National Renewal

3 months ago

It is becoming clear to ever more people that high-paying jobs have been lost, high inflation and taxes have hurt the pocketbook, wars have been a waste, infrastructure has deteriorated, crime has become more widespread, stress and health problems have increased, and more people have exhibited bizarre behavior.

Beyond that, more of us are realizing that this has been orchestrated for a long time. The evil cabal of power has maintained a grip on financial, political, bureaucratic and industrial institutions for centuries.

Meanwhile, aware individuals in key positions who recognized the infiltration and destructive actions of cabal operatives, have been working behind the scenes to expose and eliminate this societal cancer.

Yeswise Education Service holistic learning modules: health, poisons, survival, the conglomerate empire, holistic philosophy:

~ program archives, notes, resources:

~ survival preparedness:

~ natural health items:

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