DOES Historical Patriarchal Bible Training Breed Disrespect For/ UsingWomen? TD Covers Adam & Eve. Mature Christ. . Misogyny, Sordid Eli ..much more

4 months ago

THE pre Ichabod last chance. SEE I Samuel 1-3. Plus where all of this is the lower middle income, immature and quite shakey esteem. Even in the hierarchal ministry stereotyping ill leadership

No..its not the others faiths fault that the USA is in decline. It is THIS. It's a Glib Gossip, PREDATORY ACCUSING SELF SEEKING. BETRAYING AND TOO MUCH Narcessist Empire.. Fierce "from such turn away" Trendy Worship.Cult Often Tawdry Ego Occult Clan Cult and Ministry Yry. "We are the WAY the ONLY Truth and Are Right!
.little women are easy Prey. And are devalued demened and big Boss biased against. Even by the stern low level mirthless attack glum US targeting You. Skilled perceptive diving witchcraft haughty Occult seers

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