detail that Trump would be hit on his right ear by a bullet -- a prophecy that left many in disbelief until it came true.
Now, Pastor Biggs is issuing another grave warning, claiming he has seen a vision of an orchestrated attack targeting Trump’s inauguration and iconic properties.
He warns of large trucks filled with 50-gallon drums and a dump truck loaded with fertilizer, hidden in underground garages and poised to strike. His vision includes coordinated attacks on Trump Tower, golf courses, and even another direct attempt on Trump’s life.
Biggs believes this plot could be a state-sponsored attack, possibly orchestrated by Iran, and executed by hundreds of infiltrators smuggled into the U.S. through secret tunnels on the US southern border. He foresees devastating attacks on 10 major cities, aiming to cripple symbols of Trump’s influence and leadership.
This prophetic voice is urging authorities to maximize security around Trump, his properties, family, and the incoming administration, as the stakes could not be higher.
Whether this will come to pass is uncertain, but Biggs’ previous prediction has proven his credibility to many.
With Trump’s enemies growing stronger, and globalist forces potentially fearing another Trump presidency, the threat looms large.
God bless Donald Trump, and God bless the United States of America.
The full, unedited, original YouTube video is located here:
Prayer Warning: The Lord Showed Me Another Major Attack Coming And We Must Stop It Through Prayer
Pastor Brandon Biggs on X:
On January 16, 2025, Lara Logan @laralogan writes:
OK. This is not great. Response from one of my most trusted & traditionally very understated law enforcement friends:
"This guy is no joke, the other thing that makes me believe him is that all the affinity groups (Antifa, Sunrise Movement etc) are targeting 10 cities across the U.S. I have been warning for weeks, on the 18th they have two rally's all set up as dry runs for the 20th."
Be alert. Be prepared. There is something about the calm/quiet that is unsettling.
See also:
Pastor Who Predicted Trump Assassination Attempt Warns Globalists' Mega Plague Imminent (InfoWars)
Vision Predicted Attempted Assassination Of Trump (Also Predicted Trump Will Win & Dark Times Ahead)
Vinney Tolman Describes Dramatic Future Events He Saw During A Near-Death Experience
Spiritual Experiences, Callings, Motivations, Practices
RFK Jr.: I Asked God To Put Me In A Position Where I Could End The Chronic Disease Epidemic

Sunfellow On COVID-19
"Since 2005, I spent 30 minutes praying every day when I get out of bed . . . I asked God, for 19 years, to put me in a position where I could end the chronic disease epidemic and bring health back to our children."
"I saw this happening and I began writing about it, and the media rose up and silenced me in 2005. Nobody would talk about it, the doctors wouldn't talk about it, the pediatricians wouldn't talk about it, the scientists, the government officials, and people warned me: if you keep talking about this, you're gonna destroy your career."
-- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Video source:
See also:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr videos on this Rumble channel:
Tucker Carlson Describes Being Attacked & Mauled By Demons While Sleeping In His Bed!

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Tucker Carlson Describes Being Attacked & Mauled By Demons While Sleeping In His Bed!
Source video:
Tucker Carlson Shares A Bone-Chilling Story About A Demon Attack
He says it left ‘four claw marks’ on his body that were bleeding
by Anthony Scott
The Gateway Pundit
October 31, 2024
While being interviewed by John Heers for the new movie Christianities, Tucker Carlson revealed a demon clawed him while he was sleeping at his home.
The topic got brought up when Tucker was asked by Heers, “Do you think the presence of evil is kickstarting people to wonder about the good?”
Tucker responded, “That’s what happened to me.”
The founder of the Tucker Carlson Network continued, “In my bed at night, I got attacked while I was asleep with my wife and four dogs in the bed and was mauled physically by a demon.
Carlson continued to share that when he woke up, his wife and dogs were still sleeping, and when he went into the bathroom and turned on the lights, he saw that he had four claw marks on him that were bleeding.
The incident resulted in Tucker reading his Bible and drawing closer to God.
Here’s the transcript:
Heers: Do you think the presence of evil is kickstarting people to wonder about the good?
Carlson: That’s what happened to me
Heers: that’s what happened to you
Tucker: At night, I got attacked while I was asleep with my wife and four dogs in the bed and mauled physically
Heers: Mauled in a spiritual attack by a demon?
Carlson: Yeah, by a demon or by something unseen. It left physical marks, but they’re still there. I woke up, and I couldn’t breathe, and I thought I was going to suffocate, and I walked around outside, and then I walked in, and my wife and dogs had not woken up, and they’re very light sleepers, and then I had these terrible pains on my rib cage and my shoulder.
Carlson: I was just in my boxer shorts, and I went and flipped on the light in the bathroom, and I had four claw marks on either underneath my arms and on my left shoulder, and they’re bleeding.
Heers: Wait, they were bleeding?
Carlson: They’re bleeding yeah they were actual claw marks and I sleep on my side so I wasn’t clawing myself I don’t have long nails um and they didn’t fit my hands anyway but yeah that happened. I had no idea what that was. I knew it was
spiritually immediately.
Carlson: I was then seized by this very intense desire to read the Bible, which I started without any study aids or anything.
Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson videos on this Rumble channel:
Spiritual Experiences, Callings, Motivations, Practices
Hellish & Distressing Near-Death Experiences
Evil Spirits, Demonic Possession & Exorcism
Sturgill Simpson: Breakers Roar (Everything Is Not What It Seems; It's All A Dream)

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Sturgill Simpson: Breakers Roar (Everything Is Not What It Seems; It's All A Dream)
Original YouTube video:
[Verse 1]
Oh, how the breakers roar
Keep pulling me farther from shore
Thoughts turn to a love so kind
Just to keep me from losing my mind
So enticing, deep dark seas
It's so easy to drown in the dream
[Verse 2]
Oh, and everything is not what it seems
This life is but a dream
Shatter illusions that hold your spirit down
Open up your heart and you'll find love all around
Breathing and moving are healing and soothing
Away all the pain in life holding you down
[Verse 3]
Bone breaks and heals
Oh, but heartaches can kill
From the inside, so it seems
Oh, I'm telling you it's all a dream
It's all a dream
It's all a dream
It's all a dream
It's all a
It's all a dream
See also:
Life-changing near-death experience stories and quotes:
The Purpose Of Life
500 Quotes From Heaven
Vinney Tolman Describes Dramatic Future Events He Saw During A Near-Death Experience

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Topics covered:
• What humankind's future may look like
• The Earth's geography and land masses change because of a pole shift
• The coming geographical changes can't be prevented
• An inland sea appears in the U.S. all the way from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes
• California is dramatically changed
• Individual governments no longer exist as they do now
• The U.S. becomes like Europe (states begin to operate independently of federal government)
• The U.S. federal government fails
• The U.S. federal government is handed over to a non-government agency that consisted of people from other countries
• The non-government agency in America (and elsewhere in the world) tries to set up dystopian communities, but they don't work and eventually fail
• Cities of Light begin to emerge
• Loving, non-fearful people find and help create these new Cities of Light by following their intuition
• The Cities of Light are energetic communities, not communities of location
• Dark communities of fear cannot find (or even see) the Communities of Light
• It is as if these two different communities exist on two different planes of existence
• Even though many events may feel challenging and destructive at the time, everything that happens is for our ultimate good
• Having and expressing gratitude for the challenges we see and experience is very important
• Titanic financial changes coming within five years
• Whole world shifts to one currency (probably some kind of cryptocurrency)
• Catastrophic geographic changes arriving within next 30 years
• The sun's behavior (solar flares, Coronal Mass Ejections) will warn of coming changes
• A pulsar or nova will hit the Earth
• This cosmic light will cause an awakening
• It will awaken new abilities in people by washing away internal systems that have kept soul powers hidden and dormant
• The shifting of the Earth's magnetic poles will also assist in the awakening
• Joining together with others of like-mind will assist the change process
• Will be a good time for many to die and then be reborn in a new, more loving era
• The Earth feels like a prison planet because we forgot where we came from
• We forgot where we came from by design
• The Earth is a tough school, divinely-designed for us to learn lessons we couldn't learn if we remembered who we are and where we are from
• The electrical grid will crash more than once
• One crash will be particularly severe and it will never return to pre-crash heights
• Electrical grid is expected to fail in the next 5-10 years, maybe sooner
• It's important to prepare for disruptions
• It is also very important to learn how to control fear and develop love, gratitude and intuition
Heather Tesch writes:
"Vinney Tolman saw future events during his Near Death Experience. He shares what he saw over three episodes. You can also watch four other episodes where he shares his very detailed and amazing Near Death Experience. All links below. He died at the age of 25 after accidentally overdosing on a workout supplement. By the time he was found he had been dead for over half an hour. He was on his way to the morgue when a rookie medic got a prompting to unzip the bodybag he was in and work on resuscitating Vinney's body. He did this against orders of the two other senior medics on duty. Vinney was revived but spent three days in a coma. He shared his incredible and very detailed Near Death Experience over four episodes. I'll include links below. However, after he shared the future events that he saw many of you wanted more details. Today he is back. This time over three episodes he shares incredible events that he was shown which would take place in the future - some spanning out 50 or 100 years and others that will likely occur within a few years. I hope you'll take this incredible journey with us and then share your thoughts when you are through."
Episode 112, Part 1:
Astonishing Future Events Shown To Near Death Experiencer
Episode 113, Part 2:
NDE Sees Huge Changes Coming To U.S. Gov’t, Economy & Geography
Episode 114, Part 3:
NDE Sees Life Completely Changing Next 10 Years
Vinney Tolman's Detailed NDE:
Episode 27, Part 1:
Vinney Tolman Was Zipped Up In Body Bag & Watched It From Above
Episode 28, Part 2:
Most detailed Near Death Experience I’ve heard. Packed with details of afterlife. Vinney Tolman
Episode 29, Part 3:
There's Life All Over The Universe And Lots Of It. Here's What He Saw During NDE. Vinney Tolman
Episode 30, Part 4:
The Shocking Events That Unfold Within Next 10 Years From Near Death Experiencer Who Saw Future
Vinney Tolman Websites:
The Light After Death (book)
See also:
BEYOND with Heather Tesch
Near-Death Experience - Howard Storm - The Future Of The World
Near-Death Experiences That Predict The End Of The World
Personal Near-Death Experience Predictions
The Coming Extinction-Level Magnetic Pole Shift
Magnetic Pole Shift videos on this Rumble channel:
Preparedness, Self-Sufficiency, Living Off The Grid
Learn more about near-death experiences and what they have to teach us:
What Near-Death Experiences Teach Us
The Formula For Creating Heaven On Earth
The Wisdom Of Near-Death Experiences On Twitter
Outstanding Near-Death Experiences
Outstanding Near-Death Experience Resources
Near-Death Experiences Absolutely, Positively NOT Caused By Malfunctioning Brains
Near-Death Experiences From Around The World
Historical & Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences
The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around The World (Book)
500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences (Book)
NDE Stories
Russell Brand Shares His Baptism Experience With Tucker Carlson

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Russell Brand shares his baptism experience with Tucker Carlson.
Original Rumble video:
See also:
Spiritual Experiences, Callings, Motivations, Practices
Russell Brand @rustyrockets videos on this Rumble channel:
Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson videos on this Rumble channel:
Take A Moment To Be Kind... (The Highwire)

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Excerpted from:
See also:
Del Bigtree @delbigtree videos on this Rumble channel:
The Little Things In Life Are The Big Things
Vision Predicted Attempted Assassination Of Trump (Also Predicted Trump Will Win & Dark Times Ahead)

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Brandon Briggs reportedly recorded his prophetic video on March 14, 2024.
Source video:
Original YouTube video where Brandon Briggs describes Donald Trump being wounded:
11:32 / 44:54
3 PROPHETS Explain 3 American SOLAR ECLIPSES | APRIL8 SIGN | Amanda Grace, Brandon Biggs Cioccolanti
March 14, 2023
See also:
Spiritual Experiences, Callings, Motivations, Practices
Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump videos on this Rumble channel:
The Secret Service Identified Trump Shooter MORE THAN AN HOUR BEFORE HE OPENED FIRE!
Vision Predicted Attempted Assassination Of Trump (Also Predicted Trump Will Win & Dark Times Ahead)
CNN Host Is Stunned By Former Army Sniper Saying Trump Assassination Attempt Could Have Been Setup
In Leaked Phone Call, Trump Acknowledges Vaccines Harm Children, Describes Dodging Deadly Bullet
Sky News.AU Host Blasts CNN Coverage Of Attempted Trump Assassination
Jimmy Dore, Candace Owens, Dallas Alexander: Evidence The Trump Assassination Attempt Was A Set Up!
BBC Reporter Interviews Man Who Saw Trump Shooter Before, During, After (Full, Unedited Interview!)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: My Journey Toward God

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. writes:
"On @TheSageSteeleShow, Sage and I talked about addiction, faith, the power of synchronicity, and how I believe that pain is the ultimate touchstone of spiritual growth."
Original YouTube video:
See also:
Spiritual Experiences, Callings, Motivations, Practices
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - My Story Of Transformation
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discusses How He Got Sober At 28 After Experiencing A 'Spiritual Realignment'
RFK Jr.’s Thoughts On Who God Is
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: How Nature Connects Us To God
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Americans’ Love Nature Can Unite Us
Spiritual Experiences, Callings, Motivations, Practices
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos on my Rumble channel:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On X
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Rumble
Children's Health Defense Website
Children's Health Defense On X
Children's Health Defense On Rumble
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (Book)
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And The Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Book)
Vax-Unvax: Let The Science Speak (Book)
Recovering America - A Film About Healing Our Addiction Crisis (Features Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)

Sunfellow On COVID-19
On June 15, 2024, “Recovering America”, a new documentary film featuring independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., premiered at the Kiva Auditorium in Albuquerque. This is the first time the film has been released online.
“Recovering America” reveals the most promising solutions to the nation's addiction crisis. Drug overdoses now kill more than 100,000 Americans every year. Drawing on innovative and effective real world solutions, Kennedy offers an inspiring new vision in which addicts are empowered to rebuild their lives. He also shares his journey to recovery.
“I think someone who has walked the walk -- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -- can be our role model out of this phase of American addiction”, said addiction therapist Brian Gallagher.
Original YouTube video:
See also:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos on this Rumble channel:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On X
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Rumble
Children's Health Defense Website
Children's Health Defense On X
Children's Health Defense On Rumble
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (Book)
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And The Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Book)
Vax-Unvax: Let The Science Speak (Book)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - My Story Of Transformation

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. writes:
"I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t learned how to move from self-will to divine purpose. This is how that happened for me."
Original YouTube Video:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Twitter
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Rumble
Children's Health Defense Website
Children's Health Defense On Twitter
Children's Health Defense On Rumble
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (Book)
By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos on this Rumble channel:
RFK Jr: Media Appearances
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Help Me Stop The Censorship (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - My Environmental Priorities (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces He Will Run For President As An Independent! (October 9, 2023)
RFK Jr. Tells A Hostile Caller Why COVID Jabs Are The Most Dangerous Vaccine In History
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Save The Date. Save The Country. (Kennedy Planning To Run As Independent!)
RFK Jr. On Defunding The World Health Organization & DTP Vaccine-Induced Deaths In African Babies
Joe Rogan On Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "I Would Vote For Him" (Campaign Ad)
Security Expert Gavin de Becker Asks For Help Protecting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - The Polls Say I Can Win (Campaign Ad)
Oliver Anthony’s Remedy for the ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
Rob Schneider On Why He Is Endorsing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President
RFK Jr. Reportedly Unsettled When Power Goes Out During Podcast (Includes Full Podcast)
DNC Plans To Destroy Democracy (How We Can Pressure The DNC To Run A Fair Primary Election)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - This Is About You (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: The Democratic National Committee Is Rigging The Democratic Primaries!
Kim Iversen Interviews Brian Hooker About New Book: Vax-Unvax, Let The Science Speak
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Offers Word Of Encouragement To Gathering Of Hungry Heroes Hawaii
RFK Jr. & Jimmy Dore: What Happened To Comedians?
JFK Jr. Promises To End Government Censorship First Day In Office
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Roundtable On Censorship (Greenwald, Attkisson, Younes, Holley)
RFK Jr. Explains Ukraine, Bio-Labs, And Who Killed His Uncle (Tucker Carlson On Twitter)
Ed Dowd Updates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On The Wild Fires In Maui (August 14, 2023)
Joe Rogan & Patrick Bet-David Discuss 'The Real Anthony Fauci' Book
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Running On Truth | Episode 2 | “Midnight At The Border"
RFK Jr. Is Asked “Why Should Anyone Trust You?” (His Answer Receives A Round Of Applause)
Banned By YouTube: James O'Keefe Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Full, Unedited Interview)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discusses How He Got Sober At 28 After Experiencing A 'Spiritual Realignment'
After Years Of Being Ferociously Censored & Attacked, How Does Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Keep Going?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Let's Fight Censorship...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "Vaccines and lockdowns were a failure. Here’s what I would have done..."
Bill Gates Told President Trump NOT To Look Into The Harmful Side Effects Of Childhood Vaccines
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - July 25, 2023 - Town Hall Meeting With Sean Hannity
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Is COVID A Bioweapon That Targets Specific Races?
Patrick Bet-David Tells Story Of RFK Jr. & Childhood Vaccines: "This Guy Is A 100% True Believer!"
Evidence That Vindicates RFK Jr. - The DNC's Attacks Were Shameful, Deceptive & Taken Out-Of-Context
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Complete, Unedited Speech At FreedomFest 2023
RFK Jr: "There's A Lot Worse Things Than Dying — And Living Like A Slave Is One Of Those!"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Shares His "Happy Place"
The Complete, Unedited Congressional Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Opening Statement - Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies In Congress: No Childhood Vaccine Has Ever Been Fully Tested!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Prepared Remarks
Previously Unreleased Recording: Bret Weinstein Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (From 2021)
Piers Morgan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Full, Unedited Interview)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shoulder To The Stone
A Young Robert "Bobby" Kennedy Jr. Talks About His Father, Uncle And His Future
RFK Jr. Describes How He Will Restore Free Speech & End Censorship When He Is President
Russell Brand Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & His Wife Cheryl Hines
Bill Maher Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Tucker Carlson: "I Really Admire Bobby Kennedy Jr."
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - We Asked, You Delivered!
RFK Jr. Answers Tough Questions In The First Nationally Broadcast Town Hall Meeting (Excerpts)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Answers Tough Questions On Childhood Vaccines
Mainstream Media Goes Bonkers Over Viral Videos Of Shirtless, Fit, Healthy Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Health Policy Roundtable (RFKjr, Mercola, Tenpenny, Kory, Gentempo, McDonnell, Ji, Willis, Bigtree)
Kennedy Needs Little People Donations Before July 1st:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - New Hampshire Town Hall - June 23, 2023 (Complete, Unedited WMUR Coverage)
How Would You Handle Another Pandemic? (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - New Hampshire Town Hall)
If You Become President, How Will Vaccine Policy Change? (RFK Jr. - New Hampshire Town Hall)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Peace & Diplomacy Speech - June 20, 2023, New Hampshire
RFK Jr. - "Waging Endless Wars Abroad, We Have Neglected The Foundation Of Our Own Well-Being"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Debating Dr. Peter Hotez (NIH ORDERED Hotez NOT To Debate)
Tucker Carlson: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Winning!
Twitter Exploding: Joe Rogan Challenges Peter Hotez To Debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Joe Rogan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The Complete, Unedited Interview - Episode #1999)
Joe Rogan Interviews RFK Jr. (Suing Monsanto & The Extraordinary Dangers Of Roundup)
Joe Rogan Interviews RFK Jr. (President Kennedy, Military Industrial Complex, Getting Assassinated)
Joe Rogan Interviews RFK Jr. (Rogan Acknowledges His Uninformed Concerns About Kennedy)
Jordan Peterson Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "We Need The Best Minds In The World To Come Together" On The AI Economy
As President, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Would Immediately Declassify JFK Files, Pardon Snowden & Assange
Michael Smerconish & Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Get Into A Tense Exchange About Anthony Fauci
Trump Channels JFKjr - Vows To Investigate Big Pharma For Autism, Infertility, Illness In Children
RFKjr: We're Going To Do A Mass Experiment & See What Happens When You Tell People The Truth
Reclaiming Democracy With @ElonMusk And @RobertKennedyJr (Twitter Spaces, June 5, 2023)
Elon Musk: "The United States Has Been The Greatest Force For Benevolence In World History!"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Summarizes his Views On Childhood Vaccines In 3 Minutes
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On How We Make People Proud To Be Americans Again
RFK Jr. On COVID Vaccines, Restoring Constitutional Rights, The Politicalization Of U.S. Agencies
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Why Bill Gates & China Are Buying Up All The Farmland In America
What's Wrong With RFK Jr's Voice? Was His "Spasmodic Dysphonia" Caused By A Flu Shot?
RFK Jr. Delivers Keynote At Bitcoin 2023: "Totalitarians Hate Anything That They Can't Control"
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. UNCENSORED (Russell Brand Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)
What Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Up Against (Krystal Ball Challenges Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Vaccines)
Mike Adams Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. About Kennedy's Vision For HEALING A Fractured America
Ed Dowd Announces He Will Be Co-Treasurer For Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Presidential Campaign
Buck Sexton On Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview Being Censored By ABC News
Biden Refuses To Debate Kennedy; Kennedy Says COVID Advocates Who Violated Law Need To Be Prosecuted
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Explains His Position On Climate Change & Pollution
Disgusting, Unprofessional, ILLEGAL: ABC News Censors Kennedy During Primetime Interview
Kennedy Explains What Happened When President Trump Asked Him To Lead A Commission On Vaccine Safety
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kicks Off Democratic Presidential Candidacy Campaign
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. On The Danger Of CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Anthony Fauci And The Public Health Establishment
Jimmy Dore Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Can Becoming President Really Fix Anything?
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - How "The Power Of Trusted Authorities" Was Used To Subvert America
"The COVID Cartel" (Featuring Kennedy, Johnson, Stockton, Singleton, Faber, Mauer, Kaplan...)
Dr. Robert Malone: If There's Anybody That Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize, It's Bobby Kennedy Jr.
Steve Kirsch Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The CDC Knows Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism!
The Real Anthony Fauci - Part 1 (1 Hour, 50 Minutes)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Filmmaker Jeff Hays Discuss NEW Documentary "The Real Anthony Fauci"
The Real Anthony Fauci (Introduction To Documentary & Movie Trailer)
Just As The COVID-19 Narrative Started Collapsing, They Changed The Subject
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Why Big Pharma Is Going After Our Children
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Megyn Kelly - Fauci, Vaccines, And Big Pharma's Power - Part 1
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Megyn Kelly - Fauci, Vaccines, And Big Pharma's Power - Part 2
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Why Tony Fauci Had Such A Big Problem With Early Treatment
Robert Kennedy, Jr. - "We Have To Love Our Freedom More Than We Fear A Germ"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Defeat The Mandates - January 23, 2022 - Full Speech
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interviews David E. Martin
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "This Is The Final Battle, We Need To Win This One"
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Invites CNN's Jake Tapper To Discuss COVID-19 Issues
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "Free Speech Is The Sunlight, Water And Fertilizer For Democracy"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discusses How He Got Sober At 28 After Experiencing A 'Spiritual Realignment'

Sunfellow On COVID-19
"I had, like many people, a spiritual realignment. And that's really part of recovering from addiction. I mean, the whole 12 Step Program is based on a structure for inducing a spiritual awakening or a spiritual realignment."
Excerpted from:
Banned By YouTube: James O'Keefe Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Full, Unedited Interview)
O'Keefe Media Group
James O'Keefe videos on this Rumble channel:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Twitter
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Rumble
Children's Health Defense Website
Children's Health Defense On Twitter
Children's Health Defense On Rumble
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (Book)
By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos on this Rumble channel:
RFK Jr: Media Appearances
RFK Jr.’s Thoughts On Who God Is (Campaign Ad)

Sunfellow On COVID-19
RObert F. KennedyJr. writes:
"God is the ultimate mystery, yet also an intimate companion in my choices in life."
Original YouTube Video:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Twitter
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Rumble
Children's Health Defense Website
Children's Health Defense On Twitter
Children's Health Defense On Rumble
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (Book)
By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos on this Rumble channel:
RFK Jr: Media Appearances
RFK Jr.’s Thoughts On Who God Is (Campaign Ad)
RFK Jr.’s Battle For Ballot Access In All 50 States (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Gun Control (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - My Story Of Transformation
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Help Me Stop The Censorship (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - My Environmental Priorities (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces He Will Run For President As An Independent! (October 9, 2023)
RFK Jr. Tells A Hostile Caller Why COVID Jabs Are The Most Dangerous Vaccine In History
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Save The Date. Save The Country. (Kennedy Planning To Run As Independent!)
RFK Jr. On Defunding The World Health Organization & DTP Vaccine-Induced Deaths In African Babies
Joe Rogan On Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "I Would Vote For Him" (Campaign Ad)
Security Expert Gavin de Becker Asks For Help Protecting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - The Polls Say I Can Win (Campaign Ad)
Oliver Anthony’s Remedy for the ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
Rob Schneider On Why He Is Endorsing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President
RFK Jr. Reportedly Unsettled When Power Goes Out During Podcast (Includes Full Podcast)
DNC Plans To Destroy Democracy (How We Can Pressure The DNC To Run A Fair Primary Election)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - This Is About You (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: The Democratic National Committee Is Rigging The Democratic Primaries!
Kim Iversen Interviews Brian Hooker About New Book: Vax-Unvax, Let The Science Speak
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Offers Word Of Encouragement To Gathering Of Hungry Heroes Hawaii
RFK Jr. & Jimmy Dore: What Happened To Comedians?
JFK Jr. Promises To End Government Censorship First Day In Office
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Roundtable On Censorship (Greenwald, Attkisson, Younes, Holley)
RFK Jr. Explains Ukraine, Bio-Labs, And Who Killed His Uncle (Tucker Carlson On Twitter)
Ed Dowd Updates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On The Wild Fires In Maui (August 14, 2023)
Joe Rogan & Patrick Bet-David Discuss 'The Real Anthony Fauci' Book
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Running On Truth | Episode 2 | “Midnight At The Border"
RFK Jr. Is Asked “Why Should Anyone Trust You?” (His Answer Receives A Round Of Applause)
Banned By YouTube: James O'Keefe Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Full, Unedited Interview)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discusses How He Got Sober At 28 After Experiencing A 'Spiritual Realignment'
After Years Of Being Ferociously Censored & Attacked, How Does Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Keep Going?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Let's Fight Censorship...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "Vaccines and lockdowns were a failure. Here’s what I would have done..."
Bill Gates Told President Trump NOT To Look Into The Harmful Side Effects Of Childhood Vaccines
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - July 25, 2023 - Town Hall Meeting With Sean Hannity
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Is COVID A Bioweapon That Targets Specific Races?
Patrick Bet-David Tells Story Of RFK Jr. & Childhood Vaccines: "This Guy Is A 100% True Believer!"
Evidence That Vindicates RFK Jr. - The DNC's Attacks Were Shameful, Deceptive & Taken Out-Of-Context
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Complete, Unedited Speech At FreedomFest 2023
RFK Jr: "There's A Lot Worse Things Than Dying — And Living Like A Slave Is One Of Those!"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Shares His "Happy Place"
The Complete, Unedited Congressional Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Opening Statement - Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies In Congress: No Childhood Vaccine Has Ever Been Fully Tested!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Prepared Remarks
Previously Unreleased Recording: Bret Weinstein Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (From 2021)
Piers Morgan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Full, Unedited Interview)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shoulder To The Stone
A Young Robert "Bobby" Kennedy Jr. Talks About His Father, Uncle And His Future
RFK Jr. Describes How He Will Restore Free Speech & End Censorship When He Is President
Russell Brand Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & His Wife Cheryl Hines
Bill Maher Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Tucker Carlson: "I Really Admire Bobby Kennedy Jr."
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - We Asked, You Delivered!
RFK Jr. Answers Tough Questions In The First Nationally Broadcast Town Hall Meeting (Excerpts)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Answers Tough Questions On Childhood Vaccines
Mainstream Media Goes Bonkers Over Viral Videos Of Shirtless, Fit, Healthy Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Health Policy Roundtable (RFKjr, Mercola, Tenpenny, Kory, Gentempo, McDonnell, Ji, Willis, Bigtree)
Kennedy Needs Little People Donations Before July 1st:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - New Hampshire Town Hall - June 23, 2023 (Complete, Unedited WMUR Coverage)
How Would You Handle Another Pandemic? (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - New Hampshire Town Hall)
If You Become President, How Will Vaccine Policy Change? (RFK Jr. - New Hampshire Town Hall)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Peace & Diplomacy Speech - June 20, 2023, New Hampshire
RFK Jr. - "Waging Endless Wars Abroad, We Have Neglected The Foundation Of Our Own Well-Being"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Debating Dr. Peter Hotez (NIH ORDERED Hotez NOT To Debate)
Tucker Carlson: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Winning!
Twitter Exploding: Joe Rogan Challenges Peter Hotez To Debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Joe Rogan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The Complete, Unedited Interview - Episode #1999)
Joe Rogan Interviews RFK Jr. (Suing Monsanto & The Extraordinary Dangers Of Roundup)
Joe Rogan Interviews RFK Jr. (President Kennedy, Military Industrial Complex, Getting Assassinated)
Joe Rogan Interviews RFK Jr. (Rogan Acknowledges His Uninformed Concerns About Kennedy)
Jordan Peterson Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "We Need The Best Minds In The World To Come Together" On The AI Economy
As President, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Would Immediately Declassify JFK Files, Pardon Snowden & Assange
Michael Smerconish & Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Get Into A Tense Exchange About Anthony Fauci
Trump Channels JFKjr - Vows To Investigate Big Pharma For Autism, Infertility, Illness In Children
RFKjr: We're Going To Do A Mass Experiment & See What Happens When You Tell People The Truth
Reclaiming Democracy With @ElonMusk And @RobertKennedyJr (Twitter Spaces, June 5, 2023)
Elon Musk: "The United States Has Been The Greatest Force For Benevolence In World History!"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Summarizes his Views On Childhood Vaccines In 3 Minutes
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On How We Make People Proud To Be Americans Again
RFK Jr. On COVID Vaccines, Restoring Constitutional Rights, The Politicalization Of U.S. Agencies
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Why Bill Gates & China Are Buying Up All The Farmland In America
What's Wrong With RFK Jr's Voice? Was His "Spasmodic Dysphonia" Caused By A Flu Shot?
RFK Jr. Delivers Keynote At Bitcoin 2023: "Totalitarians Hate Anything That They Can't Control"
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. UNCENSORED (Russell Brand Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)
What Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Up Against (Krystal Ball Challenges Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Vaccines)
Mike Adams Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. About Kennedy's Vision For HEALING A Fractured America
Ed Dowd Announces He Will Be Co-Treasurer For Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Presidential Campaign
Buck Sexton On Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview Being Censored By ABC News
Biden Refuses To Debate Kennedy; Kennedy Says COVID Advocates Who Violated Law Need To Be Prosecuted
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Explains His Position On Climate Change & Pollution
Disgusting, Unprofessional, ILLEGAL: ABC News Censors Kennedy During Primetime Interview
Kennedy Explains What Happened When President Trump Asked Him To Lead A Commission On Vaccine Safety
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kicks Off Democratic Presidential Candidacy Campaign
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. On The Danger Of CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Anthony Fauci And The Public Health Establishment
Jimmy Dore Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Can Becoming President Really Fix Anything?
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - How "The Power Of Trusted Authorities" Was Used To Subvert America
"The COVID Cartel" (Featuring Kennedy, Johnson, Stockton, Singleton, Faber, Mauer, Kaplan...)
Dr. Robert Malone: If There's Anybody That Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize, It's Bobby Kennedy Jr.
Steve Kirsch Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The CDC Knows Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism!
The Real Anthony Fauci - Part 1 (1 Hour, 50 Minutes)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Filmmaker Jeff Hays Discuss NEW Documentary "The Real Anthony Fauci"
The Real Anthony Fauci (Introduction To Documentary & Movie Trailer)
Just As The COVID-19 Narrative Started Collapsing, They Changed The Subject
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Why Big Pharma Is Going After Our Children
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Megyn Kelly - Fauci, Vaccines, And Big Pharma's Power - Part 1
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Megyn Kelly - Fauci, Vaccines, And Big Pharma's Power - Part 2
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Why Tony Fauci Had Such A Big Problem With Early Treatment
Robert Kennedy, Jr. - "We Have To Love Our Freedom More Than We Fear A Germ"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Defeat The Mandates - January 23, 2022 - Full Speech
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interviews David E. Martin
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "This Is The Final Battle, We Need To Win This One"
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Invites CNN's Jake Tapper To Discuss COVID-19 Issues
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "Free Speech Is The Sunlight, Water And Fertilizer For Democracy"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Happy New Year! "Something comes into you when you're in nature."

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. @RobertKennedyJr writes:
"Happy New Year everyone! I’m so grateful to be on this journey with you all."
"Something comes into you when you're in nature."
See also:
Near-Death Experiences On The Importance Of Plants, Animals And The Earth
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Twitter
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Rumble
Children's Health Defense Website
Children's Health Defense On Twitter
Children's Health Defense On Rumble
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (Book)
By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos on this Rumble channel:
RFK Jr: Media Appearances
How Will RFK Jr. Restore Trust In Government? Stop The Lying & Propaganda, Actually Trust The People
Patrick Bet-David Asks JFK Jr.: What's Your Opinion On The Ron DeSantis / Gavin Newsom Debate?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - How Bill Gates 'Monetizes Philanthropy'
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - A Petition To Joe Biden: Release The JFK Assassination Files
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Leads Trump & Biden In 6 States Among Young Voters
RFK Jr.’s Thoughts On Who God Is (Campaign Ad)
RFK Jr.’s Battle For Ballot Access In All 50 States (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Gun Control (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - My Story Of Transformation
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Help Me Stop The Censorship (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - My Environmental Priorities (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces He Will Run For President As An Independent! (October 9, 2023)
RFK Jr. Tells A Hostile Caller Why COVID Jabs Are The Most Dangerous Vaccine In History
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Save The Date. Save The Country. (Kennedy Planning To Run As Independent!)
RFK Jr. On Defunding The World Health Organization & DTP Vaccine-Induced Deaths In African Babies
Joe Rogan On Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "I Would Vote For Him" (Campaign Ad)
Security Expert Gavin de Becker Asks For Help Protecting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - The Polls Say I Can Win (Campaign Ad)
Oliver Anthony’s Remedy for the ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
Rob Schneider On Why He Is Endorsing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President
RFK Jr. Reportedly Unsettled When Power Goes Out During Podcast (Includes Full Podcast)
DNC Plans To Destroy Democracy (How We Can Pressure The DNC To Run A Fair Primary Election)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - This Is About You (Campaign Ad)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: The Democratic National Committee Is Rigging The Democratic Primaries!
Kim Iversen Interviews Brian Hooker About New Book: Vax-Unvax, Let The Science Speak
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Offers Word Of Encouragement To Gathering Of Hungry Heroes Hawaii
RFK Jr. & Jimmy Dore: What Happened To Comedians?
JFK Jr. Promises To End Government Censorship First Day In Office
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Roundtable On Censorship (Greenwald, Attkisson, Younes, Holley)
RFK Jr. Explains Ukraine, Bio-Labs, And Who Killed His Uncle (Tucker Carlson On Twitter)
Ed Dowd Updates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On The Wild Fires In Maui (August 14, 2023)
Joe Rogan & Patrick Bet-David Discuss 'The Real Anthony Fauci' Book
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Running On Truth | Episode 2 | “Midnight At The Border"
RFK Jr. Is Asked “Why Should Anyone Trust You?” (His Answer Receives A Round Of Applause)
Banned By YouTube: James O'Keefe Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Full, Unedited Interview)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discusses How He Got Sober At 28 After Experiencing A 'Spiritual Realignment'
After Years Of Being Ferociously Censored & Attacked, How Does Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Keep Going?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Let's Fight Censorship...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "Vaccines and lockdowns were a failure. Here’s what I would have done..."
Bill Gates Told President Trump NOT To Look Into The Harmful Side Effects Of Childhood Vaccines
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - July 25, 2023 - Town Hall Meeting With Sean Hannity
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Is COVID A Bioweapon That Targets Specific Races?
Patrick Bet-David Tells Story Of RFK Jr. & Childhood Vaccines: "This Guy Is A 100% True Believer!"
Evidence That Vindicates RFK Jr. - The DNC's Attacks Were Shameful, Deceptive & Taken Out-Of-Context
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Complete, Unedited Speech At FreedomFest 2023
RFK Jr: "There's A Lot Worse Things Than Dying — And Living Like A Slave Is One Of Those!"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Shares His "Happy Place"
The Complete, Unedited Congressional Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Opening Statement - Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies In Congress: No Childhood Vaccine Has Ever Been Fully Tested!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Prepared Remarks
Previously Unreleased Recording: Bret Weinstein Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (From 2021)
Piers Morgan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Full, Unedited Interview)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shoulder To The Stone
A Young Robert "Bobby" Kennedy Jr. Talks About His Father, Uncle And His Future
RFK Jr. Describes How He Will Restore Free Speech & End Censorship When He Is President
Russell Brand Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & His Wife Cheryl Hines
Bill Maher Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Tucker Carlson: "I Really Admire Bobby Kennedy Jr."
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - We Asked, You Delivered!
RFK Jr. Answers Tough Questions In The First Nationally Broadcast Town Hall Meeting (Excerpts)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Answers Tough Questions On Childhood Vaccines
Mainstream Media Goes Bonkers Over Viral Videos Of Shirtless, Fit, Healthy Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Health Policy Roundtable (RFKjr, Mercola, Tenpenny, Kory, Gentempo, McDonnell, Ji, Willis, Bigtree)
Kennedy Needs Little People Donations Before July 1st:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - New Hampshire Town Hall - June 23, 2023 (Complete, Unedited WMUR Coverage)
How Would You Handle Another Pandemic? (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - New Hampshire Town Hall)
If You Become President, How Will Vaccine Policy Change? (RFK Jr. - New Hampshire Town Hall)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Peace & Diplomacy Speech - June 20, 2023, New Hampshire
RFK Jr. - "Waging Endless Wars Abroad, We Have Neglected The Foundation Of Our Own Well-Being"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Debating Dr. Peter Hotez (NIH ORDERED Hotez NOT To Debate)
Tucker Carlson: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Winning!
Twitter Exploding: Joe Rogan Challenges Peter Hotez To Debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Joe Rogan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The Complete, Unedited Interview - Episode #1999)
Joe Rogan Interviews RFK Jr. (Suing Monsanto & The Extraordinary Dangers Of Roundup)
Joe Rogan Interviews RFK Jr. (President Kennedy, Military Industrial Complex, Getting Assassinated)
Joe Rogan Interviews RFK Jr. (Rogan Acknowledges His Uninformed Concerns About Kennedy)
Jordan Peterson Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "We Need The Best Minds In The World To Come Together" On The AI Economy
As President, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Would Immediately Declassify JFK Files, Pardon Snowden & Assange
Michael Smerconish & Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Get Into A Tense Exchange About Anthony Fauci
Trump Channels JFKjr - Vows To Investigate Big Pharma For Autism, Infertility, Illness In Children
RFKjr: We're Going To Do A Mass Experiment & See What Happens When You Tell People The Truth
Reclaiming Democracy With @ElonMusk And @RobertKennedyJr (Twitter Spaces, June 5, 2023)
Elon Musk: "The United States Has Been The Greatest Force For Benevolence In World History!"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Summarizes his Views On Childhood Vaccines In 3 Minutes
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On How We Make People Proud To Be Americans Again
RFK Jr. On COVID Vaccines, Restoring Constitutional Rights, The Politicalization Of U.S. Agencies
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Why Bill Gates & China Are Buying Up All The Farmland In America
What's Wrong With RFK Jr's Voice? Was His "Spasmodic Dysphonia" Caused By A Flu Shot?
RFK Jr. Delivers Keynote At Bitcoin 2023: "Totalitarians Hate Anything That They Can't Control"
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. UNCENSORED (Russell Brand Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)
What Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Up Against (Krystal Ball Challenges Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Vaccines)
Mike Adams Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. About Kennedy's Vision For HEALING A Fractured America
Ed Dowd Announces He Will Be Co-Treasurer For Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Presidential Campaign
Buck Sexton On Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview Being Censored By ABC News
Biden Refuses To Debate Kennedy; Kennedy Says COVID Advocates Who Violated Law Need To Be Prosecuted
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Explains His Position On Climate Change & Pollution
Disgusting, Unprofessional, ILLEGAL: ABC News Censors Kennedy During Primetime Interview
Kennedy Explains What Happened When President Trump Asked Him To Lead A Commission On Vaccine Safety
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kicks Off Democratic Presidential Candidacy Campaign
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. On The Danger Of CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Anthony Fauci And The Public Health Establishment
Jimmy Dore Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Can Becoming President Really Fix Anything?
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - How "The Power Of Trusted Authorities" Was Used To Subvert America
"The COVID Cartel" (Featuring Kennedy, Johnson, Stockton, Singleton, Faber, Mauer, Kaplan...)
Dr. Robert Malone: If There's Anybody That Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize, It's Bobby Kennedy Jr.
Steve Kirsch Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The CDC Knows Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism!
The Real Anthony Fauci - Part 1 (1 Hour, 50 Minutes)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Filmmaker Jeff Hays Discuss NEW Documentary "The Real Anthony Fauci"
The Real Anthony Fauci (Introduction To Documentary & Movie Trailer)
Just As The COVID-19 Narrative Started Collapsing, They Changed The Subject
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Why Big Pharma Is Going After Our Children
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Megyn Kelly - Fauci, Vaccines, And Big Pharma's Power - Part 1
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Megyn Kelly - Fauci, Vaccines, And Big Pharma's Power - Part 2
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Why Tony Fauci Had Such A Big Problem With Early Treatment
Robert Kennedy, Jr. - "We Have To Love Our Freedom More Than We Fear A Germ"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Defeat The Mandates - January 23, 2022 - Full Speech
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interviews David E. Martin
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "This Is The Final Battle, We Need To Win This One"
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Invites CNN's Jake Tapper To Discuss COVID-19 Issues
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "Free Speech Is The Sunlight, Water And Fertilizer For Democracy"
COVID HALL OF FAME: Vice Chairman Of California GOP Describes Being Saved By Jesus & Ivermectin

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Peter Kuo, Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party describes how he was saved from COVID-19 by Jesus and Ivermectin.
"I'm not done with you yet."
Excerpted from:
MUST WATCH: Remdesivir Deaths Press Conference - Fresno, California (09/07/22)
See Also:
Spiritual Experiences, Callings, Motivations Playlist
Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine & Early Treatments Playlist
Deadly Hospital Protocols, Including Remdesivir & Ventilators Playlist
COVID-19 Lawsuits & Legal Challenges Playlist
COVID Hall Of Fame Videos
Encounters With Jesus Videos
Russell Brand Announces He Is Getting Baptized!

Sunfellow On COVID-19
On April 26, 2024, Russell Brand @rustyrockets writes:
"Baptism. This Sunday I’m taking the plunge! How was it for you?"
Here are two Jesus resources, which are based on what we learn from near-death experiences, that you may find worthwhile and helpful:
Jesus, Near-Death Experiences & Religion
Chapter 14: God, Jesus, Religion
Russell Brand Announces Baptism After Months-Long Spiritual Journey: 'Taking The Plunge'
Brand Says Many Returning To Christianity As World Crumbles
By Jon Brown
Christian Post Reporter
Friday, April 26, 2024
Actor and comedian Russell Brand announced Friday that he is going to be baptized this weekend, the culmination of his months-long public wrestling with the tenets of Christianity.
"This Sunday, I'm taking the plunge," Brand, 48, said in a video he posted to X. "I'm getting baptized."
Brand said he had heard baptism explained to him as "an opportunity to die and be reborn; an opportunity to leave the past behind and be reborn in Christ's name like it says in Galatians — that you can live as an enlightened and awakened person."
He also referenced what he suggested were non-Christian reflections on the same theme of embracing death for the sake of life, quoting Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius and the Buddha.
"All of these things seem so inviting and beautiful," he said.
Brand also suggested that increasing numbers are turning back to Christianity as the empty value system of modernity disintegrates and leaves them wanting more.
"I know a lot of people are sort of cynical about the increasing interest in Christianity and the return to God, but to me, it's obvious," he said. "As meaning deteriorates in the modern world, as our value systems and institutions crumble, all of us become increasingly aware that there is this eerily familiar awakening and beckoning figure that we've all known all of our lives, within us and around us. And for me, it's very exciting."
Brand added that he intends to get baptized in the heavily polluted River Thames, joking that he might be also getting baptized in toxoplasmosis and E. coli.
"I may be leaving behind the sins, but I might be picking up some pretty serious viruses," he said.
Brand's baptism comes after other videos he has been making in recent months about his spiritual journey to the Christian faith.
In December, he told followers he was reading the Bible and The Problem of Pain, a 1940 book by C.S. Lewis that explores the role of suffering in the Christian life.
In January, he noted that he was reading Rick Warren's The Purpose-Driven Life, and that he desired a "personal relationship with God" as he found Jesus Christ increasingly important as he grows older, despite once seeing many churches as either too "old-fashioned" or too modernized.
"The reason I wear a cross is because Christianity and, in particular, the figure of Christ, are, it seems to me, inevitably becoming more important as I become more familiar with suffering, purpose, self, and not-self," he said at the time.
In March, he posted a video explaining that he had been visiting churches of various denominations with the intention of possibly getting baptized, and asked his followers their opinions on the sacrament.
During an interview with Tucker Carlson last year, Brand said, "Like many desperate people, I need spirituality. I need God, or I cannot cope in this world. I need to believe in the best in people."
Acknowledging he "didn't have enough self-discipline to resist the allure of stardom," he said he "fell face-first into the glitter, and I'm only just pulling myself out now."
Brand faces multiple allegations of sexual misconduct going back years, including one report that claims he assaulted a 16-year-old girl after pulling her into an "emotionally and sexually abusive" relationship.
Brand has denied the "very serious criminal allegations" and maintained that while he was "very, very promiscuous" in the past, all of his sexual relationships were "always consensual."
See also:
Russell Brand @rustyrockets videos on this Rumble channel:
Spiritual Experiences, Callings, Motivations, Practices
What Motivates Ed Dowd To Tackle COVID-19? "I Prayed To God To Be Of Service..."

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Mike Adams: "You could have sat back and done nothing in all of this because you were very successful in the financial arena . . . You're financially well off enough you don't need to do this. You certainly don't need all the hate and censorship and everything else that has come along with this . . . Why did you decide to take this on?"
Ed Dowd: "I come from Wall Street and I know how the system works. The system was going to collapse at some point . . . Those of us that have been doing this for along time were worried about a great sovereign debt bubble. We knew it was going to implode at some point. We're trying to figure out what would they do to like to place the blame elsewhere. We all thought war, terrorism, something. So when COVID hit, I, like everyone else, got scared for about a three-week period. But then I quickly realized COVID was a ploy to bring in a control system to help manage this sovereign debt collapse. And then when the vaccine came out, and the mandates, I said I'm not living in this world. I suffered from a depression in 2011, 2012. I've begun a yeoman's job of getting myself back to health. I don't believe in any pharmaceuticals, drugs, or anything. I believe in spirituality, fasting, diet, and exercise. And so I would damned if I was going to take any of this stuff. So that was just my clarion call. I'm just not going to live in a world where I'm forced to take something, so I just wasn't going to have it. So I got very vocal on Twitter. And then I prayed to God to be of service. Dr. Malone came to the island and I hooked up with him and from there . . . I kind of on a journey and God is bringing people into my life to help me. The work you see is not just Ed Dowd; it's a whole host of people."
Full Interview:
Mike Adams Interviews Ed Dowd: Excess Mortality Following Covid Vaccines
Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022
By Ed Dowd (Author), Robert Jr. F. Kennedy (Foreword)
Edward Dowd's Website
Follow Edward Dowd on GETTR
Follow Edward Dowd on Twitter
Humanity Projects
Ed Dowd: A Quick Overview Of The Devastating Impact COVID Vaccines Are Having On The U.S. & World
Edward Dowd: It's Classic Criminal Behavior. When They're Caught, They Double And Triple Down
Edward Dowd: "The Issues Are Just Starting To Show Up [And That] Makes Me Very, Very Frightened!"
Ed Dowd On Dr. Drew: Sudden Adult Deaths Since 2021
Edward Dowd Shares Dramatic Statistics Before & After COVID-19 Vaccine
Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Edward Dowd: Global Financial Collapse Is A 'Mathematical Certainty'
Edward Dowd: The Global Economic Collapse Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes
Edward Dowd: New Actuarial Report Reaffirms Trail Of Death Caused By Vaccine Mandates!
Edward Dowd: The Great Reset Explained
Edward Dowd: Massive Uptick In Disability Claims Since Vaccine Rollout
Edward Dowd: Funeral Homes & Insurance Company COVID-19 Statistics
Wolf & Dowd: Wall Street Now Paying Attention To 'Trust The Science' Fraud
EXCESS mortality 2020 to April 2022. Where are the honest journalists? Where is the CDC, NIAID, or NIH? Or even FDA?
Edward Dowd: Canada's Death Data Confirms Acceleration Of Deaths In Millennials (25-44 Year Olds)
Jessica Rose: How COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing Millennials
What Is Killing The Millenials? Drugs? Suicide? Injections? Cancer?
Wall-Street-Quality Vaccine Death Research:"This Is Going To Get Serious Soon!"
Edward Dowd Explains How Thousands Of People Have Died From COVID Vaccines
Edward Dowd: 2.5 To 3 Million Germans Have Been Injured By COVID Vaccines
Edward Dowd: CDC Data Reveals The Government, Through Mandates, Has Killed Thousands Of People!
BOMBSHELL: Naomi Wolf Interviews Edward Dowd About Pfizer Fraud & Criminal Ramifications
"This Is a Mass Murder Event" ~ Naomi Wolf Interviews Edward Dowd About Pfizer FRAUD
Vaccine Makers Liability Protection Is At Risk Because Of Fraud
"I can say with complete certainty that I have never been more convinced in my whole career of the fact that the vaccines not only don't work, but that these are the deadliest vaccines ever introduced into the human population on such a global scale. The US government is guilty of democide with their forced mandates, and countless corporations and government agencies are also likely liable for forcing employees to accept injections of experimental vaccines which employ novel gene therapy-based technology. The corporate media and large tech companies are also complicit due to their censorship of the nature of these vaccines, and in my opinion are accessories to wrongful death. The single greatest implication is that once we succeed in opening up the Overton window of allowed discourse on this topic, and the majority of the population gains the knowledge of what has happened, we will witness an incredible loss of trust in our institutions. At a bare minimum the NIH, CDC, FDA and Health and Human Services need to be razed and built up again anew. In addition, the politicians involved, the unwitting Doctors who pushed this vaccine program, University Administrators-departments and the media-tech complex have all lost the trust of the public, will need to rethink their institutions and governance structures, will have much to answer for in the coming years..."
-- Edward Dowd, Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID, July 26, 2022
"The brave frontline doctors blew the whistle on this vaccine early on…the signals they identified should have stopped the vaccinations in its tracks like the 70’s swine flu. They are the heroes. They were attacked & smeared. The fact that the apparatus of government & private corporations through their actions allowed it to get to the point where bodies & injuries are piling up is the largest global crime against humanity ever seen. The implications are staggering & profound. We are not going back to normal anytime soon. My insurance industry partner & I are forever grateful for the brave doctors…we are just 2 ex Wall Street geeks exposing through our skills the damage wrought by those who didn’t listen to the warnings from the frontline doctors."
-- Edward Dowd, GETTR, March 13, 2022
"I think as this scandal collapses and unfolds, it's going to remake a lot of our institutions," Dowd says, "and I think that's a good thing. I think people like yourself [Dr. Joseph Mercola] and others who've been out in the wilderness are going to be vindicated. I'll never take another vaccine again, or a flu shot. I'm done. I'm out."
-- Edward Dowd, Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Edward Dowd: Global Financial Collapse Is A 'Mathematical Certainty', September 6, 2022
Alex Jones Describes Vision From God That Changed His Life

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Everyone can receive downloads from God, says Alex Jones.
Original, unedited Rumble Video:
Alex Jones on X
Info Wars (Alex Jones Website)
The Great Reset: And the War for the World (Book)
Alex Jones on Rumble
Alex Jones on GETTR
Alex Jones on Gab
Alex Jones videos on this Rumble channel:
Alex Jones Announces New News Show To Air Exclusively On X!
Alex Jones Interviews Elon Musk About Humanity's Ultimate Destiny
Alex Jones Interviews New Zealand Whistleblower Barry Young, Along With Steve Kirsch & Liz Gunn
Alex Jones Responds To Elon Musk Banning Him From Twitter
Del Bigtree Interviews Alex Jones (Full Interview, Part 1 & Part 2)
Donald Trump Responds To Alex Jones Covid Vax Challenge (Refuses To Admit He Was Wrong)
Steve Kirsch: The Covid Hoax Is Collapsing!
Edward Dowd Explains How Thousands Of People Have Died From COVID Vaccines
June 2, 2024 Update: What Is Happening With Alex Jones & InfoWars?

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Alex Jones provides an update on ongoing attempts to shut down InfoWars. Mike Adams is his special guest. Broadcast on June 2, 2024.
Original X video:
See also:
Viva Frei Explains What Is Happening With Alex Jones & InfoWars
Alex Jones Asks For Help: InfoWars May Be Shut Down In 48 Hours!
Alex Jones @RealAlexJones videos on this Rumble channel:
Naomi Wolf: "The Scale Of Evil Is Beyond Human Capability... Which Is Why I Pray A Lot These Days"

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Dr. Naomi Wolf on January 17, 2023, speaking at the World Council For Health General Assembly Meeting #72:
"I can't understand this except by considering good and evil and almost a metaphysical war on human beings and I don't think there is any way out of it which is also metaphysical, which is why I pray a lot these days."
"I've looked at this from every angle using my critical intelligence, my excellent education; I can't understand it except metaphysically. The scale of evil is beyond human capability."
Original Rumble Video:
General Assembly Meeting #72:
World Council For Health Website:
Naomi is a best-selling author, columnist, and academic. She is a graduate of Yale University and received a doctorate from Oxford. She is the co-founder and CEO of, a new civic tech company dedicated to empowering people with accurate information so that they can successfully exercise their rights. Naomi was a Rhodes scholar and has written for every major news outlet in the U.S. and many globally.
The Bodies Of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 And The War Against The Human (Book)
By Naomi Wolf
Naomi Wolf Videos Featured On Sunfellow On COVID-19
Daily Clout Website:
Pfizer Document Dump Reports:
Naomi Wolf Website:
Follow Naomi Wolf on GETTR:
Follow Naomi Wolf on Rumble:
Follow Naomi Wolf on Instagram:
Follow Naomi Wolf on Twitter:
Wikipedia On Naomi Wolf:
Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report
More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries
COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS)
COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page
Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People
COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)
Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s
COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding)
COVID-19 Magnetism, Graphene Oxide, UV Fluorescence
Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood?
COVID-19 Healing Resources
Censored, Sidelined And Villainized Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Workers Describe Their COVID-19 Experiences
Naomi Wolf Shares What She Learned From A Life-Threatening Illness & What She Is Doing To Heal

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Read Naomi's longer post (included below) to learn about the spiritual experience she had during this challenging time period.
Dr. Naomi Wolf shares her struggle over the last few weeks as she recovers from an appendectomy and severe infection post-op. She describes her intent to redouble her efforts to find products that will help her recover her strength, and energy, and prevent illnesses moving forward. In this video, she unboxes Immune Support products from The Wellness Company.
Original Rumble Video:
The Wellness Company
Daily Clout Website
COVID-19 Healing Resources
Sunfellow Health & Healing Resource Page
Sunfellow Health & Healing On Rumble
Not Dead Yet
Home From The Hospital, Independence Day 2023
By Dr. Naomi Wolf
July 4, 2023
Dearest Readers (I feel by now as if I am addressing beloved friends out there, like a letter-writer in an Austen novel) —
I am home at last from the second hospital — the “vortex hospital,” the hospital of near-no-return — and, per the title of this update, I am:
Not Dead Yet.
I can’t yet describe fully what I experienced at the Vortex Hospital — since I am not yet entirely out of medical danger, and I still need their staff’s help in the near future in order to remove a device, the details of which I will spare you. But suffice to say that my stay there involved the final three of what had been five days with no food or water, as I had lain, hooked up to an IV, with an acute abdominal infection, post-appendectomy.
I watched my “vitals” being taken again and again, and saw that over time my blood oxygen levels had started sinking into the 80s; I could not get them back up into the safe 90s range, no matter how hard I inhaled and exhaled. I knew that when blood oxygen levels drop too low, people are intubated, and I knew that meant that the lungs can get damaged irrevocably. The internal infection raged on.
The morning of what was supposed to have been the day on which my procedure was to have taken place, we sustained a four and a half hour power outage (“Unprecedented”, as the staff said wonderingly), leaving the massive brand-new hospital facility in unnerving darkness, even as the small, cozy, 1970s-era original right next door, trundled along with all its lights on.
By the end of my Day Five with no food or water, the staff at the Vortex Hospital told me that, due to the power outage, the procedure for which I had been transferred to that facility — one to treat the severe abdominal infection — -was being delayed further and further into the future.
Maybe tomorrow, said the RN vaguely….maybe the day after.
When I expressed panic that that would mean seven days or more without food or water, the RN said, with no emotion, “People can live for seven days without food or water.”
The unsaid observation was: “Then, they can’t.”
And then she “reassured me”: “If you don’t get seen after Day Seven we’ll just put you on a feeding tube.” This terrified me. Finally she said flatly: “your vitals are stable.”
After this exchange, I truly panicked. I knew that while my vitals might look fine, I could feel that I was losing the ability to keep fighting for my life. I felt the subsiding of my will to fight, as clearly as if I were watching water swirling around an emptying drain.
I was exhausted, and had stopped caring about outcomes. I just wanted the suffering to end, in whichever way it might. In conventional nursing, I am sure that that collapse of my will to live would have been visible to a caring observer, no matter what my “vitals” had to say. But the machinery of data-based management ground on.
When I could fight no longer, I thought weakly of my loved ones; and realized that even though I no longer cared if I survived or not, they would care if this was indeed the end of my life.
So I asked God to please save my life. I also told God that if He spared my life I would write all the things I was currently scared to write — I knew He knew exactly what those things were — and then I collapsed into a feverish dream.
I found myself coming to consciousness free of pain, and feeling light and small. For good reason: I was myself, but I was now a nine year old version of myself, and I was all spirit. It felt good and very simple — as if I was made of light and energy. I was on a beach, and my dad (who has passed away) was there with me.
The beach was incredibly peaceful. But there were some unusual things about it. It faded into mist in both distances, so that all I could see clearly was the stretch where my father and I were present together. And it was “pearly.” So much so that I almost laughed. “Really?” The waves were edged with a bioluminescent quality, even though, as I watched a single wave break near my foot, the water itself was extraordinarily clear. The mists were edged with a silvery and lavender glow.
Then there was my dad — whom I felt completely unsurprised to see, just as he seemed to take seeing me there, very much in stride. His age and mine in that scene were not in accordance with our earthly timelines. He was not the forty-plus father of my actual childhood in the 1960s; here on this beach he looked about 35. He was dressed the way old photos show him to have dressed in the late 1950s, before I was born — before the crazy 1960s.
Here, he wore a pale moss-green fishermen’s sweater, and chinos with the ankles rolled up. His feet were bare. (“Mom: did Dad have a moss-green fishermen’s sweater, and did he wear chinos, in the 1950s?” Mom: “Yes.”)
He looked extremely well; his hair was fully black, not streaked with grey as it had been from my earliest memory of him. My father had had very distinctive feet, with high arches, in life; those were indeed his elegant feet. His hands were dry and warm, in life; he put his right hand gently on my hair and yes, that was his hand.
Then we had a calm, serious, direct talk. It did not matter that I was nine and he was 35, or that I was alive — somewhere - and that he was dead. It seemed as if that talk was the purpose of this encounter.
After my father’s death, I had learned about certain aspects of his life that had confused me, and that had led me to struggle with his memory. These questions had become a barrier to my properly mourning him, and certainly they had kept me from feeling his presence. But in this chat we were having — thoughtful, father to daughter, transparent, not sentimental — I got to ask him every question that had haunted me, and he answered them one by one, and the answers set my mind entirely at ease. As that conversation unfolded, and he was accountable to me in my questions, I felt the spiritual connection I had had with him, which had been blocked, reopen like a channel; and all the love that he felt for me — and that I felt for him — sluiced through to connect us once more, undeniable, as it was intended to do, death or no death.
At one point, I asked him what God had thought about a certain issue. My dad replied, in the context of explaining that God was more forgiving than humans — “God is different from you and me.” That was another moment in which I enjoyed evidence that this really was my Dad; that is just the kind of thing he would have said; he was an English literature professor; and that is a witty paraphrase of a famous F. Scott Fitzgerald quote.
After all the questions had been answered, I asked, neutrally curious, if I was staying there. He gestured toward a broad silvery stream, like the runnels on an estuary, that cut off the wet sand on that strand of beach, from some other place; and indicated that no, I was now to cross back over that shimmering divide.
There wasn’t a leave-taking or anything else dramatic — I simply found myself again at length lying on my bed of pain, the infection raging still.
By this time Brian had done his wonderful Brian thing, of making things happen when they are not happening, by saying certain things, in a certain way, and leaving certain things unsaid. I don’t know how he does it, but I thank the US Army for its training of him in this arcane but useful art. For the second time in my life, he saved my life. After he made a call, the orders came from above, and I was rushed at last into the room where my lifesaving procedure took place.
I will skip over those details, again, for the future, for reasons mentioned above.
Then, after a night of recovery— after seven days without food or water — I was ordered a breakfast — half a pound of dehydrated egg “skillet”, a quarter pound of home fries, sausages the size of doorstops, a bowl of instant oatmeal — that contained 1010 calories and 65 grams of fat. I looked at it in aversion, and sipped some juice.
And then, I was free to go.
I did not have any street clothes with me, but the minute the RN said I could leave, I asked for some scrubs, and just kept my hospital gown on; and we fled, before they could all change their minds.
The sunlight outside was dazzling. I wanted to kiss the earth, and every human being I saw. I loved the mulch. I loved the Hondas. I loved the security guard.
The red tiger lilies in front of the parking garage looked like to me like the most beautiful flowers I’d seen in my life — trumpets of rusty glory.
The instant I was seated on a concrete bench outside the hospital, breathing, I began to feel better — which made me realize that for two and a half weeks, medical staff, all of whom were of course vaccinated with mRNA injections, had been “shedding” on me continually, by leaning over me and breathing into my face while taking vitals, or by constantly handling me.
This situation had been bad enough in the small local hospital, where at least my window opened a crack. But at the massive Vortex Hospital to which I had been transferred, the windows — overlooking a spectacular vista — did not open at all.
We know that “shedding” is real because it is in the Pfizer documents, and that Pfizer defines it as being transmitted through skin contact and inhalation (as well as via sexual intercourse). And we know that spike protein causes systemic inflammation — which, sadly, is the opposite of the condition one needs in order to heal from an infection. Who knows to what extent it was the exhaled spike proteins themselves, in a completely sealed facility that housed thousands of vaccinated people, that had been helping to kill me? The pharmaceutical industry has managed the greatest of ironies — it has managed to turn hospitals’ staff, whose jobs are to help patients heal, into physical vectors of a biologically destructive agent that creates a shared environment thoroughly antithetical to healing.
Being able to breathe at last, without inhaling each time the effluent of an entire ward of constantly recirculating spike protein and other toxins, immediately made me feel as if I could surely find a way to recover.
Today is this nation’s birthday. It is Independence Day. Our forefathers and foremothers risked their lives, and many died, in order to create a blessed society grounded in sacred values of freedom and justice.
In its lived reality it was not perfect because they and we and history are all human, and thus not perfect. But the values on which they founded it, are indeed perfect, and sacred, and eternal. No one yet had done so beautifully to establish a human society according to the Divine Plan of freedom and justice.
For three years now, evildoers have sought to murder our Republic.
But looking back over recent history, and out over this land, we see: our victory is that we are not yet in a state of defeat; on this Independence Day of 2023, our Republic is Not Dead Yet.
The fight to save our Republic, waged over the last three years, did indeed wear me down, and did indeed, just now, as an aggregate, nearly kill me.
But I too am — you got it — Not Dead Yet.
I think of that passage from the Jewish Haggadah “Ve’hi She-Amda” :
“And it is this [the Torah] that has stood by our ancestors and [by] us. For not only one (enemy) has risen up to destroy us, but in every generation they rise up to destroy us. But the Holy One, Blessed be he, delivers us from their hands.”
I’m thanking God on this Independence Day for second chances. I will try to make the most of my restored second chance at life.
Thanking God too on this day that “the enemy” did not yet succeed, three years in of trying, at murdering our Republic.
Home now, Dr Henry Ealy, of Energetic Health Institute, who has rescued me throughout the ordeal with his guidance, has taken over my recovery care. Dr McCullough of The Wellness Company, whose care had already saved three loved ones of mine from any serious outcomes from COVID, advises me and stays in touch day by day as well.
The thought has flashed in my mind: I lost “everything,” two and a half years ago, when I chose to tell the truth about dangers to women and babies from the MRNA vaccine.
But — did I lose everything, or did I gain everything?
Did I make a choice that saved my own life?
Here I was, two years plus later, having survived mortal danger.
I had done so via the very best, bravest, and most highly credentialed dissident doctors of the alternative medical world, helping me, hands-on.
Without them, I would be at the mercy of all of the lies, distortions and cruelties of conventional allopathic medicine, like almost everyone is who does not have the blessing of this network’s knowledge and treatment.
Had a “loss” turned into what was really a Karmic gift — one of immeasurable value?
Had my willingness two years ago to risk myself — just a bit —- in order to do what I knew would save the lives of others — now come back to me, in just exactly such a form as to save my own life?
When we save others, do we — without even knowing it — save ourselves?
The Bodies Of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 And The War Against The Human (Book)
By Naomi Wolf
War Room / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports eBook: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried To Conceal
Naomi Wolf videos featured on this Rumble channel:
Daily Clout Website:
Pfizer Document Dump Reports:
Naomi Wolf Website:
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Small Town Canadian Doctor Needs Help Fighting Canadian Authorities Seeking To Ruin Him

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Dr. Charles Hoffe Legal Defence Fund
The Ethical Doctor – David v Goliath: Dr Charles Hoffe
Stop Hassling the Hoffe
An Urgent Plea to All Readers for Help
By Justus R. Hope
April 23, 2024
Few stories are more compelling than the tale of Dr. Charles Hoffe. He is a Canadian small-town physician who clings to old-fashioned values. Dr. Hoffe enjoys treating patients even if he loses money doing so because Medicine is a calling for him, not a way to get rich.
His father came to visit and told him that he would never make a name for himself in this backwoods -- yet charming -- town of Lytton located in the heart of British Columbia. Charles explained that his goal was not to glorify himself, but instead to care for others. He enjoyed stitching the fingers of locals whose skill saws had slipped. He found satisfaction in bringing new life into this world, and he stood strong with the elderly until they departed. Dr. Hoffe was equally comfortable treating the town via its tiny emergency room.
Dr. Hoffe remained fiercely loyal to all under his care, and this was never truer than during the recent COVID-19 episode. While MSM stories abounded on the pandemic causing overflowing big-city hospitals, Hoffe recognized the disconnect between the reality in his small town. He did not see the pandemic materializing with his own eyes. The town of Lytton seemed relatively untouched by anything more serious than a mild flu.
Following the roll-out of the vaccine, Dr. Hoffe noticed a more extreme disconnect. Patients were showing up sick after vaccination. On one occasion he informed a vaccine-injured patient she would not require additional injections due to having sufficient immunity from previous virus recovery. A nurse reported him and despite 30 years of exemplary service without a single patient complaint, he was summarily fired from his position at the emergency department.
However, despite his income dropping by half without the emergency room, Dr. Hoffe persisted in keeping his patients’ safety first, even to his detriment. His first patient death from the pandemic came after vaccination, not from the virus.
Hoffe noticed mounting deaths, micro-clotting, and serious neurological events after the 2021 rollout, and this prompted him to write an email of concern asking his colleagues what they had seen.
Following this private email, he received a notice from the licensing authorities threatening him with disciplinary action should he cause any vaccine hesitancy through his communications.
Hoffe immediately recognized something seriously was amiss. Never in his experience had doctors been so threatened for simply asking questions. Scientific inquiry should not be punishable -- and he would not be silenced -- especially not when patients’ lives were on the line. The personal cost to him did not matter.
Although Dr. Hoffe found himself isolated in Lytton, a village of a mere 250 residents, he decided to conduct his own pilot study.
He theorized that levels of D-Dimer would reflect micro-clot formation, and thus he measured these levels in his patients both before and after vaccination. To his horror, 5 of 8 patients turned positive for dangerous micro-clotting following the shots. Based on this safety signal, he informed his colleagues and warned that the vaccines seemed to be causing more harm than good.
Dr. Charles Hoffe, despite his tiny practice in this tiny British Columbia town, ironically had made a national name for himself. And bigger things were about to happen. His D-Dimer study began in early 2021, around April, and by June of 2021, his town of Lytton was extinguished in a massive wildfire that seemed to selectively torch the enclave while mysteriously sparing the surrounding wilderness.
Hoffe recalls the day of the inferno. He grabbed his laptop, and D-Dimer records, and fled his burning office. He drove the four hours to his family home, only to be greeted with the news that his wife was strategically planning a divorce. He was served with papers ousting him from his residence. Faced with banishment from his marriage, his profession, and his home, he sought refuge in a small vacation cottage located some six hours’ drive away. He made himself available to his patients via cell phone. But the licensing authorities quickly accused him of abandonment. Yet nothing could have been further from the truth. Like a good steward, Hoff watched over his flock with the utmost care.
Dr. Hoffe courageously stayed the course, keeping his patients first while brushing off the slings and arrows of the attack. The little income he earned following the loss of the emergency room position was about to be whittled down further as the Canadian government removed him from a previously favored physician payment list.
Meanwhile, the charred remains of the town of Lytton had been cordoned off by the authorities who blocked access -- Maui style -- to its displaced residents for some two years. Hoffe’s local Lytton home, in a positive twist of fate, was located upwind from the disaster, and he was able to move back in and treat the locals once again.
As if the situation could not grow worse, the Canadian Medical Authorities brought charges of misinformation spreading against Dr. Hoffe and sought to revoke his license to practice medicine.
Hoff hired a caring Christian attorney who vowed to fight this. For his defense, he recruited eight world-class expert witnesses, including Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Jessica Rose, and Dr. James Thorpe. They provided some 970 pages of compelling testimony, all pro-bono in light of Hoffe’s extreme financial circumstances.
Despite all this, the court used the tool of Judicial Notice to derail his defense. This meant that none of this expert witness evidence was admissible because as a matter of law the vaccines were by definition considered safe and effective - and this issue could not be legally contested.
To add further insult, the medical authorities sought to charge Dr. Hoffe with the costs of their investigation on top of revoking his license. These costs could easily exceed one or two hundred thousand dollars. In other words, the Canadian Medical Authorities are planning a one-two punch designed to bankrupt and silence Dr. Hoffe once and for all.
Which brings me to my request. If you value noble physicians like Dr. Hoffe who possess the moral fiber and strength of character to stand strong for their Hippocratic Oaths no matter the personal cost, then please reach out and help.
If everyone in our group contributed 10 dollars to Dr. Hoffe’s legal defense fund, we could send a message that patients care, and value physicians who stand for truth. We could spare Dr. Hoffe so he could help us fight another day. These payments are exclusively for defraying the costs of Dr. Hoffe’s legal fees, and not for his personal financial benefit.
All Donations are welcome to the Dr. Charles Hoffe Legal Defence Fund:
See also:
Dr. Charles Hoffe Resource Page
Dr. Charles Hoffe: "The More Vaccinated You Get, The More Likely You Will Get COVID & Spread COVID!"
Heroes No Longer - Dr. Charles Hoffe
Dr. Charles Hoffe: "The [Canadian] Healthcare System Is Collapsing!"
Dr. Charles Hoffe: Vaxxed People Release Something In Their Skin Or Breath That Could Be Harmful!
Dr. Charles Hoffe: The COVID-19 Vaccine Is "The Biggest Disaster In Medical History"
Dr. Charles Hoffe On Covid Vaccine Side Effects: Everything They Have Told You Is a Lie!
Dire Warning From Dr. Charles Hoffe About COVID-19 Vaccinations
Doctor Punished For Allegedly Encouraging “Vaccine Hesitancy”
Canadian Doctor Tells RFK, Jr.: Many Patients Experiencing 'Serious Injuries' After Moderna Vaccine
Lytton, BC Has One Person Dead And Three People Permanently Disabled Following Their First Dose Of Moderna Vaccine
Medical Professionals Who Do & Don't Speak Up
A Very Interesting Conversation: Lex Fridman & Paul Rosolie In The Amazon Rainforest

Sunfellow On COVID-19
On May 15, 2024, Lex Fridman @lexfridman writes on X;
I made it out of the jungle alive.
This was an adventure of a lifetime, from getting lost in dense unexplored wilderness to taking very high doses of ayahuasca.
I'll post videos about some of these adventures in a week or so. First, here's a 4 hour podcast conversation with Paul Rosolie that we recorded deep in the jungle.
This time in the jungle has deepened my gratitude for getting to exist on this beautiful planet with all of you. I love you all.
The podcast conversation is here on X and is up on YouTube, Spotify, and everywhere else. Links in comment.
0:00 - Introduction
2:07 - Amazon jungle
4:25 - Bushmaster snakes
15:51 - Black caiman
34:11 - Rhinos
37:25 - Anacondas
1:07:42 - Mammals
1:19:48 - Piranhas
1:30:38 - Aliens
1:48:23 - Elephants
1:56:21 - Origin of life
2:09:40 - Explorers
2:22:57 - Ayahuasca
2:31:22 - Deep jungle expedition
2:45:29 - Jane Goodall
2:48:00 - Theodore Roosevelt
2:58:56 - Alone show
3:08:42 - Protecting the rainforest
3:24:55 - Snake makes appearance
3:33:06 - Uncontacted tribes
3:46:30 - Mortality
3:47:58 - Steve Irwin
3:55:38 - God
Original video on X:
Original video on YouTube:
"Interesting podcast!"
-- Elon Musk @elonmusk
See also:
Spiritual Experiences, Callings, Motivations, Practices
The Controversial David Icke: Early Interviews, Insights & Awakening

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Referring to what happened after David Icke's 1991 interview with Terry Wogan (Video 1), Icke said:
"One of my very greatest fears as a child was being ridiculed in public. And there it was coming true. As a television presenter, I'd been respected. People come up to you in the street and shake your hand and talk to you in a respectful way. And suddenly, overnight, this was transformed into 'Icke's a nutter.' I couldn't walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule."
Here is Wikipedia's description of David Icke. Keep in mind that Wikipedia is not a reliable source of unbiased information, especially when it comes to people who challenge the status quo:
David Vaughan Icke (born 29 April 1952) is an English conspiracy theorist and a former footballer and sports broadcaster. He has written over 20 books, self-published since the mid-1990s, and spoken in more than 25 countries.
In 1990, Icke visited a psychic who told him he was on Earth for a purpose and would receive messages from the spirit world. This led him to claim in 1991 to be a "Son of the Godhead" and that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. He repeated this on the BBC show Wogan. His appearance led to public ridicule. Books Icke wrote over the next 11 years developed his world view of a New Age conspiracy. Reactions to his endorsement of an antisemitic fabrication, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, in The Robots' Rebellion (1994) and in And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995) led his then publisher to decline further books, and he has self-published since then.
Icke contends that the universe consists of "vibrational" energy and infinite dimensions sharing the same space. He claims that there is an inter-dimensional race of reptilian beings, the Archons or Anunnaki, which have hijacked the Earth. Further, a genetically modified human–Archon hybrid race of reptilian shape-shifters -- the Babylonian Brotherhood, Illuminati or "elite" -- manipulate events to keep humans in fear, so that the Archons can feed off the resulting "negative energy". He claims that many public figures belong to the Babylonian Brotherhood and propel humanity towards a global fascist state or New World Order, a post-truth era ending freedom of speech. He sees the only way to defeat such "Archontic" influence is for people to wake up to the truth and fill their hearts with love. Critics have accused Icke of being antisemitic and a Holocaust denier with his theories of reptilians serving as a deliberate "code"...
David Icke Website:
David Icke on X:
See also:
Live Q&A With Brian Rose & David Icke At The World Premiere Of 'We Will Not Be Silenced'
David Icke on London Real:
Alex Jones Describes Vision From God That Changed His Life
Spiritual Experiences, Callings, Motivations, Practices
Video 1: David Icke On Terry Wogan Show 1991
Video 2: David Icke Interview, Ireland 1991
Gay Byrne talks to David Icke days after his controversial interview with Terry Wogan on the BBC.
During the interview with Terry Wogan, David Icke outlined how he believed he was the son of the Godhead. Speaking on the Late Late Show he explains this claim that he is the 'Son of God' and discusses his predictions about the future of the world.
"We are all the children of God. We are all created by God. We are created by the thoughts of God .... But some people come to earth, Jesus was one ... that are actually part of the soul of the Godhead ... to try to bring the truth to a planet that has lost that truth."
David Icke explains his 'Son of God' assertion
"No one is special... Godhead loves all of us as if there is one of us"
Gay Byrne introduces David Icke's earth transformation hypothesis which is outlined in his third book 'Truth Vibrations'
The world, the planet, as we know it, is destined to be destroyed in the near future, unless we, all of us, all the peoples of the planet, change their ways and get into line with the natural environment and start protecting the world and start protecting the environment and the planet, otherwise things are coming to a crunch.
David Icke is an English writer and public speaker in new age philosophies and conspiracy theories. He is known for his predilection for turquoise because the colour is a conduit of positive energy, love and wisdom for him.
A former professional goalkeeper, BBC sports broadcaster and Green Party Spokesman, his change in career originated in 1990 when he was told by a psychic that he was a healer who was on Earth for a purpose and in March 1991 he announced he was a "Son of the Godhead".
"The Godhead .... a Master Spirit at the Centre of All Creation."
This episode of The Late Late Show was broadcast on 10 May 1991. The presenter is Gay Byrne.
Video 3: David Icke On Wogan Now And Then
Video 4: David Icke - My Awakening
Excerpted from:
David Icke Tells All
Video 5: What Happens When We Die? - David Icke
The best of the best of the best COVID-19 resources, videos, and memes:
Tucker Carlson: "We just got to pray every night for Elon's health..."

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Tucker Carlson: "We just got to pray every night for Elon's health..."
Video source:
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Elon Musk Throws Monkey Wrench Into The Intelligence Community's "Censorship Deathstar"
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Elon Musk: When It Comes To Artificial Intelligence, Tesla Is Far Ahead Of Everyone!
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Tucker Carlson Interviews Elon Musk: Part 1 & 2 (The Complete, Unedited Interview)
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Full, Unedited Interview: Elon Musk Q&A With BBC Reporter James Clayton
Elon Musk To BBC Reporter James Clayton: "You Just Lied!"
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Tesla Investor Day 2023 - Master Plan 3: Sustainable Energy For All Of Earth (Full Presentation)
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Tucker Carlson: "It Might Be Worth Taking Just 10 Minutes To Say A Prayer For The Future..."

Sunfellow On COVID-19
Tucker Carlson During Speech At @Heritage Explains How To Understand What The People Wrecking Our Country Are Doing
"None of this makes sense in conventional political terms."
"When people. . .decide that the goal is to destroy things, destruction for its own sake, 'hey let's tear it down,' what you’re watching is not a political movement, it’s evil."
"It might be worth taking just 10 minutes out of your busy schedule to say a prayer for the future. And I hope you will!"
Source Video:
Tucker Carlson Tonight
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Fox News Fires Tucker Carlson! Here's The Fiery Monologue That May Be Responsible...
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The Archbishop Of Canterbury: "To Love One Another As Jesus Said: Get Vaccinated. Get Boosted."

Sunfellow On COVID-19
FYI Archbishop Justin Welby, Jesus Would Not Approve
On The Profound Betrayal Of Humanity By The Leader Of The Anglican Church
By Dr. Tess Lawrie, MBBCH, PHD
November 18, 2023
One of the most troubling occurrences during Covid-19 was the collusion of formal religion with the supranational military-industrial-banking complex to induce our compliance with unlawful, unscientific and downright harmful Covid-19 policies.
Not only was religion used as a tool to manipulate people to comply with political decrees, it was also used to propagate fear.
The speed at which church doors were shut whilst big business continued its trading was anathema to most people. When places of worship did open, people had the fear of (science) God put into them by the corporate media, politicians and their trusted religious leaders alike. Sanitising rituals were demanded upon entry, social distancing within churches was enforced with tape and stickers, and various religious practices were modified or curtailed.
Even singing in church was deemed dangerous. As such, it had to be done through face masks or was prohibited entirely. People not complying with these religio-political directives were often vilified, prevented from attending services and risked being cast out of their congregation. Fear of the latter kept many reluctantly acquiescent. Even my elderly parents regularly remarked how ridiculous, uncomfortable and de-humanising it was; how it was hard to breathe, let alone sing, through the mask -- and how going to church just wasn't the same.
Why was joy, love, compassion and trust so readily sent packing when Covid came along?
Why was the joy and community of regular Christian services systematically undermined? Why did religious leaders urge us to transfer our trust in ourselves and our spiritual relationships to conflicted scientists and politicians? Why were we encouraged to fear, instead of love and feel compassion for one another? And why was our faith abruptly deemed insufficient by religious leaders who fell quickly in step with directives from the New World Order planners?
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, may well know the answer to these questions. Welby has been the leader of the worldwide body of Anglican Christian churches since 2013. On the Anglican Communion website it states that, in the UK, 'He is regarded as the nation's senior Christian and spiritual voice,' and is the ecclesiastical lead over 13,000 parishes. In addition, church leaders and millions of Christians across 165 countries are likely to be guided by his leadership.
Given his reach and responsibility, Archbishop Welby in my opinion may be responsible for the most profound betrayal of Humanity in two thousand years.
When, in December 2021, the UK's Daily Mail ran an article quoting Welby as suggesting that Jesus would get the [Covid-19] vaccine, I could barely believe it. At the time, there were well over two million reports of associated adverse Covid-19 vaccine reactions, including thousands of deaths, reported to the World Health Organisation's Vigiaccess database; on the UK's Yellow Card scheme, there were about 400,000 individual reports with around 2,000 fatalities.
The World Council for Health (WCH), which had been established in September 2021 to provide trustworthy guidance in the face of the harmful official Covid policies, had already commenced it's 'Cease and Desist Campaign' to urgently raise awareness of these very concerning vaccine safety data and to advise vaccinators and others to stop vaccinating and promoting these novel injections. WCH had also published the Covid-19 vaccine spike protein detoxification guide:
The video accompanying the Daily Mail article on the 22nd December 2021 chilled me to the bone.
Urging people to get Covid-19 vaccinated, Welby emphasises in the Daily Mail video:
"It's not about me and my rights. Now, obviously there are some people who for health reasons can't go vaccinating -- [that's a] different question. But it's not about me and my rights to choose, it's about how I love my neighbour. To love one another as Jesus said: Get vaccinated. Get boosted."
This announcement by the Archbishop, a figure of worldwide Christian authority, leveraging Jesus' goodwill and our love for him against us to convince us to take Covid-19 injections should be a matter of great concern for all.
The Jesus I know would never have said that we should take as many vaccines as the military-industrial-banking complex tells us to.
He would never have promoted unsafe medical interventions that harm men, women, and children whilst lining the pockets of the rich; neither would he advocate for the derogation of individual sovereignty to state or supranational entities.
This is the antithesis of what Jesus stood for. Jesus healed with his hands and our faith. He stood for truth, justice, freedom and peace. Jesus was fighting the same corrupt system that exploits us today and targets our children from the shadows.
I'm not going to start unpicking all that I feel is so very evil about what Welby said. The way Welby used Jesus' words to promote the agenda of the military-industrial-banking complex, which seemingly will stop at nothing to materialise its 2030 Great Reset agenda, is disgusting and disgraceful in my opinion. However, it is not up to me to forgive or to judge the Archbishop. Ultimately, Welby will have his Judgement Day, as will we all, and I'm very glad not to be in his shoes.
A Better World is on the Way
The Roman Empire that crucified Jesus is finally crumbling as its latter-day representatives reveal themselves to be, indeed, wearing the Emperors' clothes. Thankfully, two thousand years later, all that has been hidden from us is being revealed. Evil will no longer be facilitated or tolerated in the world we are creating afresh together. It will no longer lurk in the shadows when we are done shining our lights on it.
A Better World for us, our children, and all creatures on this beautiful planet is being born. All that is required is that, in remembering who we are as human beings -- courageous, firm and loving, following Jesus' very human example -- we take care of one another, draw on our collective power, breathe and push.
See also:
Jesus would get a vaccine, Archbishop of Canterbury suggests as he says getting the jab is 'not about me and my rights to choose – it's about how I love my neighbour'
Collection Of Peer Reviewed Case Reports & Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post Covid Vaccination
Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report
More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries
COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS)
COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page
Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)
Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s
Vaccine-Induced "Turbo Cancer"
COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Shedding, DNA Contamination
COVID-19 Psychosis
COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People
Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood?
COVID-19 Healing Resources
Take A Moment To Be Kind... (The Highwire)
7 months ago
Excerpted from:
See also:
Del Bigtree @delbigtree videos on this Rumble channel:
The Little Things In Life Are The Big Things
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