2021 Shuv Show "Of Sukkot, Stones, Serpents, & Scorpions" Christene Jackman

6 months ago

2021 Shuv Show
"Of Sukkot, Stones, Serpents, & Scorpions"
Christene Jackman ©7.4.2021

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I'm your host, Christene Jackman. Shuv is an ancient Hebrew word from Scripture that means to turn, and not just in any direction—but to return—to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel. Avraham, Yitzak, v'Yaakov. The God of the Bible. The Creator of All.

Tonight's Title is: "Of Stones, Serpents, Scorpions & Sukkot"
I've been noticing that some believers often tend to underestimate God: His Power, His involvement, and especially His Love for us.
So many churches, shuls, synagogues, congregations that talk about the God of the Bible, but often times act as if He is not REALLY, real. Well, our Creator is real. And if the Bible is true, and I believe it is, then I expect God to act in a consistent manner, true to His nature, past, present and future.

It's time to examine what we've been taught about our Creator, either by word or omission of word; by deed or lack of deed. How can you discover just who God is? What He thinks. What He loves. What He hates. How He acts in dealing with us? The best place to start is: to actually read the Book He gave to us. It's the manual for mankind.

There is an appalling lack of knowledge of the Bible, even though it's more accessible than any other time in human history. Why is this? Many reasons. Too busy. Too lazy. Not interested. Disbelief. Rebellion. Doubts cast on the veracity of the Bible that lead to a dismissive attitude.

And for those who do read some of the Bible, it's often spotty learning, dipping toes only into the kiddie pool of the Word, reading it through the lens of a faulty premise and/or being in love with allegorizing the Scriptures, even when the literal is plainly meant to be taken literally. And we're left with a mess, bollygon. It's no wonder "believers" have such little positive impact on today's world. According to a survey from June 2020, 34% of Americans had never even read the Bible . . . "

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